07-10-1967 HUCM81. Regular Meeting July 10, 1967 The regular meeting of the Hutchinson Utilities Commission was held at the Hutchinson Utilities Bill.ng Office on the 10th day of July, 1967 at four oclock. All Commissioners were present; also Supt. R. E. Young. The meting was called to order by the President and the minutes of the previous meeting were read and approved as read. A motion was made by Commissioner Filk and seconded by Commissioner Tracy to invest surplus money after the sale of the$700,000 Bonds in short -term U. S. Treasury Bills. Motion was unanimously carried. The following bills were allowed: Mrs. Fred Briggs 799.4 Municipal Electric Plant Petty Cash Roush Mobil Service 759.1 Hutchinson Telephone Co. 793 .3 Texaco Inc 730.1 Natural Gas Division 729.2 777 Crow River Gift and Office 215 Municipal Electric Plant Petty Cash Williams 734.4 Nordberg Manufacturing Co. 123 #1 #2 Corey Service Plan 799.6 Home Bakery 799.6 Grant Schmidt 415 John Henry Foster Company 734.4 DeLaval Separator Company 734.4 Highway Standard 730.4 Red Owl Food Stores 799.6 National Bushing; & Parts 734.4 Air Power Equipment 734.4 0. A. Bretzke & Sons 730.3 Northland Electric Supply 734.1 #1 #2 Terminal Electric Corp 124 Boustad Electric & Manf. 734.4 Simonson Lumber 734.4 Popp Hutchinson Cleaners 730.5 Zila Hardware 734.4 797 Hutchinson Sheet Metal Works 734.4 American Linen Supply Company 730.5 Myron Chevrolet (Wigen) 759.1 Leef Bros Inc 730.5 National C he ms e arch Corp. 730.3 Standard Printing Company 793.4 Burroughs Corporation 781.3 Moehring Motors 759.1 759.2 734.1 #2 20.00 98.57 78.85 96.40 23.41 16,633.70 337.04 86.02 38.41 3,597.92 25.80 17.82 3.93 8.22 25-63 2.00 13.19 87.47 7.50 6.98 35-30 18.75 11.76 35.01 129.05 35.95 53.54 26.50 17.20 163.10 208.86 79.55 51-30 14 .5 0 I 1 1 NZ FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF MINNEAPOLIS INVESTMENT DEPARTMENT W ;r ;` P e) Q P 1 Fj V Ear -�j z 1 5� ? p S ,. � �. �. 4„r x ' Trade Date SETTLEMENT DATE * a : p Payment.due'on or before Account Charged AS PRINCIPAL, WE AGREE TO-SELL TO YOU AGAINST Ledger PAYMENT ON SETTLEMENT DATE THE FOLLOWING Z11 e b s h ir 3 # x z F.19-86A N 2 FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF MINNEAPOLIS INVESTMENT DEPARTMENT C[ 41ZE�_:3 bAG, Trade Date i 181URICH2 PRE )E f i l i, -s!N 50' SETTLEMENT DATE � !, 30 F H_ Payme�if dues on °or before , Account Charged AS PRINCIPAL, WE AGREE TO SELL TO YOU AGAINST Ledger �PAYMENT,ON SETTLEMENT DATE THE FOLLOWING' �.,')+,: U.S. iIREAS''s R-, ku11.§. , . i. ! {f � •- +`�'4xa flit � � r. T.. .. a f J t. Ylj s7M` .K f; iu I. � l l: S i. U, t&' i' f r F} il,'i � L <r E[ 4{ w J i• '. w ti i 4 .' FIRST NATIONAL ]BANK OF M"INNEAPOLIS M N N i- A r 0 - S M N N R S 0 T A �CEIVE-, THE F---LCA-!NG SECURiTiESS NL 7 67 T --E- I-CE A,.- _ii rL 7 4 4 c- C9- L 1 G 0 7 C" 1 9 1CI'l E�, 7." TRANSk'_-TiCA CESCRIPTION I C I S 14 LIT I L 1 7 V -4, N' I S I VN" j r, L E: S T Cl- E j, c R E -T FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF MINNEAPOLIS �'. 08 N0. 2 7 3 4 5'5, " I N N E A P O L I S , M I N N E 5 O T A DEBIT CREDIT RECEIVED THE FOLLOWING DESCRIBED SECURITIES: BOOK VALUE i AC C:: vNT NO. TRANSACTION CC DATE t :.. B 90494 9 ! __ -- CD NUMBER 3455! 07 25 67 ACCOUNT NAME 8009 NUMBER ,_.., - C I T Bzc HUTCH I NS0N rI I NN CUS T BU603480 1 �, SEURi-, Y NO. CALL RATE - .,k C,F, °AR A':TMOR.ZED SIGNATURE FACE AMT/NO SHARE° BP C.'