01-12-1970 HUCMM.] January 12, 1970 Regular Meeting. The regular meeting of the Hutchinson Utilities Commission was held on January 12, 1970 at 3:00 P. M. in the Hutchinson Utilities Billing Office. All Commissioners 'were present; also Attorney W. E. Reyerson. The minutes of the regular and special meeting were read and approved as read. Motion was made by Commissioner Tracy, seconded by Commissioner Filk, authorizing the Manager of the Utilities Commission to sign Underground Service Agreements between the Hutchinson Utilities Commission and any customer wishing a service. Motion was unanimously carried. Motion was made by Commissioner Filk, seconded by Commissioner Tracy, to advertise for bids for approximately 40,000 feet of gas pipe. Call for bids to be published in the Hutchinson Leader. Bids to be opened February 9, 1970 at two P. M. at the billing office located at 22 Main Street North, Hutchinson, Minnesota. Specifications available at the Billing Office. Motion was unanimously carried. Resolved that, in accordance and after investigations and owing by customers of the Ut collectable and as bad debts January 31, 1970, out of t he Utilities Commission: with the recommendations of the Manager, consideration, the following accounts ilities Commission be charged off as un- and that the same be written off as of current earnings of the Hutchinson (Natural Gas Division) Electric Plant) The above resolution was made by Commissioner Filk, seconded by Commissioner Tracy and unanimously carried. 1 Hutchinson Auto Renew 1 -99 $170.49 Jerry Tonge n 6 -289 13.36 Darrell Rommel 7 -262 11.72 Jerry Kremer 12 -362 50.77 ° (0 Robert Hintz 25 -9 115.01 N T- N 361.35 (Municipal T- (.0 Peterson Building Movers 1 -9 28.75 a) Roush Mobel Station 1 -14 13.90 CL T.- Hutch Auto Renew 1 -99 57.52 Kenneth Bangert 1 -118 59.06 o o � Robert Hintz 1 -230 55.74 co Joyce Burgstaler 2 -23 44.07) 0o o Dwight Heg;e 3 -268.5 14.94 C o Russell Cass 3 -266.1 4.43 .o 0 a Wallace Berg 5 -220 22.72 ° 2 2 a Duane Peterson 5 -309 15.56 0 M Darrell R omme 1 7 -2 62 10.63 0 ( L 2 Gena Oehlin 8 -260 12.49 o a) Lowell Mortensen 12 -146 14.56 5 a E Jerry Kremer 12 -362 44.43 Q z Ui Katusky Landscaping 13 -80.1 563.40 914.06 Electric Plant) The above resolution was made by Commissioner Filk, seconded by Commissioner Tracy and unanimously carried. 1 69. Ruth Hakel 40.00 C ord is Rippe 20.00 Bea Pollard 20.00 Beverly Popp 40.00 Harriet Burich 45.00 WHEREAS, The Hutchinson Utilities Commission of the City of Hutchinson, Minnesota, has the power, pursuant to the Charter amendment establish - ing said Commission, and has the full, absolute and exclusive control of the city gas and electric divisions, and has the right to make and enforce such rules and regulations as it may deem necessary and proper to carry out the functions of generating, distributing electrical energy and distributing natural gas f cr the City of Hutchinson and prescribing the duties of its employees and to pay these employees such compensation as the Commission deems proper, and WHEREAS, The Commission, acting under the power granted to it and being exercised by it, to f ix the compensation of its employees, including the Superintendents and Manager. All employees reaching the age of 65 years sha!A be retired as full time help excepting May the