09-08-1969 HUCM47. Regular Meeting September 8, 1969 The monthly meeting of the Hutchinson Utilities Commission was held ,on September 8, 1969 in the Hutchinson Utilities Billing Office. All Commissioners were present. The minutes of the previous meeting were read and approved as read. Motion was made by Commissioner Tracy and seconded by Commissioner Filk to instruct Associated Consultants to submit plans for an addition to the 13,800 volt switchgear building, also an addition to the South Side of the plant to accomodate control panels. Motion was unanimously carried. A discussion was held regarding air break switches and fuse ,disconnects for the connection of a 15,000 KVA 69, 000 volt transform- er. It was decided to secure prices on both. Motion was made and seconded to schedule the next regular meeting for October 6th instead of the 13th. Motion was unanimously carried. The Secretary inf armed the members of a Minnesota Municipal Utilities meeting to be held on the 9th and 10th of October at the Ambassador Motor Hotel in Minneapolis. Motion was made and seconded allowing expenses to any Commissioner attending the meeting. Motion was unanimously carried. The following bills were allowed: Natural Gas Division Anderson, Helgeson, Lieser & Thorsen 923 825.00 Hutchinson Farmers Union 859.1 3.69 Minn.-Wisc. Truck Line s 874 7.10 Zila Hardware 880 1.50 Hutchinson Telephone Company- 921 71.52 Natural Gas Division Petty Cash 64.84 Municipal Water Department 886 9.60 Rockite Silo, Inc.;% t -' -f _ -' 886 30.00 Coast to Coast 880 2.78 Sid Harvey's 154.3 81.01 Am. Linen Supply Company 930 5.85 Farm & Home Dist. Co. 154.3 4.07 Hutch Iron & Metal Company 880 1.40 Standard Printing Company 903 29.90 Bob's Tire Service 859.2 62.64 A. Ida Truck Line 154.3 3.00 Robert L. Conway 235 8.71 Alr is k' s Northern States Supply, Inc. 933 874 4.98 5.50 Don's Skelly Service 859.1 87.98 48 . Natural Gas Division 245.1 886 107.10 Carr Flowers 921 11.45 Southern Cross Corp. 394 2,525.00 Hoffman Plumbing & Heating 488 154.3 11.79 The F lintkote Company 154.3 78.48 Larry Goede Salary 138.55 Mark Schwan ze Salary 112.58 Commissioner of Highways 175 300.00 Municipal Electric Plant 245 902 903 967.73 Crane & Ordway Company 488 15493 254.06 United Building Centers Inc 879 17.46 Joseph G. Pollard Company 880 24.14 MachineSpec ialt ie s Company 154.3 255.82 Northern States Supply, Inc. 874 5.50 Cory Coffee Service Plan 926 25.85 Burkhardt-Larsen Company 895 11039 C. H. Stocking 895 12.50 Sears, Roebuck & Company 880 2.22 Minn.-Wisc. Truck Lines 488 376 380 55.59 Larry Goede Salary 1-27.82 Lawrence Schwarze Salary 62.46 The following bills were allowed: Municipal Electric Plant Mrs. Fred Briggs 799.4 20.00 H & C Electric 124 31.50 Carr Flowers 405 6.51 Janell Hedlund 415 4.68 Municpal Water Department 797 40.89 Hutchinson Telephone Company 793.3 132.44 Fisch.er's Bakery 799.6 83.60 Simonson Lumber Company 771 3.80 Zila Hardware 734.4 771 33.85 Crow River Gift & Office 793.4 9.75 Texaco Inc 730.3 30.78 American Linen Supply 730.5 25.45 Myron Wigen Chev. 759.2 41.50 Hutchinson Wholesale Supply 759.1 12.34 GTC Auto Parts 730.3 14.79 Moehring Motcrs 