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11-07-1966 HUCM
350 Minutes of the Special Meeting of the Hutchinson Utilities Commission on October 21, 1966, at the Billing Office. Present Commissioners, H. P. wade, !President, Clint Tracy, Herb Filk: and also present were Secretary and Superintendent, Ralph Young, Phil Fuller and Merle Giving of Pfeifer & Schultz, Inc., Engineers, Minneapolis, Minnesota. Motion was made by Commissioner Filk and seconded by Commissl4ww Tracy to select the Allis- Chalmers top discharge generator. Mote was unanimously carried. Motion was made by Commissioner Filk and seconded by Commissioner Tracy that the meeting be adjourned. Motion was unanimously carried. ATTE r�w' if � No M , , M,. .m Sped ial Meeting November 7, 1966. As most of the Commissioners will be out of town on the regular meeting date of November 14, 1966 a special meeting was held on November 7, 1966 in the Hutchinson Utilities Office. All Commissioners were present; also Secretary R. L. Young and Attorney Comer. Two bids were received for a new switch -gear building. Betker Construction Company $69980.00 Luhman Construction, Inc. $7,800.00 Motion was made by Commissioner Filk and seconded by Commissioner Tracy to award the contract to - Betker Construction Company. Motion was unanimously carried. 1 36. Motion by Commissioner 803 Mrs. Marlin Diers 402 was made Tracy and seconded by Commissioner Hutchinson Telephone Filk that a. charge of $10.00 be made for the use of the Addressograph Duncan Compare Machine if an addre:ssographing service is performed. Motion was Walter R. Hammond Company unanimously carried. Municipal dater Department 730.1 Phief er & Schultz Motion was made by Commissioner- Tracy and seconded by Commissioner Moehring Motors Filk to hire Joharma Ewald at a monthly salary of $240.00 per 730.5 month. Motion was unanimously carried. - 759.2 Motion was made by Commissioner Filk and seconded by Commissioner Tracy to authorize the Secretary to reinvest the Federal Security maturing 16vember 15, 1966. Motion was unanimously carried The following bills were allowed: Mrs. Fred Briggs 803 Mrs. Marlin Diers 402 Alice Olson 402 Nordberg Manufacturing C ompanyll3.1 Hutchinson Telephone 793.3 Larry Graf 730.4 Duncan Compare 734.4 Zila Hardware 734.4 Walter R. Hammond Company 734..4 Municipal dater Department 730.1 Phief er & Schultz 211 National Cheamsearch Corp 734.4 Moehring Motors 759.2 Popp t s Hutchinson Cleaners 730.5 Fischer's Bkkery 801 Myron Wigen Chevrolet 759.2 Standard Oil 729 Estherts 793.4 Bermes ier Electric 113.2 Texaco Inc 730.2 Standard Oil 730.2 Graybar Electric 113.2 D. 0. Comer 796 American Linen Supply 730.5 Natural Gas Division 729.1 Red Owl Food Stores 801 Martin Bush Iron & Metal 206 National Test Company 801 Municipal Electric Plant Petty Schenk Super Service 759.1 Westinghouse Electric 113.2 Graybar Electric Company 113.2 Joseph E. Dahl 734.4 Northern States Supply 730.3 771 797 730.3 777 Cash 207.00 2.42 3.35 82.71 78.49 20.00 a *63 59.85 28.50 108.73 2,806.32 31.09 12.20 118.45 62.65 1.50 1,846.03 13.91 258.25 93.95 2, 058.21 21.32 1,549.10 33.44 16,628.79 14.95 6.57 48.56 70.74 3.36 103.25 114.71 15.02 16.62 k FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF 'MINNEAPOLIS MINNIE APOLIS, MINNESOTA RFftIVFn Tuc cnI I nw,u,- P%L ---- -- n No. 261442 AC UNT. NO. t tRAN.At TION CO NUMBER CD AT! { B 9'49 + 9 44 14.42 11 3 © 66 EMI BOOK !O I C I TZ BK HUTCH 1 NSON NN 8D 6034 1 _ _ Q Ii " [ K` JRCUNITY NO.. CALL RATE MAT. OR PAR _.Al1T 12ED SIONA TURF _ FACE AMT /WO SHARL• Ca fwTgRKOT A 000073941 NC 0535Q 020167 — ^ --`� 5 00 90S OFBO1 04 I �t.er � IPEDERAL SECURITY DESCRIPTION INTER CREDIT BANKS DEB REC FNCB REC S174200 50M INT AT MAT $1,968.82 :j:NV DEPT TRANSACTIONU S� M -PTION ' A/C HUTCHINSON UTILITY COMMISSION EL , INTCR!!T DAT! !T INT. AMOUNT. REGULAR INT. AMOUNY INTEREST OAYE. DATED REClIVlD WI THIN!lCUMTIES OP, E ;'A}I U DAT1� M>�il DESCRIPTION OF ENTRY - DEBI7 11 CREDIT —IT77T li 11 BOOK VALUi X44. 