03-13-1967 HUCM50. Regular Meeting. March 13,1967. The regular meeting of the Hutchinson Utilities Commission was held at the Hutchinson Utilities Billing Office on the 13th day of March, 1967 at four o'clock P. M. All Commissioners were present; also Supt. R. E. Young. The meeting was called to order by the President and the minutes of the previous meeting were read and approved as read. Motion was made by Commissioner Tracy and seconded by Commissioner Filk to invest $74,221.83 in a U. S. Treasury Bill. Motion was unanimously carried. Motion was made by Commissioner Tracy and seconded by Commissioner Filk to advertise in the Hutchinson Leader for insurance bids. Bids to be received in the Billing Office by four o'clock P. M. on March 30, 1967. Motion was un- animously carried. WOtU- TIES C I COMMISSION OF THF' CITY OF HUTCHINSON, MIN- NESOTA Sealed bids will be received by the Hutchinson Utilities' Commission for the following insurance coverages effective April 1, 1967. (Fire and Ex -. tended Coverage policies and Comprehensive Liability poli- cies to be written on three (3) ` year annual installment basis and motor vehicle liabil- ity on annual basis.) Said bids will be received. up to 4 p.m. on Marti► 30, 1967, at the billing office of the Hutchinson Utilities Commis- sion at 22 Main Street North;,' Hutchinson, Minnesota. A ,copy of the policies must accompany bid. These policies . must show ; coverages as . `set 1 1 CGNMRMAT10N CALL 1:'OR BIDS FOR INSURANCE ON RISKS OF THE ,HUTCIHNSON UTILI# TIES CO9- miS$ION OF Tilt CITY ,OF HUTCHINSON, MIN + -i .NESOTA Sealed bids will be reeelv#4 by the Hutchinson Utilitied !, Commission for. the follovia' insurance coverages e#ectiWp April Ij, 196.7. (Fire and Elf 1 tended Coverage policies -sib Compreheu>osive Liability prfii.' Ojos to be written on throw: (3) ;,.year annual installment be#%, and motor vehicle liabil- ity OAhmal basis.) Said >btft 'will be. received up to 4 p.m. on March $0, 1067,o at the billing office. of the Itutipbukoo Utilities Commie - 41" 1 sit 19 Main Street North, Hutchf ftn, Minnesota. A copy of the policies th4f 8,eonmpany bid. These poikki must show coverages as $* forth it4specifications contain- ed ,a this, call for bids: The specifications and to- s urow eoverages . to bb b , may WoUained at the bolt bffiare.' :.: rkht is,reservad.to re- top" -R., E. '16ung,,Secretary HlitcWw Utilities; Com- lxlissic� = ghrw Affidavit of Publication STATE OF MINNESOTA,) COUNTY OF McLEOD, ) ss. L. D. Mills, being duly sworn, on oath says he is and during all the times herein stated has been the publisher and printer of the newspaper known as The Hutchinson Leader and has full knowledge of the facts herein stated as follows: (1) Said newspaper is p37inted in the English language in newspaper format and in column and sheet form equivalent in printed space to at least 900 square inches. (2) Said newspaper is a semi - weekly and is distributed at least twice each week. (3) Said newspaper has 25% of its news columns devoted to news of local interest, to the community which it purports to serve and does not wholly duplicate any other publication and is not made up entirely of patents, plate matter and advertisements. (4) Said newspaper is circulated in and near the municipality which it purports to serve, has at least 500 copies regularly delivered to paying subscribers, has an average of at least 75% of its total circulation currently paid or no more than three months in arrears and has entry as second class matter in its local post - office. (5) Said newspaper purports to serve the City of Hutchinson in the County of McLeod and it had its known office of issue in the City of Hutchinson, in said county, established and open during its regular business hours for the gathering of news, sale of adver- tisements and sale of subscriptions and maintained by the managing officer of said newspaper or persons in its employ and subject to his direction and control during all such regular business hours and at which said newspaper is printed. (6) Said newspaper files a copy of each issue immediately with the State Historical Society. (7) Said newspaper has complied with all the foregoing conditions for at least two years preceding the day or dates of publication mentioned below. (8) Said newspaper has filed with the Secretary of State of Minnesota prior to January 1, 1966, and each January 1 thereafter an affidavit in the form prescribed by the Secretary of State and signed by the managing officer of said newspaper and sworn to before a notary public stating that the newspaper is a legal newspaper. He further states on oath that the printed. Ca11.1or. , Bich.. for.. Insur. ante on Risks of the. Hutchinson Utilities Commission ,,, ..... .. hereto attached as a part hereof was cut from the columns of said newspaper, and was printed and published therein in the English language, once each week, for. tWQ ...............1.,....... successive weeks; that it was first so published on.. XSs%u� =e.9. d.