Manager, Superintends, Foreman and Plant Engineer. These men ma* 11 Motion was made by Commissioner Tracy, seconded by Commissioner Filk, to allow the following salary increases to be effective January 1, 1970. Motion was unanimously carried. Salaries to be again revised January, 1971. DeWayne Ruhed or 25.00 Milton Stvdeman 40.00 Myron Tucker 50.00 Harvey Kemper 50.00 Gordon Fratzke 50.00 Nathan Smutka 60.00 William Marquardt 50.00 Ross Heilman 10.00 Harvey Daharsh 20.00 George Luthens 35.00 Arnold Naas 25.00 Lester Ziegler 25.00 James Clouse 35.00 Roger Wallace 50.00 Donald Todnem 35.00 Earl Ondracek 425.00 (on by the month) Rolland Lamp 425.00 (on by the month) Henry Boller 10.00 Ruben Sanken 25.00 Fred Mayer 25.00 Richard Berry 25.00 Russelll Dolexal 425-00 (on by the month) Louis Francis 25.00 Henry Knac ke 10.00 Ruth Hakel 40.00 C ord is Rippe 20.00 Bea Pollard 20.00 Beverly Popp 40.00 Harriet Burich 45.00 WHEREAS, The Hutchinson Utilities Commission of the City of Hutchinson, Minnesota, has the power, pursuant to the Charter amendment establish - ing said Commission, and has the full, absolute and exclusive control of the city gas and electric divisions, and has the right to make and enforce such rules and regulations as it may deem necessary and proper to carry out the functions of generating, distributing electrical energy and distributing natural gas f cr the City of Hutchinson and prescribing the duties of its employees and to pay these employees such compensation as the Commission deems proper, and WHEREAS, The Commission, acting under the power granted to it and being exercised by it, to f ix the compensation of its employees, including the Superintendents and Manager. All employees reaching the age of 65 years sha!A be retired as full time help excepting May the Manager, Superintends, Foreman and Plant Engineer. These men ma* 11 70. Work after they have attained the age of sixty-five(65) years by mutual agreement between them and the Commission. Above motion was made by Commissioner Filk, seconded by Commissioner Tracy, and upon vote being taken all Commissioners voted in favor there of and no one voted in opposition thereto, and said motion was declared unanimously adopted. The President instructed the Secretary to open the sealed bids for a Utility line trencher (complete with backhoe and two buckets): 1. Ver -weer Sales & Service 9703 Humboldt Avenue 245.1 Bloomington, Minnesota 55431 $119525.00 2. Case Power and Equipment 880 950 West 94th Street 35.07 Minneapolis, Minnesota 55420 70325.00 3. Olson Equipment Company 34.04 4411 Hiawatha Avenue 921 Minneapolis, Minnsota 55406 99250.00 4. Chas. Olson & Sons, 'Inc. 488 Pillsbury at Lake Street 176.42 Minneapolis, Minnesota 55408 70277.00 5. Ditch Witch of Minnesota, Inc. 349.65 Jet. U. S. Hwy. 169 and 41 488 Shakopee, Minnesota 55379 7,191.98 After donsiderable discussion, a motion was made by Commissioner Tracy, seconded by Commissioner Filk, to award the bid to Ditch Witch of Minnesota. Motion was unanimously carried. Motion was made and seconded instructing the Secretary to return the certified checks to the unsuccessful bidders. Motion was unanimously carried. The following bills were allowed: Natural Gas Division Natural Gas Division 245.1 76.62 Municipal Electric Plant 880 886 35.07 Natural Gas