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06-12-1967 HUCM
Regular Meeting. June 12, 1967. The regular meeting of the Hutchinson Utilities Commission was held at the Hutchinson Utilities Billing Office on the 12th ^day of June, 1967 at four o'clock P. M. All Commissioners were present; also Supt. R. E. Young. The meeting was called to order by the President and the minutes of the previous meetings were read and approved as .read. Mr. Gordon Bublitz, Mana7er of the Hutchinson Creamery Association, appeared before the Commission and requested a lower power rate for the creamery. The request was tabled for a future meeting. Motion was made by Cnmmissioner Filk and seconded by Commissioner Tracy to accept the wage increases as presented, these increases to be effective July 19 1967. Motion was unanimously carried. DeWagne Rubed or Joe Walters M. Studeman Gordon Fratzke W. Mara ward t K. Krantz George Luthens Arnold Nass Lester Ziegler Franc is Murphy Don Broten Jams Clouse Henry Boller Fred Mayer Ruben Sanken Richard Berry Louis Francis Ruth Hakel Ruth Schoettmer Bea Pollard Cordia Ri-)Pe Harriet Smut ka Johanna Fwa ld Ivan Larson 1 $25.00 25 .00 25.00• 10.00 14.00 10.00, 10.00, 10.00, 15.00 10.00 10.n0, 15.00, 10.00 10.00, 10.00 25.00 10.00 10.00 5.00, 10.00• 10.00 5.00 10.00 10.00 Janitor Services 79 The following bills were allowed: Municipal Electric Plant Petty Cash 96.05 Mrs. Fred Briggs 799.4 20.00 Home Gas Company 730.3 2.86 Corey Service Plan Inc 799.6 51.60 Standard Oil 729.1 5,162.80 Burmeister Electric Company 124 261 903.50 Gra7bar Electric Company 124 76.95 Nalco Chemical Company 730.3 734.4 64.75 Standard Printing Company 793.4 22.25 Williams 734.4 1.29 Leef Bros., Inc 730.5 104-58 Northern States Supply Company 730.3 6.90 Hutchinson Sheet Metal Works 255 777 148.89 Electric Scientific Company 734.3 139.97 Kemske Paper Company 793.4 31.95 John Henry Foster Company 734.4 8.22 Municipal Electric Plant Petty Cash 80.25 Burroughs Corporation 781.3 65.40 Natural Gas Division 102 14.78 Chicago & Nil Railway Company 771 25.00 Highway Standard 734.4 3.00 Carr Flowers 405 15.00 Hutchinson Wholesale Company 730.3 734.4 16.25 American Linen Supply Company 730.5 29.58 Culligan. Water Conditioring 730.4 797 20.50 Lindy's Sinclair 759.1 759.2 93.98 Kehoe Office Furnishings 215 65.00 The Lew Bonn Company 734 .3 3.97 Home Bakery 799.6 78.43 Hutchinson Telephone Company 793.3 79.68 Popp Hutchins cn Cleaners 730.5 96.95 Esther's 793.4 31.74 Zila Hardware 734.4 771 18.42 Yetzer Variety Store 799.6 7.01 The Missouri - Kansas Chemical 730.3 160.63 Cheryl Nyhus 415 9.38 Simonson Lumber Company 734.4 739 16.98 The Satterlee Company 734.4 10.76 Minnesota Bearing Company 734.4 9.64 Midwest Oil Company 730.3 19.50 Eugene Nalywajko 415 1.00 G. S. Products Inc 730.3 61.13 Duluth Filter Company 734.4 400.40 A. L. He pner 730.3 734.4 35.80 E. A. Pedersen Company 258 10,200.00 H. P. Quade 792.1. 380.45 R. E. Young 792.2 83.55 Tri- County Water Conditid)ing 730.3 5.50 Crow River Office Supply Company 215 257.23 Natural Gas Division 729.2 777 14,637.61 1 1 M Burmeister Electric Company 124 297.24 Nalco Cremical Company 730.3 2.25 Graybar Electric Company 124 316.73 Power Valve 734.1 #1 #2 223.87 Premeier Fastener Company 734.4 376.98 Anderson, Helgeson, Lieser, Thorsen 795 510.00 Karen Klatt Lieberg 415 9.03 John Henry Foster Company 212 29.50 Addres sograph -Mult igra ph 781.4 13.50 Ben Jerabek 739 734.4 61.44 First National Bank 797 30.00 Corey Coffee Service Plan Inc 799.6 51.00 Municipal Electric Plant Petty Cash 62.02 Burmeister Electric Company 211 840.00 Graybar Electric Company 124 82.54 Preme ier Fastener Company 734.4 19.40 Dennis Martin 5.62 415 11.26 J. C I S 799.6 110.00 Sterling Electric Company 124 799.3 180.67 Municipal Electric Plant Petty Cash 29.50 There being no further business, - lotion was made by Commissioner Filk and seconded by Commissioner Tracy to adjourn the meeting. Motion was unanimously carried. R. E. ©ung, Seer tart'. H. P. Qua—d-e-19-PresidenET