03-27-1969 HUCM1
Special Meeting
March 27, 1969.
A special meeting cf the Hutchinson Utilities Commission was held
at the Hutchinson Utilities Billing Office on the 27th day of
March, 1969.
All Commissioners. were present; also W. E. Reyerson, attorney for
the Commission.
At 2:00 P. M. the President instructed the Secretary to open the
sealed bids for insurance on risks of the Hutchinson Utilities
1. State Farm Fire & Casualty Co.
State Farm Mutual Automobile Ins. Company
Total annual premium ......................... $7,224.37
2. Citizens Insurance Agency of Hutchinson
Hutchinson Insurance Agency
Total annual premium . ............... . ........ 10,847.00
After a review of the policy offered by the State Farm Fire &
Casualty Company, motion was made by Commissioner Tracy and
seconded by Commissioner Filk to accept the bid. Motion was
unanimously carried .
At 3:30 P. M. the President instructed the Secretary to open the
sealed bids which had been received for a tractor and backhoe.
1. Luedtke Equipment (bid accompanied with certified check
in the amount of $281.50. )
1 New "Case" 480 Loader - Backhoe List $9,790.00
Trade allowance 4t350.00
Net Bid 5.00
1 New "Case" 580 Loader - Backhoe List 11,195.00
Trade allowance 5,565-00
Net Bid 5p630.00
2. Long Lake Farm Supply, Inc -(bid accompanied with cert if ied
check in the amount $265.00)
1 1969 unit 8,287.00
Trade in of Ford 801 & Loader 3,000.00
Trade Difference 5,287.00
Alternate bid - Backhoe mounted 39100.00
25 .
3 . Schramm Implement Company( bid accompanied with certified
check in the amount of $300.00.)
1 Bid on 1 400 Tractor with Loader & Backhoe- ?List- $8,977.75
Allowance for Tractor 31000.00
Net Bid 5,977.75
4. Cal Bonniwell Sales & Serviee(bid accompanied with certified
check in the amount of $310.00)
1 White Oliver Tractor, Loader & Backhoe List 9,642.55
Allowance 3,442.55
Net bid 6,200.00
5. Minnesota Machinery, Inc . ( Bid accompanied with bond)
3207 Sibley Memorial Highway
St. Paul, Minnesota 55111
2200 Tractor
200 Loader
222 Hoe 7,677.00
Trade -in Tractor 1 129.00
Backhoe Massey Ferguson 2,850.00
After due consideration, a motion was made by Commissioner Tracy,
seconded by Commissioner Filk, to award the bid to Luedtke Equip.
Company for a "Case" Loader Backhoe #580 in the amount of $5,630.00.
Motion was unanimously carried.
Motion was made and seconded instructing the Secretary to return
the certified checks to the unsuccessful bidders. Motion was
unanimously carried.
Motion was made by Commissioner Tracy and seconded by Commissioner
Filk to adopt a special rate for gas air conditioning, subject to
the approval of the Hutchinson Council :,
10% discount for air conditioning
up to 180,000 BTU's.
20% discount for air conditioning
over 181,000 BTU's.
Season f or the above discount rate to
start with the May meter reading(July
1st billing) and would end with the
SeptA,mber reading (October billing).
This rate is proposed to encourage consumers to purchase gas air
conditioning. The additional consumption would use excess gas
available during the summer months as a result of a demand contract
with Northern Natural Gas Company.
As there are only two Commercial Heat
customers, the Hutchinson Utilities
Commission also proposes to eliminate this
Motion was unanimously carried.
There being no further business, Commissioner H. W. Filk moved
that the meeting be adjourned. Motion was seconded by Commissioner
Tracy and unanimously carried.
o ng, re ary.
�j LJ
P. uade, Presiaent.
S!,ecial Meeting
April 10, 1969.
A special meeting of the Hutchinson Utilities Commission was
held at the Hutchinson Utilities Billing OffAce on the 10th day
of April, 1969.
All Commissioners were present.
The following Resolution was made by Commissioner Filk, seconded
by Commissioner Tracy and unanimously carried.
WHEREAS, the Hutchinson Utilities Commission of the
City of Hutchinson is a legal entity formed under Home Rule
Charter Provisions of the Laws of Minnesota, having been
formed by vote of the ';people of the City of Hutchinson,
Minnesota, and, whereas, pursuant t o the rights and powers
granted by the people of the City of Hutchinson., Minnesota,
the Hutchinson Utilities Commission is the owner and operator
of the Electrical Distribution System and the Gas Distribution
System serving the City of Hutchinson, Minnesota, and,
WHEREAS, the Commission has considered the proposed
provision of House File #1681 and Senate File #1478
regulating the powers and the operation, including the
setting of rates of Minnesota Utilities,
NOW, BE IT RESOLVED, that Hutchinson Utilities Commission
is opposed to the passage of House File #1681 and Senate File
#1478 on the ground that it would be detrimental to the welffare
of the citizens of the City of Hutchinson, Minnesota, as owners
of the Electrical and Gas Distribution. Systems, that the
citizens of City of Hutchinson would be deprived of their
rights, under the Home Rule Charter, to operate those systems
as they determine to be for the best interest and to set
those rates which they believe would best serve the interest
of the citizens of Hutchinson.
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