. INTEREST PA 1 `)00745324 NC 1 0 1-) 5C7 p_ _ - - �� -�; - �225�OO 9QS I ON 100 1 1 SECURITY DESCRIPTION U S A TREASURY BILLS 3 4144622 511, 16C78711115/6 IOM EA, 7255849/50 1O01A. EA TRANSACTION DESCRIPTION i mw nt-PT 1441C HUTCH i NSON UTILITY COMMISSION 1-TI NT ERE DATE I5T INT. gMOUNT REGI..Aft !NT. ANtI]!.!NT! INTEREST DAl -[: "' C ! THIN SECUP'T,ES L� "IRrCE D1` F°�1 {� I /6/67 �'. 08 EY.AM BY AUD I `y DATE I DESCRIPTION OF ENTRY DEBIT CREDIT BOOK VALUE i 82 . G. F. Nemitz 797 6.25 R. E. Young 792.2 14.80 Esther's 793.4 3.92 Alr is h's 730.5 9.38 H. A. Holden Inc 734.1 #1 3.00 Dan J (,hns on 415 8.55 Ed Pyles 730.3 7.25 Sorenson Farm Supply 734.4 15.25 Westinghouse Electric Supply 124 89.00 Graybar Electric Company 124 211 274.12 Burmeister Electric Company 124 772 145.10 Anderson, Helgeson, Leiser 795 1,282.40 Fred Kern 255 67.93 Natural Gas Division 102 6.79 Addressogra ph- Multigra ph 781.5 113.76 Forthern States Supply 730.3 15.51 Standard Oil 730.1 2,203.62 Sterling Electric Company 124 259 142.88 Triple D" Cafe 799.6 55.84 Postamaster 793.1 116.80 Nalco Chemical Company 730.3 479.30 B=irroughs Corporation 215 337.50 Maureen Johnson 415 5.70 Texaco Gnc 730.3 30.79 Leuis DeGidio Oil & Gas Sales 734.4 #7 702.34 Warners Ind. Supplies 212 285.00 Northwest Airlines Inc. 734.1 #2 44.18 Mun�_cipal Electric Plant Petty Cash 75.63 A. L. Hepner 123 #1 #2 36.53 Westinghouse Electric Supply 734.4 167.00 Za jiceks Bros Inc 255 992.00 GTC Auto Parts 730.3 10.95 General Electric Supply 124 252.00 Municipal Electric Plant Petty Cash 77.62 John Z umpf 415 1.20 The Satterlee Company 734.4 9.61 Electric Motor Companv 734.4 34.00 Harold Thomas 415 5.91 Fire Ext ingusher Sales 734.4 7.50 Wallace Carlson 415 5.62 10.48 Phoe l l Man of ac t ur ing Company 730.3 75.41 Standard Oil 729.1 2,033.92 National Food Stores 799.6 33.00 Postmaster 781.2 560.00 Corey Coffee Service Plan 799.6 102.25 H. P. 'wade 792.1 63-35 R. E. Young 792.2 49.45 Standard Oil 729.1 1,023.84 Central Supply Company 734.4 54.43 Freiden Inc Nordberg Manufacturing Co. 781.5 123 #7 49.00 31.63 83. The Satterlee Company- 734.4 4.20 Imperial Supply Company 793.4 17-26 Sangamo Electric Company 775 30.78 Municipal Electric Plant Petty Cash 61.48 Roger Wallace Payholl 163.18 There being no further business, motion was made by Commission Filk and seconded by Commissioner Tracy to adjourn the meeting. Motion was unanimously carried. ng, retary. ATTEST = H. P. Qua de, -resident Regular Meeting. August 7, 1967. As all Commissioners would not be able to attend the meeting on August 14th, the President called for a meeting on August 7, 1967 at the Billing Office at 4:00 P. M. All Commissioners were present; also Sut)f t. R. E. Young. The meeting was called to or,�er by the President and the minutes of the previous meeting were read and approved as read. A discussion re ;ardin'- rates and the possibility of hirinc, a rate consultant was Meld " tl�e Commission. No action was taken and the issue was tailed for the present ti-me. The f ollowin, bills s,ve oe allowed: Sterlinu Electric Company Mrs. Fred Briggs Graybar Electric Nalco Chemical Company Burmeister Electric Com�ny J . C . Water. C a r n i v a 1 Citizens rya nk Hutc}.inson Telephone Company Pheifer & Schultz E. A. Pederson Company Grams Insurance Agency Citizens Insurance Agency Schenk's Super Service Westinghouse Electric; Texaco Inc Joseph E. Dahl Surgical Company Myron Wigen Chevrolet 251 259 124 729.98 799.4 20.00 124 771 154.16 734.4 18.63 124 4,658.20 799.6 125.00 797.4 40.80 79,_) .3 92.23 262 4,438.46 258 45,000.00 130 445.94 130 86.t� � 759.1 85.75 212 734.4 654.84 730.2 1,981.96 730.3 4.59 759.2 3.25 1 1