��. Y .......the. 15.th day of.. March ...................1967.. and was tahereafter printed and published on every W¢. G►� ay........to and including the. .2 nti....day of... Rl.14 ., .ch...........16T. and that the following is a printed copy of the lower case alphabet from A to Z, both inclusive, and is hereby acknowledged as being the size and kind of type used in the composition and publication of said notice, to wit: abedefghijklmnoprgstuvwxyz 51/ pt. abcdefghijklmnopgrstuvwxyz 6 pt. abedefghijklmnopgrstuvwxyz 7 pt. 8 abcdefghijklmnopgrstuvwxyz ... . .. .. ........... .. Subscribed and sworn to before me this.,Vfl of.... et Cumming Notary Public, McLeod County, Minr. My Commission Expires October 27, (Notarial Seal) 51. Motion made by Commissioner Filk and seconded by Commissioner Tracy to purchase a recorder frequency meter from the E. A. Pedersen Company in the amount of $930.00. Motion was unanimously carried. Resolved that, in accordance with intendent, and after investigation accounts owing; by customers of the uncollectable and as bad debts and March 31, 1967, out of the current C ommis si on: the recommendations of the Super - and consideration, the following Utilities Commission be charged off as that the same be written off as of earnings of the Hutchinson Utilities Little Richard's 1 -88 198.52 Clarence Danek 3 -20 41.30 Mike Me7Ter 3 -212 4 -387 42.18 Dennis 7 redrickson 8 -172.1 .23 Darla Johns 8 -344 27.06 Gene Hennessey 11 -52 7.83 Richard Rannow 14 -95 5.08 L. p. Fail 16 -99 17.30 Gordon Lau.rey 16 -128 30.57 Milan Zdrazil 21 -10.A 17.11 Arden Anderson 12 -228 21.78 408.96 The following bills were allowed Munipalities Association 801 200.00 Hagg Candy Company 730.3 69.00 Burton A. Holmberg 402 6.68 Zila Hardware 734.4 771 26.08 W. S. Nott Company 734.4 80.66 Sterling Electric Company 113.2 771 104.27 Phoell Manufacturing Company 730.3 33.22 Thompson - Hayward Chemical Company 730.3 118.50 American Linen Supply 730.5 22.81 Rockite Silo Inc 735 4.10 Hutchinson Telephone Company 793.3 86.07 Popp's Hutchinson Cleaners 730.5 99.20 Natural Gas Division 729.1 777 15,230.32 DeWayne Rubedor 792.2 13.40 Arthur Bjerken 792.2 3.60 Milton Studeman 792.2 15.35 Mrs . Fred Briggs 803 20.00 E. A. Pedersen Company 204.5 29-500.00 Highway Standard 734.1 #1 3.00 Home ,as Company 73 0.3 4.76 GTC Auto Parts 759.1 4.80 Myron Wi -en Chevrolet 759.1 759.2 8.70 Munipal Electric Plant Pett1T Cash 80.19 Moehrins Motors 759.1 2.80 Burmeister Electric Company 11 3.2 4.55 52 . Boustad Electric & Manufacturing Co. 734.1 #2 44.64 Home Bakery 801 78.30 Esther's 793.4 23.15 Frank Motor C ompa ny 759.1 76.14 Standard Oil 729 730.2 49104.89 Betker Constr>>ction Company 202.5 1,578.50 Standard Oil 729 51100.93 Burmeister Electric Company 113.2 68.47 Central Supply Company 734.4 24.20 Graybar Electric Company 11_3.2 111.00 Lorraine Linkman Treasurer 801 15.00 Chicago & NW Railway Company 778 25.00 Standard Printing Company 781.3 793.4 50.15 Texaco Inc 730.2 23-65 Paul Teigen 402 8.63 Anderson Chemical Company 730.4 50.00 Leef Brothers Inc 730.5 188.02 Hoffman PlumbinT & Heating 735 27.06 Northern States Supply Company 730.3 6.90 Williams 734.4 10.09 Burroughs Corporation 793.4 53.50 Natural Gas Division 108 3,352.71 Wallac - & Ternan Inc 730.3 2.75 Municipal Electric Plant Petty Cash 57.93 Herb Filk 792.1 71.40 Howard Quade 792.1 104.40 R. E. Young 792.2 53-15 James W. Joyce 108 2.83 Ad dre s s ograph -Mult igraph 781.4 12.20 Mrs. Terry Wagener 402 4.85 Ramona Norbie 402 5.68 Kato Tool & Equipment Company 734.4 771 18.34 John Henry Foster Company 734.4 71.38 Municipal Electric Plant Petty Cash 30.20 Standard Oil 729 8,163.91 Graybar Electric Company 113.2 12.00 Eagle Iron Works 734.1 3,45 445.13 Williams 74.4 51.81 Postmaster 781.2 560.00 Imperial Supply Company 793.4 9.38 Nalco Chemical Company 730.3 707.06 The Bristol C ompa ny 734.4 144.70 Graybar Electric Company 205 771 26.97 John Henry Foster 734.4 97.20 Sterling Electric Company 113.2 57.92 DelVa yne Ru be d or 771 12.00 Standard Oil 729 1,050.20 Simonson Lum -er Company 732 10.74 Municipal Electric Plant Petty Cash 39.80 ADVERTISEMENT FOR BIDS FOR , 1967 POWER PLANT ALTERATIONS HUTCHINSON