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06-02-1969 HUCM
C 37. Regular Meeting June 2, 1969 The monthly meeting of the Hutchinson Utilities Commission was held on June 2, 1969 at 4:00 P. M. in the Hutchinson Utilities Billing Office. All Commissioners were present. The meeting was called to order, by the President and the minutes of the ,previous meetings were read and approved as read. Motiort was made by Commissioner Tracy and seconded by Commissioner Filk to increase the salary of the following employees effective June 1, 1969. Motion was unanimously carried. DeWayne Rubed or $75.00 Joe Walters 75.00 Milton Studeman 25.00 Stand by time to be - changed from four hours at time and one -half to ten hours straight time. Nathan Smutka $415.00 (on by the month) Aaron Solseth 415.00 n It Motion was made by Commissioner Filk and seconded by Commissioner Tracy, after considerable study, to change the gas special rate for the-consumption of the generating units at the Power Plant. The new rate would be 1V above the average cost per MCF from Northern Natural Gas .0 ompany. Motion was unanimously carried. The, following bills were allowed: Mrs,. Fred Briggs 799.4 Kato Tool & Equip. Company 734.4 Hutchinson Telephone Company 793.3 Zila Hardware 734.4 Hutchinson Leader 799.6 Moehring Motors 759.1 Crow River Gift & Office Supply 793.4 Municipal Water Department 797 Sterling Electric Company 730.3 Hutchinson Wholesale Supply 759.2 Rockite Silo 771 GTC.Auto Parts 730.3 Postmaster 781.2 Nick Perry 415 Natural Gas Company 72902 Simnson Lumber 732 Popp's Hutchinson Cleaners 730.5 Hutchinson Oil Company 730.1 Nalco Chemical Company 730.3 Municipal Electric Plant 20 *00 41.16 94.81 771 35.74 6.00 759.2 25.40 57.61 16.80 9.49 5.31 10.58 12.06 400.00 3.80 777 309093.25 797 19.17 91.85 2.40 289.95 38. Ke ms ke Paper Company Chicago & Northwestern Railway Grinnell Company Coast to Coast Stores Sterling Electric Crane & Ordway Burme .8 ter Electric Company Nordberg Manufacturing Company Westinghouse Electric Supply Preme ier Fastener General Electric Supply Company Nalco Chemical Company Standard Printing Northern States Supply Company Addressograph- Multigraph Leef Bros. Inc A.LC Company Inc G. F. Nemitz Sons Darrel Running American Linen Supply Home Bakery Continental Oil Company Americ%n Oil Company Rotanium Products Municipal Electric Plant Texaco Inc 0. A. Bretzke & Sons Inc R. E. Young H. W. Filg C . Tracy H. P. Quade Texaco Inc Floor Care Supply Company State Farm Fire & Casualty Company Delores Piper Hager Jewelry Cory Coffee Service Plan John Henry Foster Company Nalco Chemical Company Continental Oil Company Plowman 1s Inc Judy Schultz Seeley Plastics Inc Williams Kent Ziebenbein Nordberg Manufacturing Company Municipal Electric Plant Westinghouse Electric Supply Central Chemical Company Bob1s Tire Service Standard Oil Burroughs Corporation National Food Stores 793.4 778 734.4 730.3 124 734.4 124 734.4 730.3 123 #1 #2 124 734.4 124 734.4 793.4 730.3 781.4 730.5 212 734.4 415 730.5 799.6 759.1 759.1 734.4 Petty 730.3 771 792.2 792.1 792.1 792.1 730.3 730.3 130 415 405 799.6 734.4 730.3 759.T 759.1 415 734.4 734.4 415 734.4 Cash 759.1 2 123 #7 Petty Cash 124 212 730.3 759.2 730.1 781.3 799.6 24.71 25.00 56.25 357.69 270.85 59.78 45.36 955.80 2,763.72 186.98 522.06 60.00 115.55 9.15 7.59 161.26 26.34 1.88 2.97 31.23 97.99 67.99 46.95 115.50 141.44 32.75 3.30 153.97 172.17 115.96 289.22 30.78 19.71 1,754.00 5.21 14.95 25.85 65.41 477.53 4.98 12.05 6.11 19.90 57.84 6.13 62.60 71.52 1,168.52 19.80 74-27 2.31 27.00 2.80 _ _ _ _ NATIONAL B_ NK OF —---___—__ N= -3.»_ 7 . u . w/mwc^poL',. M.°wcsnr^ ECEIVED THE FOLLOWING DESCRIBED SECURITIES: ACCOUMT NO. DATE B 90494 9 144141781 07 28 69 CITZ BK & TR CO HUTCHINSON MINN CUST BOIS, 16034801 J,"` LtL�,' LIZ,' FT) SECLORITY NO. CALL RATE AT. OR PAR IZEft-,SIGNATURE FACE A�T—o s,.jARrS BR CD iNTIE - Is PA ,75iC591T� DESCRIPTION U S A TREASURY BILLS T/A / 314943 50M TRANSACTION DESCRIPTION IST INTEREST DATE t IST INT. AMOUNT REGULAR = INTERFST DATES RECEIVED WITHIN SECURITIE DATE DESCRIPTION OF ENTRY TICKET NO T-A,lE DATL Av.. AIL TI N A, - 29n2' PR i Nc I P AL FPR SETT-VFNT --N 7/!E/69 T, ly YQyi(E IL LD NO. OF ';HAR s 50900017#22 }157' 96.65127791 48t425e64j i S Tr-EASURY blLL TAX 4;N' I C IPATI I SERIES 12/22/69 CHARGE ACCCUNT CUSTCVEP Eg;'�K OUST H 'r r Lj T P.SnI l I I- T I T 'r i --- c CC FiRST NAVO�Al illAtNIK "A T N'l h il F t �-J, L, �30N[j AF CITIZENS &ANK, & TP-67 CO '�Pvl\ 4URICu 09F� H�j-i C.H ! � I �' F s C, IN T 1`14 0 6034 601 c-',48#425s64 r-L ."7i , ll;�T , " 6my y A N w, 5 RbRM NO. N.a aNO' TRI�r 0AXY . $ < THE AMERICAN NATIONAL BANK,„ * SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA $610 TRUST DEPARTMENT F—ACC9UNT ORIGINAL CUSTOMER'S RECEIPT 06"'13 ? NE SIN CAL ,EQ *6WN RECEIVED oft Hutchinson, Minnesota FOR SAFE KEEPING THE FOLLOWING SECURITIES OU N 1 pATED MATURITY !! 