11-17-1969 HUCM1 1 1 59. November 17, 1969 Regular Meeting The postponed meeting was held at the Hutchinson Utilities Billing Office at three o'clock P. M. on November 17, 1969. All Commissioners were present. The minutes of the previous and special meeting were read and approved as read. Motion was made by Commissioner Tracy, seconded by Commissioner Filk to contribute $25,000.00 to the General Fund of the City of Hutchinson. Motion was unanimously carried. Motion was made by Commissioner Filk, seconded by Commissioner Tracy setting December 1, 1969 for the regular meeting date as the Commissioners would be unavailable for the regular date. Motion was unanimously carried. A discussion was held regarding the present 5,000 KVA transformer which is currently in use and will be replaced with a 15,000 KVA transformer. The question arose as to the need for the (5,000) transformer in the future. No decision was made and the issue was tabled for further discussion. Mr. Young gave a report regarding tae progress of work on the new additions to the plant. The following bills were allowed: Mrs. Fred Briggs 799.4 Jerome H. Anderson 415 Thomas Johnson 415 Rockite Silo 211 -Hutchinson Telephone Company 793.3 Standard Oil 729.1 Coast to Coast Store 771 Westinghouse Electric Supply 124 Home Bakery 799.6 .American Linen Supply 730.5 Del Chemical Corporation 730.3 Vincent Brass &. Alum. Co. 734.4 Hutchinson Wholesale Supply 734.4 Moehing Motors 759.1 Bob's Shell Service 759.1 H & C. Electric Supply 124 Olen Conductors 124 Power Valve 734.1 Hutchinson Sheet Metal Works 734.4 MUNICIPAL ELECTRIC PLANT 20.00 3.19 1.82 43.88 96.55 3,896.58 1.35 405.20 33.39 22.95 142.08 24.50 771 22.48 759.2 12.85 101.67 34.90 295.00 #1 10.57 6.90 60 . GTC auto Parts 730.3 13.23 Myron Wigen Chevrolet Company 759.2 37.80 Popp's Hutchinson Cleaners 730.5 107.55 Natural Gas Division 729.2 777 29,681.25 Municipal Water Department 730.2 45.13 Hutchinson Refuse Service 730.4 39.00 Hut& ins on Medical Center 799.6 45.00 Zila Hardware 7:4.4 771 13.45 Simonson Lumber C,�mpany 732 771 36.16 Standard Oil 700.1 1,876.45 Municipal Electric Plant Petty Cash 133.55 Fischer's Bakery 799.6 51.74 Leef Bros. Inc 730.5 217.74 Sterlin Electric �a 124 771 163.94 Kems ke per Company 793.4 38.69 Standard Oil 729.1 2,290.63 Grams Insurance Agency 130 45.00 Ben Jerabek 734.4 771 49.95 Boustad Electrio & Manf. . Companym 734.1 #2 36.50 Northern States Supply Inc 734.4 771 33.95 Don Skelly Service Yetzer Variety House 759.2 799.6 1.75 7.45 Imdustrail Supply Company 734.1 #'1 734.4 46.31 Postmaster 781.2 500.00 Municipal Electric Plant Petty Cash 109.56 Sterling Electric Company 124 730.3 169.03 Standard Oil 729.1 61,874.56 Minnesota Wisconsin Truck Lines 771 4.75 Burmeister Electric Company 124 771 303.97 Thunderbird Truc',�ing Inc 211 65.15 Sc ie nt if is International Research 730.3 452.76 Riverview Press 793.4 71.00 Culligan Water Conditioning 730.4 797 11.25 Kato Tool & Equipment Company 771 18.91 Nordberg Manufacturing Company 123 #1 #2 734.1 #4 1,715.10 Power Valve 734.1 #2 261.19 Standard Oil 759.1 21.92 H. W. Filk 792.1 48.47 R. E. Young 792.2 49.76 H. P. Qu ad e 792.1 63.62 Standard Oil 729.1 3,819.31 Rotanium Products 734.4 215.04 Burmeister Electric Company 771 9.80 Address ograph Mult igra ph 781.4 31.86 Paul Feldtm.ose 415 2.98 61 Mrs. Wanda Ericson 415 4.27 Burroughs Corporation 781.3 73.20 Kemske Paper Company 793.4 102.23 Preme ier Fastener Company 734.4 223.67 Nalco Chemical Company 734.4 60.00 Kurth' s Foods 799.6 2.63 Westinghouse Electric Supply Co. 124 136.85 Rolland Lamp Salary 162.46 Calvin Tabberson Salary 148.16 Terry Falling Salary 141.36 Earl Ondracek Salary 126.21 Terry Falling Salary 83.24 Calvin Tabberson Salary 20.64 Rolland Lamp Salary 123.43 Earl Ondracek Salary 177.02 NATURAL GAS DIVISION Natural Gas Division 245.1 886 107.64 Municipal Electric Plant 886 38.00 .American Meter Company 154.1 893 929.48 The Foxboro Company 871 336-40 Zila Hardware 0. A. Bretzke & Sons 880 880 895 13.50 11.55 Bob's Tire Service 859.2 55.26 Bob's Shell Service 859.2 11.42 Hutchinson Wholesale Supply 895 12.74 Hutchinson Iron & Metal Company 895 5.00 Lindy's Sinclair 376 15.00 Myron Wigen Chevrolet 859.2 6.60 Minn. Natural Gas Company 376 108.46 Scenic Outdoor Adv. Company 375 727.00 Rockite Silo Company 376 18.75 Farm & Home Dist. Company 859.2 51.06 Meade's 66 Service Swktion 859.1 107.45 Sorenson's Farm Supply 880 40.60 Coast to Coast Stores 880 1.08 American Linen Supp177 Company 930 5.85 Hutch ins on Telephone Company 921 64.67 Alrick's 933 24.05 Municipal Electric Plant 136 10.47 Municipal Electric Plant 245 902 903 930.1 479.79 Natural Gas Division Petty Cash 56.50 Goodin Company 154.3 3.21 Cory ©offee Service Plan 926 25.85 Minnesota Wisconsin Truck Lines 154.1 154.3 1,34.2 60.41 Hoffman Plumbing & Heating 880 14.75 Mueller Company Hutchinson Sheet Metal Works 154.1 880 84.50 8.25 62. Northern States Supply Inc. 874 Ben Jerabek 880 Continental Safety Equipment 895 Crane & Ordway 154.3 Fisher Governor Company 154.2 Dresser Manufacturing Company 154.3 American Meter Company 154.1 Hutchinson Oil Company 895 Machine Specialties Company 154.3 Standard Oil 859.1 Central Supply Company 154.3 American Meter Company 154.1 Olson Equip. Company 895 Mueller Company 154.3 Cory Coffee Service 926 Minnesota Wise. Truck Lines 880 Winton Products C ompa ny Inc 880 Northern States Supply 874 Orville Huiken 920.1 Sid Harvey's 488 Wilbert Nisse Salary Ronnie Novotny Salary Nom ::• 5.00 66.12 35.84 23.85 123.20 225.80 215.56 5.25 164.80 51.36 429.66 1,835.05 203.06 89.21 25.85 8.94 25.00 13.53 38.00 32.95 194.40 220.54 There being no further business, Commissioner H. W. Filk moved that the meeting; be adjourned. Motion was seconded by Commissioner Tracy and unanimously carried. -Rl" -E oun Secretar g y At tes� H. P. Quade., President. 1