UTILITIES COMMISSION. CITY OF HUTCHINSON, MINNESOTA Sealed bids will be received, in triplicate, at the office of the Hutchinson Utilities Commis- sion, in the City of Hutchin ^on, Minnesota until 2:00 o'clock p.m. on the 15th day of March, 1967 and publicly opened and considered at 2:00 o'clock p.m. on the same day for construct- ing the 1967 Power Plant Al- terations to the Municipal Pow - er Plant at Hutchinson, Minne- sota. All work shall be in strict,, accordance with the plans and specifications as ;prepared by Pfeifer and Shultz, Inc., Engin- eers, 270 South Plaza Building, 100 -12 Plaza. - Minneapolis, Min - nesota,..5541.6, and as are on file with the Hutchinson Util -' ities Commission of the City of Hutchinson, Minnesota. All proposals shall be made on forms ' as embodied `in, and made a part of, these specifi- cations or an exact copy, and shall be addressed to: Hutchinson Utilities Commission City of Hutchinson Hutchinson, Minnesota and endorsed: Bid for: 1967 Power Plant Alterations Copies of the plans and spe- cifications may be obtained , from the 'Engineer on deposit of the sum of Fifty Dollars ($50.00) each. Partial refund on these specifications is Thir- ty Dollars ($30.00). individual plans for $1.00 each. No refund will be made on specification sheets. or individual plans or complete sets not returned. Each proposal shall be ac- companied by a cash deposit, certified check or bid bond made payable to the Hutchinson Utilities Commission, City` of Hutchinson, Minnesota, in the aniount of ten per cent (10 %) of the bid, as a guarantee that the Bidder will enter into the proposed contract within the time snecified. _Should any bidder whose pro. posal has been accepted by the Hutchinson Utilities Commis - sion, refuse, fail or -neglect to execute the attached contract and furnish a satisfactory per- formance bond therefor, it is understood and agreed between said Commission and said ac- cepted bidder that said ten per cent (10 11o) shall be the amount of liquidated damages occa- sioned by such failure, refusal, or neglect, and that thereupon, said Commission shall realize on said bid security and use the proceeds in payment of said damages. The bid recur ify accompanying rejected bids will be promptly returned to the bidders upon the signing of the "contract; or'the 'rejection of bids: The bidder shall furnish a statement satisfactory to ; the said City of Hutchinson, Min- nesota that he his a qualified bidder and that he maintains a permanent place of business: that. he has had experience a% required in these specifications in constructing work of the size' and character `as, that in- cluded in his proposal; and that he has the necessary fi- nancial resources to properly execute the contract. Such statement shall be 'furnished before the contract award, and the award, if made, will be contingent upon such state- ment. The right is reserved to re- ject any or all bids, or to ac- cept such bid or bids as, in the ,opinion of the Hutchinson Util. sties Commission will be to the 'best interests of the City of Hutchinson, Minnesota. No bidder may withdraw his bid for at least thirty (30) days after the scheduled clos- ing time for the receipt of bids: Published by authority of the 'Hutchinson Utilities Commis- sign of the City of Hutchinson, Minnesota. Dated at Hutchinson, Minne- sota, this 10th day of February, 1967. 741 ITCHINSON < UTILITIES Affidavit of Publication STATE OF MINNESOTA,) COUNTY OF McLEOD, ) ss. L. D. Mills, being duly sworn, on oath says he is and during all the times herein stated has been the publisher and printer of the newspaper known as The Hutchinson Leader and has full knowledge of the facts herein stated as follows: (1) Said newspaper is printed in the English language in newspaper format and in column and sheet form equivalent in printed space to at least 900 square inches. (2) Said newspaper is a semi - weekly and is distributed at least twice each week. (3) Said newspaper has 25% of its news columns devoted to news of local interest to the community which it purports to serve and does not wholly duplicate any other publication and is not made up entirely of patents, plate matter and advertisements. (4) Said newspaper is circulated in and near the municipality which it purports to serve, has at least 500 copies regularly delivered to paying subscribers, has an average of at least 75% of its total circulation currently paid or no more than three months in arrears and has entry as second class matter in its local post- office. (5) Said newspaper purports to serve the City of Hutchinson in the County