759.1 759.2 70.00 Helwig Carbon Products 734.2 40.49 Natural Gas Division - 729.2 732 27,097.31 Bob's Tire Service 759.2 122.11 G . , F . Nemit z Sons 734.4 1.45 Home Bakery 799.6 27.21 Olin Conductors 124 53.50 Popp's Hutchinson Cleaners 730.5 116.15 Northern States Supply 730.3 734.4 33.55 Anderson, Leiser & Thorsen 795 1,575.00 Kato Tool & Equip 734.4 771 25.35 Municipal Electric Plant Petty Cash 114.78 Nordberg Manufacturing Company 123 #1 #2 734.1 #7 9,718.12 Sterling Electric 124 730.3 Minn.-Wisc. Truck Line 734.1 #7 Burmeister Electric 124 Nalco Chemical Company 734.4 Standard Oil 729.1 Minn.-Wisc. Truck Line 734.1 #7 General Office Product 793.4 Sterling Electric 730.3 Standard Oil 729.1 Nord berg Manufacturing Company 212 Westinghouse Electric Supply 124 211 Standard Printing Company 78103 Kemske Paper Company 793.4 Natural Gas Division 102 Fountain Products 799.6 Burmeister Eletric 124 Standard Oil 729.1 American Public Power Assoc. 799.6 City of Hutchinson 799.6 GTC auto Parts 759.2 Helwig Carbon Products 734.4 Mildred Rassmussen 799.6 Sterling Electric 730.3 Nordbexg Manufacturing Company 123 #7 Minn. -disc. Truck Lines 124 Precision Gasket Company 734.4 Power Supply Company 730.3 Westinghouse Electric 124 Rotanium Products 734.4 Leef Brothers 730.5 Williams 734.4 Standard Oil 729.1 Burmeister Electric Company 124 Oliver Electrical Manf. Company 124 John Henry Foster Company 734.4 Nordberg Manufacturing C nmpany 734.1 #7 Snap -on Tools Corporation 734.4 Northland Electrical 734.1 #1 #2 Susan Becker 415 H. D. Lee Company 7th 0.5 Culligan Water Conditioning 730.4 797 Red Owl Food Stores 799.6 Power Supply C ompa nor 730.3 734.4 Municipal Electric Plant Petty Cash Fountain Brand Products 799.6 Precion Gasket Company 734.4 Texaco Inc 730.1 730.3 Simonson 732 Grinnell Company 734.4 49 95.39 9.70 153.55 60.00 2,446.52 71.34 7.71 16.31 830.48 104.50 356.34 31.75 46.66 6.65 42.00 66.95 1,660.41 361.10 1,485.44 1.19 25.98 17.92 2.89 205.00 4.75 7.50 69.00 101.25 39.90 134.73 45.07 1,660.41 79.61 11.81 13.48 56.80 96.96 32.40 3.1€ 28.51 20.25 8.05 160.08 161.15 51.95 15.00 62.13 27.70 38.82 50 Clara Taws Salary 67.31 Terry Falling Salary 151.41 Earl Ondracek Salary 138.74 Rolland Lamp Salary 71.68 Rolland Lamp Salary 158.75 Calvin Tabberson Salary 106.17 Terry Falling Salary 117.23 Earl Ondracek Salary 153.39 There being no further business, Commissioner H. W. Filk moved that the meeting be adjourned. Motion was seconded by Commissioner Tracy and unanimously carried. Attast`��= E. Yng, 8 retarye H. P. uade,—Tres. September 17, 1969. Special Meeting. A special meeting of the Hutchinson Utilities Commission was held at the Hutchinson Utilities Billing office on the 17th of September, 1969. All Commissioners were present. Motion was made by Commissioner Tracy and seconded by Commissioner Filk to have the engineering fprm of Associated Consultants sub- mit plans for a combined cycle gas turbine. Motion was unanimously carried. There being no further business, Commissioner 11. W. Filk moved that the meeting be adjourned. Motion was unanimously carried. �r TF.-E. Y g, ec etary. ATTIPS H. P. Iluade , resident. f 1 �I