08-11-1969 HUCM44. Regular Meeting August 11, 1969. The monthly meeting cC the Hutchinson Utilities Commission was held on August 11, 1969 at 4:00 P. M. in the Hutchinson Utilities Billing Office. As the President was absent, the Vice President conducted the meeting. The other Commissioner was present. The minutes of the previous meeting were read and approved as read. Motion was made by Commissioner Filk and seconded by Commissioner Tracy to contribute $35,000.00 to the General Fund of the City of Hutchinson. Motion was unanimously carried. In order to obtain information on gas turbine stag units, Commissioner Filk made a motion, seconded by Commissioner Tracy, to accept an invitation extended by the General Electric Company to make a survey of the operations of the generating plant at Ottows, Kansas and, then, to tour the General Electric Plant at Schenectady, New York. The invitation was extended to the Commission and the Utilitiest Manager for the 10,11 and 12th of September. Motion was unanimously carried. The Following bills were allowed: Natural Gas Division Natural Gas Division 245.1 99.70 First Nationa 1 Bank 128 250.00 Northern States Supply Inc 874 11.85 American Meter Company 154.1 569.80 Mueller Company 880 25.22 Machine Specialties Company 154.3 563.06 Cory Coffee Service Flan 926 25.85 Municipal Electric Plant 136 21.18 Farm & Home Dist. Company 880 1.95 Zila Hardware 880 893 9.65 Hutchinson Telephone Company 921 68.67 Bob's Shell Service 8.59.2 1.50 Hutchinson Wholesale Supply 895 4.15 Larry Goede Salary 138.55 Mark Schwarze Salary 109.67 Northern Natural Gas Company 8,07 48,832.50 Municipal Electric Plant 154.1 886 72.08 Hutchinson Farmers Union 859.1 8207 Popp Bros. Lumber 375 29.00 Crane & Ordway Company 154.3 190.64 M oehring Motors 880 5.00 Hutchinson Sheet Metal Works 880 1.60 American Linen Supply 930 5.85 Black, Sival is & Bryson, Inc. 880 30.12 Coast to Coast Stores 880 18.59 Hoffman Plumbing & Heating 880 45.66 Home Bakery 930 26.04 Alr is k's 933 26.00 Northern States Siipply Inc 874 11.25 Sorneson's Farm Supply 880 8.63 Ben Jerabek 880 7.89 I� L� 45 Continental Oil Company Larry Goads Klary 9.1 13.02 151.89 Mark Schwarze salary /51.89 Fisher Governor Company 154.2 143.3 76.56 Northern States Supply Inc. 874 88.27 United Building Centers Inc 880 20.56 Farmers Elevator Association 880 3.90 Matheson Gas Products 874 72.42 The Tapec oat Company 376 380 371.25 Minn. Natural Gas Company 880 206.72 FencePainter Division 877 28.95 Sid Harvey's 488 12.75 Cory Coffee Service Flan 926 51.70 Minn.-Wise. Truck Line 154.3 30.82 Orville Kuiken 920.1 34.00 Central Supply C ompa ny 154.3 2,338.56 Minne gase o Mpls Gas Co. 893 54.00 Natural Gas Division Petty Cash 41.20 Rockite Silo 886 30.00 Municipal Electric Plant Mrs. Fred Briggs 799.4 20.00 Hutchinson Telephone Company 798.2 130.24 Municipal Water Department 730.2 797 60.86 Home Gas Company 730.3 1.36 Hutchinson Refuse Service 730.4 39.00 Zila Hardware 734.4 771 34.48 Olin Conductors 124 270.00 Postmaster 781.2 500.00 State Farm & Casualty Company 130 29009.00 Municipal Electric Plant Petty Cash 71.74 Municipal Electric Plant Petty Cash 35.03 Richard Bach 215 89.50 Industrial Supply 734.1 #7 59.09 H. D. Lee Company 730.5 27.56 Fountain Products 799.6 312.00 Anderson Chemical Company 730.3 628.43 Nordberg Manufacturing Company 123 #1 734.1 #1 3,436.00 Sterling Electric 124 27.50 Leef Bros. Inc 730.5 185.62 Don Skelly Service 759.1 98.88:., Natural Gas Division 729.2 732 26,177.28 Home Bakery 799.6 66.44 Northern States Supply 730.3 734.4 11.66 Moehring Motors 759.1 759.2 32.00 Coast to Coast Store 734.4 4.61 American Linen Supply 730.5 25.25 Popp's Hutchinson Cleaners 730.5 103.20 Freiden Division of Singer Company 781.5 49.00 46. Texaco Inc 730.1 Kato Tool & Equip. Company 771 Datid Oelfke 415 Burroughs Corporation 781.3 National Chemsearch Corporation 730.3 Westinghouse Electric Supply 124 Standard Oil ,, 728.1 G. F. Nemitz Sons 797 Lloyd Torgr im9 on 211 Milan Burich 211 Sterling Electric 730.3 Standard Oil 729.1 Fre id e n Inc 781.5 H. D. Lee Company 730.5 Scientic International Research 730.3 Premeier Fastener Company 734.4 Citizens Insurance Agency 130 Olin Conductors 124 Hager Jewelry 405 Fountain Products 799.6 Clarence Mohler 5062 H. & Co Electric 124 Boustad Electric Manf. . 734.1 Edward C. Spe thman 799.6 Madison Chemical Corporation 730.3 Municipal Electric Plant Petty Clara Tews Salary Terry Falling Salary 211 771 415 W Cash 2$,095.24 13.32 6.55 38.80 346.50 67.75 1,660.52 6.54 25.00 25.00 23.89 3,276.78 29.45 28.51 219.58 221.27 415.00 1,982.10 21.80 65.05 107.01 93.03 3 63.25 54.45 28.77 167.51 64.85 52.78 Therebeing no further business, Commissioner H. W. Filk moved that the meeting be adjourned. Motion was seconded by Commissioner Tracy and unanimously carried. l 6e�� ng , re ary Clinton Tracy-, Vice( Pres. 1