05-16-1966 HUCMI'Lay. 16., 1966 Month",.7 Meeting A monthly mr-ctyrg of the 'Iffictuchinsc,n 'Utilitle3 Cowrilsslon was on Ma7,, 16$ I966 in tile 1-,Ltchinson Utilities Bill-Ing Office, All Co-mr.,tissione-Irs ;,,ere prrssp..nt ; als- c Supt . R. E, . Yo-ang. Mot'-011 was m-a(le bir Corfmiissionc-r Tracy and secoreed by Comnls-,,t-crier Quade to invest t5n..(',00.00 in a TreDsurlT Dill. -- 100 days at 5.4C;r interest. Yotln,n 1,piss unanimously carrIed was lrwle by CorT,-!Issicner Qua fle an! second'ed by CormissToner Tracy to allow the 1-rollow-.7-rf, per month effective May 1, 1966. Tilt, riot 11.c)n was unan-lincusly ca-.-icd. Hugo Mall $25.00 D. Rube,!or 219.00 Joe Tlalters 50.00 1 0, . I,,'. S�tu�lel--an 2 G. Fratzkp, 2 0 . C. f I-. Cn- b)y the mcntll: Louis Francis 265.00 R. Ferr- y 2 6 1'-- . C' : 11. The following bi I is were a 11 cwo,l mctece rlurrbinE -R- He .t; 1 ng 11? .2 771. 519 .95 - Mrs 7r.-d rrig-s 6 03 20-00- C� -,q T --ancr " .. , Sur A�, . rc 1" 4 42r�.F-7- 7e le, n7l s 001 V7 .15, - _ '1-: 1. n sc n Clears ro,plS TTjt(, 7 13 01 . 1c, 1 C, - t hier ? s 797.4 3.92- 111 a ri" S 7 .7 0 . 3 771 28.F6 - Burme I S t C., r El cc 1c 113.2 771 10 607.20 - -T ray '�.,ar Flectric 11:7.2 L - 105.01- Nor,91-,�erg Yam'actur-'rAc 11 ` .1 #7 748.70 - GTC Auto Pa,-ts 734.4 '3 r e, E 1" C�j 777 0 .3 7, el 3, 6.61- 751 9 - 1 62.44- 3 6. 50 - A 111 1 s -C ha a. me r 7'71 4.4 10-73 - H.0 471-1,1-rs on T,c-,L(Rer 787.2 44 C0- T11.1 irtin Fash 'r-( n. Metal C,,--mpany 206 20- C-il - So-!t .,V,ater 740.4 79, 7 16.50- Don Comer 7?6 1j,217.05 - Hu t c h i ns- c n Suppl-y Corriptn',-F Hu 730?.' r7,�, 1 13.97 ITa4- %.urp,3. Gas Division 720.1. 777 16 5. 76.F' - .E i �t c I i - on c"l, e ph o ne C ompar:, rs 9 3 - 13 74-67- Zila Hardirvere 774.4 771. 19.78- Municipal EleclrS.c PI-art .10 1 t :V vs -s1., 6 E13 . CIS - TY ti n � . c i p a 1 "�t'a t e r De par t n-, e r t 730-1. 7r)7 'Z.7.Ao - Marshalltown ManufacturIni-:; C, 73(11.7 44.1 7- Inc, 730.3 31.10 - Eagle: Iran Works 7 � "i .1 hs 129.38 - mc, i- 4'n I. 1v m� cj,,.r -n�, -220 lEi S a n,-:- c 1. EC t I'l, C -23 :26 E. A 12, :user: 'I o rr, p & ny 2 C) 4 2( , 11 0 . c 0 arc o 17 c- r 17. n, C pa n y W74 • 11 13 7. 7e Grace-Lee, Precvl-ucts 1730.7 -10.74 C. ":7, C� . 3 I , 7 1 "it- of 11-1-2t cl--- i ns,--, z -i 75P.1 Anerl�',c,ir Su ply 730.7 q 7 Otto 7r-f 3 18 .211-5 .