5 -29 -69 11 -28 -69 None OPTION IT COUPON'> y rOND NO'S IS SM 00/02,-tlb lam ea RATE SECURITY U S Treasury Sills r.QO+�. Customer - City of Hutchinson - Utility C0111aspials1cm Gas F 90839 4 � NOT NEGOTIABLE PREPARED •Y ��_ CHECKED By j1 Tr1.E AMERICAN TIONAL SANK ANtSs`i!#RLiaT To be .dsS��livered to the owner or his legal representative only upon aurrendtr of this receipt. This bank receives the pr rty above described tror.sa a -kee ing and will hold the same subject to the ptdef>�.of tpe owner in holding and handtirg $aid Property AuTK ©Rlz 1 �1 T , and in executing such orders. his Irk wile be bound ono !treater dsggrtN of care r ,R than it exercises from tirrle to time with respect to its own property of like kind and , Shall not be found to insure the above property. L �;.: 1 I Hoffman Plumbing & Heating Kato Tool & Equipment Company The Washington Hilton Nathan Smutka Aaron Solseth Donald Todnem Clara Tews Nathan Smutka Aaron Solseth Donald Todnem Natural Gas Division Myron Wigen Chevrolet Company Huteb ins on Wholesale Supply Hutchinson Farb Service Rockite Silo Inc. Minn. -Wise. Truck Line Sid Harvey's Marvins9he ll Station Municipal Water Department Zila Hardware Olson Equip. Company American Meter C ompa ny Northern States Supply Inc Joseph G. Pollard Company Inc Railway Express Agency The Foxboro Company Hutchins on Leader Hutchinson Telephone Company Coast to Coast Stores Municipal Electric Plant American Oil Company Sterling Electric Company Arican Linen Supply C ompa ny Lindy's Sinclair Hoel's Inc. Hutchinson Iron & Metal Company Hutchinson Oil Company Central Supply Company Arrow Equip. Inc. Standard Printing C ompa ny Chas Olson & Sons, Inc. 0. A. Bretzke & Son., Inc . Farm & Home Dist. Company G. F. Nemitz' Sons C. H. Stocking 797 1.50 734.4 771 52.34 792.1 5.00 salary 151.13 Salary 164.03 Salary 151.82 Salar y 82.78 Salary 132.46 Salary 154.08 Salary 158.78 Natural Gas Division 245.1 886 132.77 859.2 19.60 895 17.63 375 13.75 375 10.63 396 6.96 154.3 10.00 859.1 96.41 886 5.20 893 8.56 895 13.80 154.1 1,810.00 874 14.74 880 66.95 376 8.15 871 120.10 921 7.50 921 _93.80 880 219.68 880 886 69.95 859.1 10.26 396 53.34" 930 5.75 859.1 10.75 859.2 6.95 895 8.25 859.1 9.60 154.3 394 880 51.61 895 7.66 903 31.40 396 79.75 895 2.65 895 185.85 375 9.57 396 7.80 39. 40. Daniel Miller Natural Gas Division Sid Harvey's Cory Coffee Service Plan, Inc. Dey Appliance Company Coast to Coast Stores Crane & Ordway Company Crane & Ordway Company American Meter C ompa rip Municipal Electric Plant There being no further business, the meeting be adjourned. Motion Tracy and unanimously carried. AT TES Salary 45.23 Petty Cash 48.93 488 9.75 926 25.85 488 11.72 880 1.53 154.3 880 235.05- 893 245 902 903 14.15 470.98 Commissioner H. W. Filk moved that was seconded by Commissioner f d "Young., ecretary. Special Meeting July 7, 1969 1 1 A special meeting of the Hutehimon Utilities Commission was held at the Hutchinson Utilities Billing Office on the 7th day of July, 1969. All Commissioners were present. Motion was made by Commissioner Filk and seconded by Commissioner Tracy to pay the extra charge of$2,009.00 to the State Farm & Casualty Company. This extra charge due to an oversight in the specifications for bids on insurance. The bid belonging to State Farm' & Casualty Company did not include "X, C or Ut'. ( X indicating explosion, C-- collapse and U -- underground property damage.) Motion was unanimously carried. A request was made by the Worthington Company to have a test run on Units #3 and #4 for the purpose of determining the acceptance of the engines. After the test, Worthington would write a letter guarantying to correct any difficulties at their expense. Motion was Commissioner Tracy, seconded by Commissioner Filk, not to the units until all problems were corrected. Motion was ac ce pt ed There being no further business, the meeting be adjourned. Motion Tracy and unanimously carried. ATTEST - : made by accept unanimously Commissioner H. W. Filk moved that was seconded by Commissioner R. E. Young, Secretary. 1