of McLeod and it has; its known office of issue in the City of Hutchinson, in said county, established and open during its regular business hours for the gathering of news, sale of adver- tisements and sale of subscriptions and maintained by the managing officer of said newspaper or persons in its employ and subject to his direction and control during all such regular business hours and at which said newspaper is printed. (6) Said newspaper files a copy of each issue immediately with the State Historical Society. (7) Said newspaper has complied with all the foregoing conditions for at least two years preceding the day or dates of publication mentioned below. (8) Said newspaper has filed with the Secretary of State of Minnesota prior to January 1, 1966, and each January 1 thereafter an affidavit in the form prescribed by the Secretary of State and signed by the managing officer of said newspaper and sworn to before a notary public stating that the newspaper is a legal newspaper. 7 He further states on oath that the printed.. Adverti.s.eme.nt.Xor..Bids.... for 1967 Power Plant Alterations .. .................................................................... ............................... hereto attached as a part hereof was cut from the columns of said newspaper, and was printed and published therein in the English language, once each week, for .... four.. i s zute,.e.... successive weeks; that it was first so published on.w.t�. dne.sAa.y..........the..l5t11 Feb ��77 Frid yv Webrilary 1�� �.�6� day of ... .......u4�Y............196.l..� and was tiSeiea er prin e a d pu li he n very Friday, FebrurdcTlttain thb7 Wedrl�c�ay� March 1 ''jj 967 �.. f..19� .. and that the following is a printed copy of the lower case alphabet from A to Z, both inclusive, and is hereby acknowledged as being the size and kind of type used in the composition and publication of said notice, to wit: (Notarial Sea]) abcdefgbJJklmnoprgstuvwxyz 5y._. pt. abcdefghijklmnopgrstuvwxyz 6 pt. abedefghijklmn:opgrstuvwxyz 7 pt. ` abedefghijklmnopgrstuvwxyz 8 pt. /� `��...... Subscribed and sworn to before me this��! of. �.:..�L/L�.:.... 19(�� an Cumming Notary Public, McLeod County, Minnesot,i My Commission Expires October 27. 19 Form 2336y --A ®davit of Publication— Amendment of 1966. Miller -Davie Co., Minneapolis 1967 POWER PLANT ALTERATIONS, xI'TCHINSON UTILITIES COM- AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION ,. MISSION —BIDS CLOSE MARCH 1. Hutchinson, Minn. ADVERTISEMENT FOR BIDS_ Mate Ainne�ota, Sealed bids will be received, in tripli- of cate, at the office of the Htuchinson it. Utilities Commission, in the City of Hennepin Hutchinson, Minnesota until 2:00 o'clock County Of .... ....... .................. P.M. on the 15th day of March, 1967, and publicly opened and considered at 2:00 o'clock P.M. on the same day c, n J. Linn a A! Vertisln lerk being duly swotn, x............. 7.................. for constructing the 1967 Power Plant .................................... .................. ... .............................., Alterations to the Municipal Power on oath says he is and during all the times herein stated has been the publisher and printer of Plant at Hutchinson, Minnesota. All work shall be in strict accordance with Construction Bulletin the plans and specifications as pre- the newspaper known as .......................... ................. , and has full ............................- ........ ................ pared by Pfeifer and Shultz, Inc., ngi- neers, 270 South Plaza Building, 100- knowledge of the facts herein stated as follows: (1) Said newspaper is printed in the English 12 Plaza, Minneapolis, Minnesota 55416, language in newspaper format and in column and sheet form equivalent in printed space to at and as are on file with the Hutchinson Utilities Commission of the City of least 900 square inches. (2) Said newspaper is a weekly and is distributed at least once each Hutchinson, Minnesota. All proposals shall be made on forms week. (3) Said newspaper has 50 percent of its news columns devoted to news of local interest as embodied in, and made a part of, to the community which it purports to serve and does not wholly duplicate any other publica- these specifications or an exact copy, and shall be addressed to: tion and is not made up entirely of patents, plate matter and advertisements. (4) Said news Hutchinson Utilities Commission City of Hutchinson paper is circulated in and near the municipality which it purports to serve, has at least 500 Hutchinson, Minnesota copies regularly delivered to paying subscribers, has an average of at least 75 percent of its total and endorsed: Bid for: 1967 Power Plant circulation currently paid or no more than three months in arrears and has entry as second - Alterations. Copies of the plans and specifications the Engineer Cit y may be obtained from class matter in its local post - office. (5) Said newspaper purports to serve the............ ................ on deposit of the sum of Fifty Dollars ($50.00) each. Partial refund on these Minnea olis Hennepin p specifications is Thirty Dollars ($30.00), of the County of....................................... Individual plans for $1.00 each. No re- ................................... .............................:n ............................... fund will be made on specification sheets or individual plans or complete it has its known ' itV Minneapolis sets not returned. and office of issue m the ................................ of............................. ............................... Each proposal shall be accompanied in said county, established and open during its regular business hours for the gathering of by a cash deposit, certified check or bid bond made payable to the Hutchin- news, sale of advertisements and sale of subscriptions and maintained by publisher of said son Utilities Commission, City of Hutchinson, Minnesota, in the amount persons in his employ and subject to his direction and control during all such newspaper Or p y p g of ten per cent (10 %) of the bid, as regular business hours and at which said newspaper is printed. (6) Said newspaper files a copy a guarantee that the Bidder will en- ter into the proposed contract within of each issue immediately with the State Historical Society. (7) Said newspaper has complied the time specified. Should any bidder with all the foregoing conditions for at least two years preceding the day or dates of publication whose proposal has been accepted by the Hutchinson Utilities Commission, mentioned below. (8) Said newspaper has filed with the Secretary of State of Minnesota prior refuse, fail or neglect to execute the, attached contract and furnish a satis- to January 1, 1966 and each January I thereafter an affidavit in the form prescribed by the factory performance bond therefor, it Secretary of State and signed by the publisher of newspaper, and sworn to before a notary is understood and agreed between said Commission and said accepted bidder public stating that the newspaper is a legal newspaper. That said ten per cent (10 %) shall be the amount of liquidated damages Advertisement occasioned by such failure, refusal, or He further states on oath that the printed for Bids neglect, and that thereupon, said Com- ..................................................... ............................... mission shall realize on said bid se- curity and use the proceeds in pay- mentof said damages. The bid security, ........................................................................................................................................ ............................... accompanying rejected bids will be hereto attached as a part hereof was cut from the columns of said newspaper, and was printed promptly returned to the bidders upon the signing of the contract, or the bids. rejection of and published therein in the English language, once each week for...........:......succefsive weeks, , The bidder shall furnish a state- ment satisfactory to the said City of Hutchinson, Minnesota that he is a bidder that he tbat it was first so published on..1hur �aa 16th the Of maintains qualified and ai a permanent place of business; that ., ........................ ............................day he has had experience as required in these specifications in constructing ........................... � ............................ 19....... and was thereafter printed and published on every work of the size and character as that included in his proposal; and that he has the necessary financial re- ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,to and including the ...................... .............. day Of...... ............................... 19........ sources to properly execute the con- tract. Such statement shall be fur- and that the following is a printed copy of the lower case alphabet from A to Z, both inclusive, niched before the contract award, and and is hereby acknowledged as being the size and kind of type used in the Composition and y g g p the award, if made, will be contingent upon such statement, publication of said notice, to -wit: The right is reserved to reject any or all bids, or to accept such bid or bids as, in the opinion of the Hutchin- abcdefghijklmnopgrstuvwxyz - son Utilities Commission will be to - - the best interests of the City of Hutch- inson, Minnesota. L......... Nobidder may withdraw his bid......... ............................................................. ............................... for at least thirty (30) days after the ccheduled closing time for the receipi; bids. of Subscribed and sworn to before me this........... -E?t ?.........day of ....... Feb ... ..................... 19.67.11 Published by the authority of the Commission the Hutchinson Utilities of City of Hutchinson, Minnesota. - -, -� = - - - -- Dated at Hutchinson, Minnesota, this .............. :.�.............. . ti...:. s:.............................. ............................... ............ 10th day of February, 1967. N UTILITIES COMMISSIO Notar y Public ... ............................... y, Minesota N CITY OF HUTCHINSON, MINN. ..........................Count By H. P. QUADE President My Commission Expires .............................. ............................... 19......... rA Fl 4'4 BIDS 0 1967 PC A F U IjT A. ,T&AATIVIS I'Tt.iWI.I'14 1 UTILI2."S CI-111r;6 10N CITY CF HUTC" =1's( II Sealed bids will be received# in triplicates at the office of the tiutchi.nson Utilities Ommissions in the City of Hutchinson, Annesota until 2tOO o'clock F. ., on the 1 th day ofd 1967 and publicly openand considered at 2 t 00 oo rc' lock P. :. aw the same day for constructing tlm 1967 Power F'WTMterations to the 3micipal Power Plant at Hutchinson, 11nnesota. All work atA- n be in strict accordance with the plans and specifications as prepared by Pfeifer and Shultss Inc. s Ingineerss 270 :South F'l aza Buildings 100-12 Masao P2inneapolis} IL;nnesotas 55416# and as ark on file with the Hutchinson Utilities Cann dasion of the City of Ifutchinsons x irntiesota. All proposals shall be zmde on fors,-:# as s ibodied ins and mule a part ofs t aese specifications or an exact copyp and staall be addressed tot Hutchinson 131tilities Ommission City of Putchi.nson Hutchinson.$ t Unnesota and endorsedt Bid fort 1967 Pear Plant Alterations Copies of the plans and specifications may be obtained from the Engineer on deposit of the am of Fifty Dollars ($50.00) each. Partial refund on these specifications is T ArW dollars (,'-;',30.00)9 Individual, . plans for $1.00 each. 3o refuel will be arcade on speci- fico t ion sheets or indivi&ial plans or conplete sets not roturned. Each proposal shall be acconpanied by a cash deposits certi- fied check or bid bond made payable to tie I utchinson Utilities CoLrAssions City of Rutchinsons Annesotas in the amount of ten per cent (10%) of the bids as a guarantee Viet the Bidder will enter into the proposed contract within the tiz ae specif ied. Should ate► bidder whose proposal has been accepted by the Hutchinson Utilities Om missionp rsPise, fail or neglect to emwate the attached contract and furnish a satisfactory perfor mice bond therefor, it is understood and agreed between s aid Commission and said accepted bidder that said ten per cent (10`x) shall be the mount of liquidated dorwes occasioned by evrch failures refusal# or neglectf and that thereupon$ said Om=ission shall realize on said bid security and use the proceeds In payment of said darnages. The bid security accomparWing, rejected bids wtill be protaptly returned to tyre bidders upon the signing of the contracts, or the rejection of bids. The bidder shall furnish a statement satisfactory to the said City of Flutchinson, Minnesota t',7at he is a qualified bidder and that he maintains a permanent place of business; tI'at he has had experience as required in these specifications in constructing work of the sine and character as that included in his proposal.; and that he has the necessary financial resources to properly execute the contract. Such statement shall be furnished before the contract swardp and the award, if made# wiLL be contingent upon such statement. The rig: ,it is reserved to reject any or all bids, or to accept such bid or bids as, in the opinion of the Hutchinson 'ut:11ities Omm3ission will be to tie beet Interests of the CLty of ilutchineon, I5.#.r nesota. No bidder may withdraw his bid for at least thirty (3)) days after the scheduled closing; time for the receipt of bids. Publi*ied by authority of the Hutchinson Utilities Oxcaission of the City, of Iiutchinsons ItUmeuta. Dated at Hutchinson# Annesotas this day of Fbbr ryj 1967. I/ iU" T' OMISiYJ }i�3tepyt�lTtlr'��:�Lp�I+�a�il CC01611&1�C 10N Vila. ("; +ilf1VA1J.sY i4s nI,,1 `1L.S( -TA imp . Quade President