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10-08-1969 HUCM
52. There being no further business, Commissioner H. W. Filk moved that the meeting be adjourned. MOtion was seconded by Commissioner Tracy and unanimously carried. ATTF'S . H. P 0 W, uade,--Pives -def��n- Regular Meeting October 8, 1969. The monthly fteting of the Hutchinson Utilities Commission was held on October 8, 1969 at 3:00 P. M. in the Hutchinson Utilities Billing Office. All Commissioners were present. The minutes of the previous meeting were read and approved as read. The overhaul of the turbochargers and heat exchangers on the Worthington engines was discussed. It was decided to call the Worthington Company instructing them to authorize the overhaul. A letter was received from Pfeifer and Schultz and discussed. The Secretary was instructed to answer the correspondence. Motion was made by Commissioner Filk, seconded by Commissioner Tracy to set the 17th. as the date for the November Regular Meeting at 3:00 P. M. The following bills were allowed: Mrs. Fred Briggs Nordberg Manufacturing Company StanJard Oil Sterling Electric Rockite Silo Minn.-Wisc. Truck Lines Charles Olson & Sons Inc American Linen Supply Moehring Motors MUNICIPAL ELECTRIC C r--�I I� J 799.4 20.00 123 #1 #2 734.1 #7 109.80 729.1 1,660.52 124 18.47 771 6.94 734.1 #7 85.79 759.2 458.00 730.3 23.60 759.1 IZ59.2 20.30 53 Hutchinson Wholesale Company 730.3 3.24 Home Bakery 799.6 103.85 Coast to Coast Store 734.4 771 10.14 Nalco Chemical Company 734.4 31.00 Zila Hardware 734.4 771 20.22 Popp's Hutchinson Cleaners 730.5 86.95 Hutchinson Medical Center 799.6 45.00 Hutchinson Iron & Metal Company 734.4 12.60 Rotanium Products 734.4 313.18 Hutchinson Leader 799.6 2.00 Addressograph Multigraph Corp. 781.4 26.64 Larson Communications 799.3 219.65 Brinkman Studios 799.6 260.50 A.M . I. Sewer Service 734.4 125.00 Natural Gas Division 729.2 777 300451.13 Burroughs Corporation 730.3 781.3 256.15 Hutchinson Te 1ppho ne Company 793.3 118.78 Typewriter Shop 793.4 5.24 Municipal Electric Plant Petty Cash 111.20 Kemske Paper Company 793.4 30.51 Meade's 66 Service Station 759.1 117.19 Federal Communications Comm 799.3 2.00 Minm. -Truck Lines 730.3 25.22 Leef Bros. Plowman's Inc 730.5 759.1 759.2 142.76 11.75 Standard Oil 729.1 5,811.71 Sterling Electric Company 124 90.92 Nordberg Manufacturing Company 123 #1 #2 734.1 #1,2, j1 19272.20 E. A. Pedersen Company 258 72476.25 Olin Conductors 124 276.75 Nalco Chemical Company 730.3 768.45 ACCO Bristol Division 734.1 #1 196.27 Charles Olson & sons 759.2 7.90 Family Rexall Drug 793.4 3.03 Farm & Home Dist. Company 734.4 11.76 Thunderbird Trucking Inc 211 145.26 Fountain Brand Products 799.6 65.10 Texaco Mne 730.3 30.78 Kearney C ompa ny 124 48.15 Preme ier Fastener Company 734.4 12.48 Northern States Supply 734.4 12.60 He lwig Carbon Products 734.4 64.45 Natural Gas Division 102 4.50 Duluth Filter Company 730.3 739.20 Don's Skelly Service 759.2 1.75 Red Owl Food Stores 799.6 29.78 Burmeister Electric Company 124 69.64 Municipal Electric Plant Petty Cash 192.90 American Oil Company 759.1 74.28 54. Standard Oil 729.1 245.1 2,490.78 Anderson Chemical Company 730.3 895 196.96 McLeod County Treasurer 799.6 933 15.00 Power Supply Company 730.3 930 93 .90 Westinghouse Electric Supply 124 211 73.58 Sterling Electric Company 124 235.52 Lakeland Eng. Equipment Company 734.4 8.19 E. A. Pedersen Company 124 771 322.31 Standard Oil 729.1 1,660.52 E. A. Pedersen Company 258 261 71222.00 Richard Johnson 415 1.96 Burmeister Electric Company 124 37.50 Culligan Water Conditioning 730.4 797 11.25 Kato Tool and Equip. Company 734.4 69.84 Minn. Wisc . Truck Line 124 734.1 #1 25.31 Tri- County Water Conditioning 734.4 10.50 Charles Olson & Sons 759.2 48.00 H &.0 . Electric Supply 124 1,869.95 Red .Owl Food Stores 799.6 29.17 Power Valve National �hemsearch 734.1 #'1 223.87 Corp. 730.3 274.09 Foundtain Brand Products 799.6 64.01 Municipal Electric Plant Petty Cash 73.84 W. E. Reyers on 796 400.00 Rolland Lamp Salary 150.30 Calvin Tabberson Salary 150.56 Terry Falling Salary 141.36 Earl Ondracek Salary 151.26 Clara Tews Salary 94.33 Rolland Lamp Salary 116.07 Calvin Tabberson Salary 51.68 Terry Falling Salary 130.56 Earl Ondracek Salary 141.95 Central Supply Compa.n-y Nat)iral Gas Division Natural Gas Division 0. A. Bretzke & Son Machine Specialties C ompa ny Alr is k' s Natural Gas Division American Linen Supply