09-23-1969 HUCM1
A special meeting
at the Hutchinson
ember, 1969.
Special Meeting
September 23, 1969.
of the Hutchinson Utilities Commission was held
Utilities Billing Office on the 23rd day of Sept-
All Commissioners were present.
Motion was made by Commissioner Tracy, seconded by Commissioner Filk
to purchase the city garage building and land located South of the
present power plant from the City of Hutchinson at a cost of $25,000.
This site to be used for future plant expansion. Motion was
unanimously carried.
MSt;ion was made by Commissioner Tracy, seconded by Commissioner Filk
to contribute $10,000.00 to the General Fund of the City of Hutchinson
before September 30, 1969. Motion was unanimously carried.
There being no further business, Commissioner H. W. Filk moved
that the meeting be adjourned. Motion was seconded by Commissioner
Tracy and unanimously carried.
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pec ial Meeting
_eptember 25, 1969
A special meeting; of the Futchinson Utilities Commission was held
at the Hutchinson Utilities Billing Office on the 25th day of
September, 1969.
All Commissioners were present; also Supt. Orville Kuiken.
Motion was made by Commissioner Filk and seconded by Commissioner
Tracy to increase each of the following Gas Division employee's
salary by $100.00 per month, effective October 1, 1969:
Orville Kuike n
Ivan Larson
Wayne Schwarze
George Nelson
As in the past, no overtime or standby time will be paid to the
employees of the Natural Gas Division. Motion was unanimously