177 WEV. 5.66. , AI/►/II�SJ CE!ATIA CS. It- c A.+l- LLI. :. . N ....�.. �. �.. ...7.w ��.. rlkA #Att{b , *11I.!lMAN!B 1 , fiNIM1itCR .a `ry fUI RII L^R' [ A. -C�OyU /N.T NUMBER SECURITY CODE NUMBEN #PRINCIPAL 01 YU S' SOLO `� O + `' ♦ C7 O l �{ ' L' C I ## AGENT 02 YOU BOUGHT 7RADk: DATE SETT~ L�� k 1'� ' 0 0 �' (, j ' � ) � n � DATE A�..�,. - _;._.._ ., f P�N'f`LIlOy,, IN RES.:. YIELD PAYS TO .,.1 �_ �_11 _� IC) 11 : X�. MA RI 7Y COLLAR PRICE PRINCIPAL AMOUN' {- 5 _ --„- MIS NET PRINCIPAL I I , I 4 9; , 9 __ -_ 1 3 RAIL * A # ACCRUED. INTEREST E ERAL' I NTE,R%l n _ �� — .� 1'_� ; ! I;lt 4 1: D ED I AT /E CRE" I T DANK nr,zENIPURE 53 5 0I ICI I CALLABLE I' I i I Qt i AMOUNT V. fD DUE � ,...,�I r 1 Z ni T SK CUST HUTCH IN30 N UTI L TY CQ'. S TCr!�r""T" 01 TI :iE S {SANK NOV _T' �� HUTC 50 N V I NN i i�IR l CdA II:�f`Ji',Ll E'� J. 1MF[li1r0VE i>f NOT IN CCORbANCE WITH :YlUl UNDEY3TANOING. F?LCASE NOTIFY US IMMEDIA7S1_V. M1 ♦ ## # # ♦. CONFIRMATION } i� t0%NdA$+yON NALEEMAN'd y �d 1itiM��1 NUMBER ACCOUNT NUMBER 5CCURlty CODE NUMBER `# PRINCIPAL DT YOU SOLD .TRADE OATI6 BST LT I • *AGENT 02 You OAT[. ,y 3468' -0810 6034 09. -27C? 0?67G 3 0 1 �_, 7 z �.�15�66 YACC AMk1UNT(NO: SNARtd 37. D ' DAYS TO DOLLAR PRICE y ` MATURITY PRINCIPAL AMUUN T' 1/� MISC. .[... NET. PRINCIPAL l' 5 4 0; , �., Q _Jc, 49 �33715p .RAT E� ACCRUED INTERE$f _ o i E? rj F 1 Ll 1} 13 t F DERAI...INTlrVE IATE CREr? T BANK 11F }iEN(r( a��- � 5 1 ' 1 � 5 % n1 116 7 I CALLABLE I I i AMC UNT $: , SK CUST HUTCH; NSON U71 L.I TY CW S� r .»'�i `, DUE $ l7 C I TI ZENS BIwK NOV 16,1461 NN . ► ' HUTCH NSON ';�IN k -.i r'F���Ilv4t. 1 �f` ►iit v3 NI!NN. ,�r+�iAll, 0 Y5 NOT IN A RDANCG W17ki YtlUi! UNtiEg9TANl71NG. PG_EASE NOTIP" US IMMEDIATELY. . .9EE ♦ #A ♦#i { ` CONFIRMATION . 4 ".,L -- I 37. Beef Bros Inc 730.5 113.2; Williams 730.3 730.4 110.55 Alrick!s 730.5 79.61 Standard Printing Company 793.4 66.55 Home Bakery 801 16.69 Sterling Electric Company 113.2 771 3.24 Ddnnis Hendrickson 402 1.10 .Nordberg Manufacturing Company 113.1 #7 4,682.40 Schneider Electric & Equip. 730.3 302.00 Nordberg Manufacturing Company 113.1 #1 # "2 11.11 National Bushing & Cart Company 734.1 #1 #'2 46.51 Sterling Electric 771 26.91 Citizens Insurance Agency 114- 35.00 Culligan Soft Water Service 730.4 797 16.50 Lyons Chemical Inc 730.3 2.35 Del Chemical Corporation 732 48.46 Addressograph- Multigraph 781.4 6.68 General Electric Supply 793.4 49.50 Tom Nielsen _- 402 1.69 Nalco Chemical C ompnay 730.3 31000 Manze 1 734.1 #-7 12.94 Premier Fastener Company 734.4 61.25 Westinghouse Electric aupply 113.2 345.26 The Hilliard Corporation 730.3 82.20 Williams 734.4 4.25 Edwin L. Wiegand 730.3 211.62 All City Electric 113.2 27.50 Johanna Ewald 402 5.63 10.10 R. R.. Berry 402 5.63 10.25 Don ,Broten 402 5.6 3 12.40 Municpal Electric Plant Petty Cash 88.58 Central Chemical Company 730.3 19.01 John J. Yetzer 801 9.96 Railway Express Agency 730.3 5.80 Premier Fastener Company 734.4 171.25 The Satterlee Company 734.4 43.45 Burmeister Electric Company 113.2 1,296.00 Duncan Company 734.4 7.60 Graybar Electric 113.2 106.35 Luxor LAghting Products 730.3 13.33 Hay, Candy Company 730.3 16.00 Ted Jaskoviak Salary 109.90 Johanna Ewald Salary 89.40 Ted Jaskoviak Salary 121.12 Johanna Ewald Salary 56.06 Upon Lotion made by Commissioner Filk, seconded by Commissioner . Tracy and unanimously adopted, it was moved to adjourn the meeting. ATTES * s e e ary. . quads; Fresiden7