Company Hutchinson Telephone Company Myron Wigen Chevrolet Companym Zila,Hardware NATURAL GAS DIVISI ©N 154.3 l..692-93 245.1 81.31 Petty Cash 25.61 895 10.77 154.3 21.25 933 9.96 886 35.30 930 5.85 921 77.58 859.2 9.68 880 14.10 1 1 1 1 American Meter Company Coast to Coast Stores Hutchinson Sheet Metal Works Bobts Shell Service Lawrence Schwas ze Big Bear, Inc Central Supply Company Natural Gas Division Municipal Electric Plant Northern States Supply, Inc Wylie Texaco Service Southern Cross Corp. Crane & Ordway Minn. -Wisc. Truck Line Farm & Home Dist. C ompany Guy Speaker C o .Inc . Ba.11ant ine Machine Parts, Inc. Goodin Company Sid Harveys t s The Velvet Coach rostmaster United Building Center Crane & Ordway Company Chas Olson & Son Lawrence Schwarze Wilbert Nisse Guy Speaker Company Inc American Meter Company Natural Gas Division 893 880 154.3 859.2 Salary 880 154.3 Petty Cash 245 902 903 874 859.1 874 154.3 164.3 880 154.3 895 154.3 488 912 903 880 880 895 Sala ry Sa la ry 154.3 154.1 E Petty CLash 55. 32.59 14.15 15.40 5.75 102.86 9.80 1,335.52 97.05 481.29 38.18 1.55 6.32 97.75 26.77 3.43 5.77 129.63 4.21 38.38 4.35 250.00 3.50 115.64 58.60 107.67 82-19 15.25 370.40 52.61 There being no further business, Commissioner H. W. Filk moved that the meeting be adjourned. Motion was unanimously carried. ATTE R. o , Se e to ry. vctober 30, 1969. Special Meeting. A, special meeting of the Hutchinson Utilities Commission was held at the Hutchinson Utilities Billing; Office at 2:00 P. M. on the 30th of October, 1.969. All Commissioners were present; also W. Eslick, Attorney for the Commission, W. E. Reyerson and representatives from Associated Consultants. 56. The Chairman, Howard Quade, called the meeting to order at two o'clock P. M. The Chairman instructed Secretary R. E. Young to open the one bid which had been received from E. J. Pinske, Builder, Gaylord, Minnesota. The bid disclosed that the bid on Item #1 was $24,783.00 and on Item #2 was x$,9,000.00, a total bid of $33,783.00. Accompanied with bid was Bid Bond in the amount of $2,000.00 with the St. Paul Fire and Marine Insurance Company, St. Paul, Minnesota. In the absence of Mr. Pinske, the Commission discussed the matter of the necessity of building and also tried to arrive at some conclusion .jhy only one bidder. It appeared to the Commission that there having been no local bidder show interest for obtaining specifications in advance in which to bid that the bid of E. J. Pinske was fair and reasonable and that Mr. Pinske should be interviewed. Mr. Pinske was called into the meeting and the matter of the construction of two buildings was discussed and it was decided that he could cooperate with the Commission in the construction work as to the opening of certain walls and that the work could progress without interruping plant activities to any great degree. After discussing the matter with Mr. Pinske, Member C. Tracy moved that the bid of E. J. Pinske be accepted and a contract )ntered into in the amount of $33,783.00. Member H. Filk seconded the motion, and upon vote being taken all Commissioners voted in favor thereof and no one voted in opposition thereto, and said motion was declared unanimously adopted. Mr. Young instructed Mr. Pinske to get in touch with associated Consultants who would prepare a contract and in turn have Mr. Pinske furnish a Statutory Bond under the Law of the Mate of Minnesota. The Commission called Mr. W. Eslick to participate in the meeting and Mr. Young and Mr. Eslick detailed to the Commission the situation that has arisen and continues to arise in the con- sumption of electrical power distributed by the Hutchinson Utilities Commission and detailed the extreme hazzard existing in the foreseeable future if the Commission failed to provide for proper enuipment to handle this power demand. Mr. Young and Mr. Eslick detailed to the Commission the amount of work and effort they have put into analyzing the situation and projecting the needs of the Commission, and that the Commission should immediately make arrangements for the purchase and installation of new transformer 1 1 ASSOCIATED CONSULTANTS REGISTERED PROFESSIONAL ENGINEERS 4 2 0 S E X T O N B U I L D I N G MINNEAPOLIS, MINNESOTA 55415 3 3 9 - 7 5 8 5 October 28, 1969 Hutchinson Utilities Commission Hutchinson, Minnesota Attention: Mr. Ralph Young, Secretary Gentlemen: Due to an abnormally high load growth as a result of