-o ` C, t J. 21-1.32 Conptjr),�,,�, 772. -,66-00 KeTrzkf- Paper Cormr-sry 7�7 .4 7.8 7 F.mn.zen 7n7 10 .46 T) C�)P Rez-all Dru- 7()7).4 5.46 4. EI-ectrile W3 734.4 lione 'Llskc;77i-, 210i 1, 7 P 7 Nat--Iorial 'T-,-rt C, nl 18 .3 2 Frf,-z! YcDowc.11 402 3.10 Northnivestern Supply o r i rjq-, i r Martin Falk Paper Conpen- y 1730).3 Kato Tool & Equil--ment Comm rry 771 49 -5S Leef Prothers Tne 7 Cf,", Sterllrgr Electric 113.2 6 1. . 3, 6 20.34 Grene,ra'l El ectr Ic C omp�i]: -v 77 Ben Jerabek 772 170 E,ordber - I.nnufact-urin- Co-q-s 77 4.1 r -/ Y/5 44.6a Hutch,Inscr Sheet Metal 'IV o r'k- s 797 4 Er l W i 111 a,-!-! s 77,z 4 85-52 Vincent Brass Company 774.n_ - r7 734.4 277, �-47 FiscY,erls Pakery CP 01 1, 55.10 AIrIcks 7 3 C". - E, 13r ".04 A 1-11 .'u" -C , a I P, e. r s 113.2 40F27.00 e rs k (., "apes aper cor,,,Pal,Y 0.511 --oh,,i,rt T.' Y e Tr! e, r S ts L 1 c- z S e r v I 11 Tr-7--CC,,m;nty lilw'ater Condition.ing 770 --.r. 5.150 Fred n s, r-F n A-02 F) c-7) r-) - 17 MunIc IPA I 71f, ct I-, j(-, ?1 Pe tty Ca s h 7 8.7,40 Nordl ber g Comp in 730.3 7 4.1 7 77.06 s -'-; I rs I. ou s e E le c ", r 1 Y 113 .2 730.3 1,69.47 M'Mneapolls 7tar L", Trilunr,, 72,7.2 53-90 ilut-chinson Telsp'none Companl' 703.3 Iz - 23.5= Gordon St-utzmar 402 5 . C,7) -11-48 Graybar El-c-,ctr"Ic 7 7 -Z 2 -,33-42, Nat'Loral Tea Company 31.e4 Rurmeister r'72 5.10 Sterling Elect-r'!^ Company 1].3.x? 17.72 v Richard Perry Salary Louis F, -r,%-:Lr.c is a I a. r-,; Richarl merry Sa Iar y Louis Frai.-icis r! Sa 7,,n- Nordberg Marufacturin, Corn pary 111.171 .2 #7 Municipal Electric Plant Petty rash Pover Supply Coraparly 734.4 Addre7solgraph-Multigrraph Corp. 781.4 Dover Corporatilcn 113 .1. #"1 Anderson, 11. e'lgeson, Lieser T1)orse,,,-, '733 Northern; States Supply 730.3 Texaco Inc 730.2 730.3 Great NortYlern Railway 771 R. E. Yo,.i ng 7 C-12. 2 Sterling Electric 730.7 Sinicnson Lurn'her Company 732 Gray�Iar Electric 111".2 771, Yc��-,t"'X,rn States Suz ply- 730.3 L Y,.-s Rul-y Engelkirg 402 Natic,mal Chems each. Cori) . 730.3 Durrou�,hs Corporation 793.4 Holder_ Ire Municipal Electric Plw,,t Petty Cash _,raybar 41c Westinghouse Electric Su ; ply. 713.2 772 P os t na s t E, r 781.2 781.3 NrtLral Gas Dl vision icle 734.4 " 4-he meet'nt� was adjourned. Thel,e no fl-,rther t,u­,_Iness! R. 111. A7 q7 e, rt I , Pre s T1 R _,ar_d_,—_P s i(I e nt . SpF-c"L.1 Yeet.Ing Ila Y ?.7, 1966. A special Meeting of the Utilitl-es Commissicn was hoId on fT 1"lay 17s 1',MC In the Hutc)-,incon Utilities Bijlir.g Office. All Co.r.,missiorers ivpre prpsert; also nup'c. ". 7. YourC. Harold SCY1017 of F. A. Pedersen Cormpary met with tY)e Commis,-,.4.cn a rx-1 d J. s - u s s e r! the d I s t r rq) There I-elng, no fLjrtl-ler was 2-' lourner"'. ATT'F.ST e c r e t ar 7T s i,-1p, nt,