06-06-1966 HUCM14.
Special Meeting
June 6, 1966.
A special meeting of the Hutchinson Utilities Commission was held
at the billing office of the Commission on June 6, 1966 at 4 :30 P. M.
All Commissioners were present; also Supt. Young and Attorney D. 0. Comer.`
Motion was made by Commissioner Q,uade and seconded by Commissioner Tracy
to meet on June 8, 1966 with Pfeifer & Schultz and Associated Consultants
(Don Swanson) at 5:00 P. M.
The meeting was adjourned until June S. 1966.
R. W. Dahl, ecretary.
ATTEST: l7 /_
R. I. Sheppard, Preside n
Special Meeting
June S. 1966.
A special Meeting of the Hutchinson Utilities Commission was held at
the billing office at 5:00 f3. M.
All Commissioners were present; also Supt. R. E. Young and Attorney
D. 0. Comer.
Upon motion duly made by Commissioner Tracy, seconded by Commissioner
Quade, and unanimously carried, it was decided that bids for the fire
and extended coverage, automobile and comprehensive liability, and
comprehensive coverage on motor vehicles, together with alternate
bids for extra expense insurance, were to be called for at an approp-
riate time in the future in'recognition of the variances in the bidding
as pointed out by Harold Grams, all of which have been corrected, or are
to be corrected, by the company to whom the insurance bid was awarded.
Requests for bids were sent to numerous reputable electrical contract-
ors for transformers and switchgear equipment to raise distribution
to 13,800 volts, with these bids to be opened at the meeting of the
Hutchinson Utilities Commission at 5:00 P. M. on June 8, 1966 at
the billing office.
The several bids submitted were opened and the low bid was that of E.
A. Pedersen Company, 1049 South Twentieth Street, Omahas Nebraska,
68108, in the amount of $Illp4OO.00. This being the low bid, the
President and Secretary of the Hutchinson Utilities Commission are
hereby authorized and directed to accept the bid of E. A. Pedersen