acceler- ated construction plans by Minnesota Mining and other power con - sumers in Hutchinson, there is a hazard of a power outage next summer if any major generation equipment should fail. Presently the interconnection substation between the Hutchinson system and Rural Cooperative Power Association is insufficient to meet demands of the Hutchinson system, which must be relied upon in case of generation failure. Sufficient time does not exist for the taking of bids and de- livery of a new transformer to enlarge the interconnection substa- tion in time to meet next summer's demands. We understand you have the opportunity to obtain a 15,000/ 20,000 KVA, 69KV Delta /13.8KV Wye transformer, and it is felt an emergency condition exists to justify purchasing the same, along with necessary associated equipment. Such action could easily save Hutchinson from a possible electrical outage next summer. Yours very truly, ASSOCIATED CONSULTANTS Donald E. Swanson, P.E. DES /jb V - 57. equipment which would service within the interchange with Rural Cooperative Power Association, Elk River, Minnesota. Mr. Young detailed that General Electric was one of the main suppliers of this type of equipment and that General Electric was going on strike and an extreme possibility that Westinghouse would also go on strike and that the question of the obtaining of new equipment was one which could not be foreseen and even though an order were placed, after bids and specifications were prepared, there would be no possibility of delivery for forty weeks to one year and that this Commission cannot endanger its operation by waiting that period of time and not have definite knowledge of availability of a transformer to handle the interchange with Elk River, which will be necessary by the summer of 1970 thru the demand of the consumers of the Hutchinson Utilities Commission. Mr. Young then detailed that he and Mr. Eslick had made full investigation of a Westinghouse transformer now in operation at the Mu nI c ipal :Public Utility in Roches ter, Minnesota , and which transformer has the following specifications: 69,000 volt Delta/ 13,800 volt Y 15,000 KVA without fans and 20,000 KVA with fans This is the same size transformer that would be covered by any advertiding for bids at thid time and the Commission finds it is impossible and impractical to write specifications on a second-hand transformer such as the transformer owned by the City of Rochester for the purpose of taking competitive offers, because the emergency exists this Commission finds it is necessary to enter into a contract for the purchase of the transformer at Rochester, Minnesota based on the fact that it has not been overloaded at the time its use is discontinued by the City of Rochester. Mr. Eslick detailed the accessories now attached to this transformer and Mr. Young stated that the transformer when new cost, approximately, $123,000.00 about ten years ago and Mr. Eslick stated, in h1s opinion, the transformer is as good as new inasmuch as he and Mr. Young were under the assumption it had never been overloaded. After giving the matter most serious consideration, Member H. Filk moved that the Hutchinson Utilities Commission purchase the transformer and accessories owned by City of Rochester and now in use and as viewed by Messrs. R. E. Young and W. Eslick, and that in addition thereto the Commission purchase the-: necessary new equipment to put the transformer in operation at Hutchinson at the earliest possible practical time. Member 0. Tracy seconded tl�e motion, and upon vote being taken all Commissioners voted in favor thereof and no one voted in opposition thereto, and said motion was declared unanimously adopted. Mr. Young requested that the letter from Associated Consultants dated October 28, 1969 be made a part of the minutes of the meeting setting forth the need and the advice of Associated Consultants for purchasing transformer and President Quade so ordered that the letter be made a part of the minutes. 58. Preliminary plans f or a c ombined gas '6urbine were submit ted to the Commission. After the plans were reviewed, several changes were proposed. The plans were returned to Associated Consultants. There being no further business, Commissioner H. W. Filk moved that the meeting be adjourned. Motion was seconded by Commissioner Tracy and unanimously carried. r� .A,TTE — H.u'ade, 'reside t. .Or 1042U�"- -- Yrg., Se6petary