03-30-1967 HUCM55 .
Motion was made by Commissioner Filk and seconded by Commissioner
Tracy to increase the salary of Supt. Young .$50.00 per month effective
March 1, 1967. Motion was unanimously carried.
There being; no further business, motion was made by Commissioner Filk
and seconded by Commissioner Tracy that the meeting be adjourned. Motion
was unanimously carried.
R. E. , Sec etary.��
H. P. i7uade., President. f
Special Meeting.
March 30, 1967.
A special meeting of the Hutchinson Utilities Commission was held on March 30,1967
at the Hutchinson Utilities Billing Office at four o'clockP. M.
All Commissioners were present; also S upt. Young.
Two bids regarding insurance were received and opened:
Citizens Insurance Agency
Howard Madsen Insurance
No bid was received from the Grams Insurance Agency.
Motion was made by Commissioner Tracy and seconded by Commissioner Filk to make
a detailed study of the two bids submitted and to award the insurance at a later
date. Motion was unanimously carried.
Motion was made by Commissioner Filk and seconded by Commissioner Tracy to re-
model space in the basement of the Hutchinson Utilities Commission Billing Office
for a conference room. Motion was unanimously carried.
Motion was made by Commissioner Filk and seconded by Commissioner Tracy to ins`ruct
the Utilities fiscal agency, Carleton E. Bey Company, to start preparation for the
sale of the $700,0 ")0.00 bond issue, with provisions for a five year option to call
the bonds. Motion was unanimously carried.
There being no further businesq, motion was ma6e by Commissioner Filk and
seconded by Commisioner Tracy to adjourn the meeting. Motion was unanimously carried.
_7o 119, Sec r ary.
uade, President.