11-01-1967 HUCM91. { r November 1, 1967. Regular Meeting. As all Commissioners would not be able to attend the regular meeting on November 13th, the President called for a meeting on November 1, 1967 at the Billing Office. All Commissioners iA ,,ere present; also Supt. R. E. Young and Mayor Don Kost. The meeting was called to orcer by the President and the minutes of the previous meeting were read and approved as read. Motion was made by Commissioner Tracy and seconded by Commissioner F ilk to have the roof of the billing office and plant repaired according to a bid received from Marty's Roofing Company. Motion was unanimously ca-vied. Motion was made by Commissioner Filk and seconded by Commissioner Tracy_ to have Pedersen Electric install the wiring and temperature meter for an amount of ;1,175.00. This temperature meter to be used on the two Worthington engines. Motion was unanimously carried. A discussion was had relative to a billing machine. No action was taken. The following bills were allowed: Earl Sprengler 730.4 10.00 Mrs. Fred Brigp;s 799.4 20.00 Municipal `r'la ter Department 730.2 - 797 119.72 American Linen Sur_> -cly 730.5 31.57 Zila Hardware 734.4 771 19.53 Moehring Motors 759.1 759.9- 9.65 Hutchinson Rey: ,zse Service 730.4 39.00 Popp's Tl,�tchinson Cleaners 730.5 96.20 Natural Gas Liviyion 729.2 777 14,726.94 Hutchinson Telephone, Company 793.3 81.16 Hutcr inson Sheet Metal Norks 77 -4.4 10.71 Gra,bar Electric 124 730.3 152.55 JilIiams 734.4 66.32 Simons on Lumber 732 733 57.36 Fome - Bakery 799.6 16.29 Corey Service Plan 799.6 52.35 Leer Fr o 730.5 111.10 Standard Oil 730.1 2,050.21 a lc c Chemical Company 730.3 37.00 Standard t'rinting Company; 781.3 92.40 Hoel - Distributing, Company 759.? 5.57 R. V. Anderson 730.3 170.00 Pheiffer (k Sch,)ltz 262 3,645.52 National Food Stores 799.6 30.24 Premier 717e3tener Company 7774.4 1 32.83 Swanson True el Stop 759.1 54.60 Sterlyrg Electric 124 313.26 State Treasurer 778 1.00 L TO: MARTY'S ROOFING COMPANY Box 243 (Ph. 879 -6962) Hutchinson, Minnesota Hutchinson Utlities Hutchinson, Minn. DATE Oct* 31, 1967 PROPOSAL FOR: Municipil Electric Plant ARCHITECT: Hutchinson, Minnesota BLDG. SIZE Gentlemen: We propose to furnish all labor and material necessary to complete the following, AS PER PLANS and SPECIFICATIONS: (Including adendums No. No. No. ) Prime walls over top of wall metal where needed,apply 1 -coat mastic cement, 1ply Ry*" nylon cotton mesh & top coat mastic. Remove loose flashings spud hack gravel, refash & regravel these areas, also refasen wall metal, gravel in bare spots on lower roof. PRI'E: ¢725.00 Respectfully submitted, MARTY'S ROOFING & SHE :T METAL ACCEPTED B y per i � J DATE r+ 7 MARTY'S ROOFING COMPANY Box 243 (Ph. 879 -6962) Hutchinson, Minnesota PROPOSAL TO: Hutchinson Utlities Hutchinson. 21inn. FOR: Municipal Electric Office ARCHITECT: 22 Main No, Hutchinson, lvlinne. ota BLDG. SIZE Gentlemen: We propose to furnish all labor and material necessary to complete the following, AS PER PLANS - and SPECIFICATIONS: (Including adendums No. No. No. ) Remove old roofing down to roof boards, &z haul to dump. Install 20 yr. gravel roof, built up flashings, wood cant strips, & gravel stop edge. PRICE: $887.00 EXTRA: If any roof bovrds have to be replaced. also if walls have to be repaired. Respectfully submitted, ,a, MART +S ROOFING StTEFT NETAT, ACCEPTED By: per DATE �'4Z There being no further business., motion nns made b- C� � Commissioner Filk ,qn.d seconded by Commissioner Tracy to adjourn the meeting. Yotion was unanimously carried .EE-.- Ymit.F11., Sen�ptar7- ATT-:ST H. P. Qwade, President 1 92. Nora? States -ates SuT.�-,,)Iy Compar-y 730.7 ern 9.30 Ti u -(I- c 77 iolosale. Cormany 730.3 759.2 33.22 E. A. Pede-ser, 258 211823.75 Lyon Chemical Com-an- J ohen T.!enr-,I- Foster Company "70'3 734.4 2.A5 '7, 'r, 11 A. L. Eepner 730-3 755 13'7.95 Terminal Electric Cor-porat j-nn 124 40.92 Leeds 8. Nril-lk-hyup Cor.rpar.7 730.3 62.11 Burmeister Electric Company 124 51.41 Electric Motor Company 734.5 22-00 Sterling; Electric Company 124 259 869.57 r a- ybar Electric 124 771 49.20 Electric 124 349o92. Westin'o-house Electric Supply 124 65.83 Tex�tco Inc 730.1 730.3 79.35 Dooley ;'Ta-ndens 405 4.64 Fred Kern r197 124.53 Ben Jera bek 734.1 #-1 774.4 130.20 E, a r c c) Fearing C om, r) s r y 7:74 .4- 4.1-0 Muni(�ipal Electric Plant Petty cash, 71.96 F. P. Qua(73e 792-3. 64.10 BL- E. Young 791? P 41 .10 Darrel Hedlund Salary 158.40 Feverly Popp Salary 76.85 Darrel. Hedlund Salary 163.28 Reverly Popp Salary 74.45 There being no further business., motion nns made b- C� � Commissioner Filk ,qn.d seconded by Commissioner Tracy to adjourn the meeting. Yotion was unanimously carried .EE-.- Ymit.F11., Sen�ptar7- ATT-:ST H. P. Qwade, President 1 92.