04-14-1969 HUCMN There being no further business, Commissioner Filk moved that the meeting be adjourned. Motion was seconded by Commissioner Tracy and unanimously carried. R. .- ng, qlcretarye H. Po uade, resident April 14, 1969. Montlily Meet ing. The monthly meeting of the Hutchinson Utilities Commission was held on April 14, 1969 at 2 :00 P. M. in the Hutchinson Utilities Billing Office. All Commissioners were present. The meeting was called to order by the President and the minutes of the previous meetings were read and approved as read. Motion was made by Commissioner Tracy and seconded by Commissioner Filk to raise the salary of the janitor, Ivan Larson, for the Billing Office to $75.00, effective April 1, 1969. Motion was unanimously carried. Motion was made by Commissioner Tracy and seconded by Commissioner Filk that a letter be written to Pfeifer & Schultz, Inc. and Associated Consultants asking for an exact price or quotation for engineering services on the purchase of an engine and erection of a building. Mbt:ion was unanimously carried. In reviews -ing the minutes dated January 1946, it was learned that customers outside the city limits were to be billed on the REA schedule. Motion was made by Commissioner Tracy, seconded by Commissioner Filk to change the classification to 32esidenttal. Motion was unanimously carried. Motion was made by Commissioner Tracy and seconded by Commissioner Filk to increase the following salaries -- effective April 10 1969: DeWayne Rubedor $50.00 Arnold Nass 50.00 Joe Walters 30.00 Lester Ziegler 50.00 M. Schnichels 25.00 James Clouse 50.00 Larry Gilomen 25.00 Roger Wallace 35.00 Milton Studeman 20.00 Henry Boller 15.00 Gordon Fratzke 25.00 Fred Mayer 15.00 Ross Heilman 15.00 Ruben Sanken 15.00 Wm. Marquardt 50.00 Louis Francis 15.00 Harvey Dahar sh 15.00 Henry Knac ke 10.00 George Luthens 50.00 Richard Berry 35.00 Ruth Hake1 25 *00 R. Schoettmer 20.00 B. Pollard 20.00 C. C ord is 15.00 Beverly Popp 20.00 The motion was unanimously carried . The following bills were allowed: Mrs. Fred Briggs Natural Gas Division Clyde Gregor Municipal Electric Plant C H. Stocking Kemske Paper Company Culligan Water Conditioning Swansonts Truck Stop Fisher Governor Company Burmeister Electric Company Nordberg Manufacturing Company Moehring Motors American Linen Supply Company Mark Communications Crow River Gift & Off ice Supply Zila Hardware Popp's Hutchinson Cleaners The Hutchinson Telephone Company John Henry Foster Donald Tr ippe 1 Harold Schme ling All City Electric The Hutchinson Leader Duncan Company Eagle Iron Works Simons on Lumber Aslesens Preme ier Fastener Company E. A. Pedersen Company Standard Oil H & H. Engineering Inc Anderson Chemical Company Standard Oil Nord berg pia of . Company Home Bakery Rotanium Products Company Hutchinson Wholesale Supply Company Standard Printing Company Alrick's Texaco Inc Address ogtaph -Mult igraph Minnesota-Wisc. Truck Line Burmeister Electric Company Ivan Larson 35.00 Wayne Schwarze 35.00 George Nelson 40.00 Municipal Electric Plant 799.4 729.2 732 215 Petty Cash 734.3 793.4 730.4 759.1 734.1 772 123 # 759.1 730.5 799.3 793.4 734.4 730.5 793.3 734.4 102 797 211 799.6 734.4 734.1 771 799.6 734.4 261 729.1 257 734.4 729.1 123 #1 799.6 734.4 730.1 793.4 730.5 730.3 781.4 123 # i 771 797 759.2 #2 7 759.2 771 #7 #2 #7 734 .#1 #2 20.00 26,656.60 197.27 139.01 28.75 8.53 19.00 117.83 .92 13.60 1,147.00 50.75 31.00 85.18 11.02 5.55 115.45 95.31 37.34 12.05 14.50 56.00 119.70 51.05 180.00 1.90 81.23 452.31 25,500.00 3,047.68 128,84 100.00 1,522.15 643.00 89.08 47.65 16.42 15.90 11.96 61.56 10.24 6.94 27.53 29. 30. Nalco Chemical C ompany Texaco Inc Northern States Supply Co. Riverview Dress Sterling Electric Company Yetzerts Variety House United Building Center Floor Care Supply Company Citizens Insurance Agency Leef Brox. Inc Farwell Ozum, Kirk & Co. Municipal Electric Plant Standard Oil Hutchinson Sheet Metal Works H. P. wade Big -Bear Inc Municipal Electric Plant State Farm Mutual Company Standard Oil Williams Simonson Lumber Red Awl Food Stores, Diva of Boller Inspection Premeier Fastener Company Eagle Iron Works Burmeister Electric Fisher Governow Company Burroughs Corporation Minnesota Wisconsin Truck lines General Electric Supply Company Rotanium Products Company Westinghouse Electric Nordberg Manuafacturl�ACompany Kerwin Fowler Shirley Severson Sterling Electric Company Standard Oil R�rrouihs Corporation ara ews Aaron Solseth There being no further business, the meeting be adjourned. Motion Tracy and unanimously carried. ATTEST Qua de, 'President. 730.3 730.1 734.4 793.4 124 797 730.3 730.3 130 730.5 734, 4 Petty 729.1 734.1 792.1 759.1 215 130 730.1 734.4 730.3 799.6 730.4 734.4 734.1 771 734.1 781.3 734.1 124 734.4 124 799.6 797 Cash 730.1 #7 734.4 #7 #2 #7 123 #1 #2 415 415 5.6 2 124 771 729.1 781.5 Salary Sa lary 52.59 2,4x8.47 3.10 22.00 19619.28 39.68 18.00 19.76 109.00 182.83 23.09 88.08 1,831.87 48.09 14.90 2.49 76.00 50.00 2,087.61 137.49 1.98 46.33 16.00 167.53 190.00 6.73 26.74 219.00 6.79 221.76 126.63 172.85 1,630.00 6.84 10.15 516.65 3,138.40 1,506.00 50.23 97.78 C ommis s i oner F ilk moved t ha t was seconded by Commissioner +R • E! un ecretar g y