12-12-1966 HUCM38. JI Regular Meeting December 12, 1966. The regular meeting of the Hutchinson Utilities Commission was held on December 12, 1966 at the Utilities Office at 3:00 P. M. Minutes of the last meeting were read and approved. Motion was made by Commissioner Filk and seconded by Commissioner Tracy to reinvest the Federal security maturing December 1, 1966. New investment in the amount of $51,604.38. Motion was unanimously carried. Motion was made by Commissioner Filk and seconded by Commissioner Tracy to contribute $15,000.00 to the General Fund of the City of Hutchinson. Motion was unanimously carried. The following bond consultants were individually allowed time to meet with the Commissiont Mr. John D. Hickerson of Allison & Williams Mr. Robert Sanders of Juran& Moody Inc. Mr. T. E. Shaughnessy of Shaughnessy & Co. Mr. David T. Goblirsch .of T. G. Evensen & Associates No action was taken as more ,fiscal agents were expected to give quotations. The following bills were allowed: Mrs. Fred Briggs 803 20.00 Municipal Electric Plant. ! 202 Petty Cash 125.82 Popp's Hutchinson Cleaners 730.5 109.35 Westinghouse Electric Supply ! 113.2 141.85 Postmaster 793.1 5.71.00 Natural Gas Division 729.1 777 17,596.16 Simonson Lumber Company 735 55.27 .B. M. Stolpman 730.4 29.00 Kato Tool & Equipment Company 771 56.40 Anderson Chemical Company 730.3 310.15 Del Chemical Coproation 732 45.38 Municipal Electric Plant Petty Cash 70.29 Hutchinson Medical Center 801 30.00 Hutchinson Telephone Company 793.3 73.31 Joseph E. Dahl & Company 734.4 2.91 H. P. Quade 792.1 34.15 American Linen Supply Company 730.5 26.67 Leef Bros. Inc 730.5 153.62 The Satterlee Company 734.4 32.35 Graybar Electric 113.2 617.11 H. A. Dobratz & Sons 797 5.35 Ben Jerabek 206 771 8.99 Esthers 793.4 4.35 FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF MINNEAPOLIS DBFAH'FMhAT CITIZENS BANK Trade Date 12/1/66 HUTCHINSON MINNESOTA 36972 HJ SETTLEMENT DATI Payment due on or before Account Charge AS PRINCIPAL, WE AGREE TO SELL TO YOU AGAINST PAYMENT ON SETTLEMENT DATE THE FOLLOWING Ledger ri $50.000 FEDERAL HOME LOAN BANKS 5.4o% 3/27/67 99 31/32 *49.984,3811-1."*., INT 4/25 TO 12/1/66 1.620, 00 P CHARGE A/C HUTCHINSON UTILITIES ELECTRIC DIVISION $51.6o4 38 SK YOU (P A 11 D KEN CHARD FO' 1,66 '18 N ACCO CS W NO?IRA,ff NAI 10 113SN"Col PER% SM MNA ONAL BANH Interest shown has been computed to 'OF . MINNEAPOLIS settlement date at the coupon rate. INVWSTURNT DZPARTURNT CONFIRMATION �,�s..�wxew. `ry �,�a,n,�,.,�sr.�NA� � 4 +.�,.�,a „,�,.,��x..,�.. �' 1�° �:�.”` ;� �� i •t ��� ���w i1sn►i� o T A r 11 WL 'cv M. i P! f� 240, f' M 1 ►� N E A R ih �, l M , M w M, � ' *'"' , q' NTHIr FQI - QWINO @$GIiIP R;BEGtIR1Ti Ss 494 9 44' 2487 C A O.Nrt -. Mr - ..�. -•--- ... '^^." .MOON NUM ER + ' SK HUTCHINSON'MINN GUST SO 6034801 QQ 0037351 ` NC 05400 032757 ..- -- ffCURiTY DI ` tat'RA`I. , HOME LOAN BANK NOTE REG :Mir I tern r» FNCB REG S172948 SW4 INT AT 14AT $M90.00'' 39. Pfeiffer & Schultz Inc 211 35.10 Alr is k f s 730.5 67.26 Hanson Pump Service Company 734.4 15.54 Hoel Distributing Company 759.2 1.50 E. A. Pedersen & Company 204.5 40500.00 Standard Printing Company 781.3_ 52.90 Popp Rexall Drug 793.4 3.92 Home Bakery 801 78.12 Myron Wigen Chevrolet 759.1 799.2 99.90 Moehring Motors 759.1 759.2 8.20 Wallace Ohland 108 4.35 Zila Hardware 734.4 30.21 Address ogra ph Mult igraph 781.4 781.5 5.40 Pfeiffer & Schultz Inc 211 39067.74 Hutchinson Fa xMers Union Co -op. 759.1 78.69 R. E. Young " 792.2 22.70 Municipal Electric Plant Petty Cash 35.09 A. L. Hepner 113.2 730.3 171.36 Northern States Supply Company 730.3 19.61 Sterling Electric Company 734.4 802.3 20.90 Imperial Suptily Company 793.4 ___ 5.29 Allis Chalmers 1 3.2 - 361.00 Culligan Soft Water ��/30.4 9.29 George Mulholland 771 11.37 Hutchinson Wholesale Company Fire Ext ingusher 759.2 730.4 797 SON 61. CommerciAl Filters Corporation 730.3 155.25 Municipal Electric Plant Petty Cash 43.17 StandardOil 729 71197.18 Crane & Owway Company 730.3 10.63 Phoell Manufacturing Company 730.3 6.88 Williams 734.4 13.50 Garland Inc 734.4 8.46 Power Supply Company 734.1 #l. #2 33.35 Haag Candy Company 797 56.73 Burmeister Electric 113.2 60.50 Westinghouse Electric Supply 113.2 147.88 Nordberg Manufacturing Company 113.1 #7 1,240.34 Graybar Electric 113.2 771 131488 Texaco Inc 730.2 730.3 141.72 Marshallteown Manufacturing Company 730.3 24.22 Lew Bonn Company 734.3 20.10 Lavin Nott : 402 7.93 Texaco Inc 734.2 51.68 Municipal Electric Plant Petty Cash 27.59 Burmeister Electric Company 771 4.25 Williams 734.4 76.17 Addbes s ogra ph Mult igraph 781.5 15.00 . Standard Oil Sterling Electric Company 730.2 771 29058.21 6.50 40. - Graybar Electric Company Walter R. Hammond Company Standard Oil 113.2 259.25 734.4 28.50 729 1,899.92 There being no further business, motion was made by Commissioner Filk and seconded by Commissioner Tracy that the meeting be ad jo- nrned. Motion was unanimously carried. ATTEST )er 29, 1966. Spec lal Meeting . A special meeting of the Hutchinson Utilities Commission was held on December 29, 1966 in the Hutchinson Utilities Billing office at 3:30 P. M. All Commissioners were present; also Secretary R. R. Young. Secretary Young was instructed to obtain reservations for the Electrical Convention to be held Feb. 5, 6, and 7th. A future convention to be held during the month of May in Denver was also discussed. It was noted that two Commissioners would not be in Hutchinson on the regular meeting date of January 9th; motion was made by Commissioner Filk and .seconded by Commissioner Tracy to schedule the regular meeting on January 12, 1967 at 3 :00 P. M. Motion was unanimously carried., ATTEST, H. wade, President* 1 U 1