Division 886 34.04 Hutchinson Telephone Company 921 71.30 Sid Harvey's 488 154.3 2.87 176.42 American Meter Company 154.1 349.65 Rutz Plumbing & Heating 488 4.25 Frank Motor Company, Inc 859.1 4.75 American Linen Supply C omna ny 930 5.85 Fisher Governor Company 154.1 893 346.65 Wallner Printing Company 903 32.00 Central Supply Company 154.3 880 15.78 71. L & P. Tire & Supply C ompany 859.2 10.95 Natural Gas Division Petty Cash 35.75 Home Bakery 926 18.72 Coast to Coast Stores 880 13.47 Pipe Line Engineer 930 5.00 Hutchinson Wholesale Supply Company 880 34.99 Ben Jerabek 895 8.06 Fisher Governor Company 154.2 17.02 Natural Gas Division Petty Cash 26.66 Sid Harvey 488 880 36.78 Cory Coffee Service Plan Inc. 926 51.70 Rite Way Auto Wash 859.1 59.13 Sid Harveyts 154.3 22.16 American Meter Company 154.1 16.66 Mrs. Elsie Wipperman 235 15.39 MUNICIPAL ELECTRIC PLANT Mrs. Fred Briggs 799.4 20.00 Standard Oil 729.1 10529.68 Hutchinson Leader 250 28.50 Culligan Water Conditioning 730.4 5.50 Nordberg Manufacturing Company 734.1 #7 265.00 Natural Gas Division 729.2 777 21,418.40 Mary Anderson 415 2.92 William Eslick 249 49.11 Rockite Silo, Inc. 211 249 168.96 Marshall Town Manufacturing Co. 734.4 10.86 Texaco Inc 730.3 30.78 Simonson Lumber Company 732 771 25.20 Hutchinson Iron & Metal Company 771 10.89 Gene M. Olson 415 1.17 Crane Supply Company 734.4 132.82 Kemske Paper C ompa ny 793.4 51.69 The DeLava 1 Separator Company 734.4 25.19 Frank Motor Company 759.1 100.72 Poppts Hutchinson Cleaners 730.5 100.60 Crow River Gift & Office Supply 793.4 8.21 Hutchinson Tlepehone Company 793.3 116.77 (TTC Auto Partd 7303. 14.03 Municipal Electric Plant Petty Cash 104.48 Minn. Municipal Utilities Assn. 799.6 400.00 Amot -Controls Corporations 734.1 #7 166.02 Twin City Testing Engineer Lab. 730.2 45.00 Coast to Coast Stores 730.3 734.4 6.46 Hutchinson Wholesale Supply 759.2 771 39.12 Moehring Motors 759.1 759.2 40.40 Larson Communications 799.3 79.60 Hutchinson Iron & Metal Company 734.4 37.50 Hutchinson Sheet Metal Works 734.4 771 4.05 72 . Standard Printing 781.3 103.45 Red Owl Food Stofes 799.6 20.08 H. R. Peterson Company 734.1 #7 18.67 Duncan Company 734.4 75.99 Texaco Inc 730.1 2,164.39 Henry Hlavaka 734.1 #1 16.20 Premeier Fastener Company 734.4 236.29 American Linen Supply 730.5 18.40 Leef Bros. Inc 730.5 186.71 Mrs. Elsie Wipperman 415 9.32 Rotanium Products 734.4 112.46 Home Bakery 799.6 34.74 Fountain Brand Products 799.6 107.80 Home Gas Company 730.3 1.36 Standard Oil 729.1 3,819.10 Westinghouse Electric Supply 124 3,831.14 Anderson Chemical Company 730.3 315.59 Farm & Home Distributing Company 797 1.30 C. H. Stocking 734.4 13.25 Standard Oil 729.1 763.84 Sterling Electric Company 124 31.85 Premeier Fastener Company 734.4 192.31 Municipal Electric Plant Petty Cash 94.48 American Legion 799.6 25.00 Fischer's Bakery 799.6 44.95 Northern States Supply Company_ 730.3 25.64 Ad d re s s og ra ph -Mu 1 t ig ra ph 781.4 11.07 Bob's Tire Service 759.2 4.00 Don Peterson 797 93.25 Premeier Fastener Company 734.4 283.99 United Building Center 734.1 #1 28.42 Chicago & Northwestern Railway 778 124.00 Plowman's Inc 759.2 15.20 Van Dusen Aircraft Supplies 736.3 4.94 Don's Skelly Service 759.2 1.75 Mrs. Ernest Hahn 5.62 6.11 William A. Eslic4 792.3 25.18 Del Chemical Corporation 742 247.09 Burmeister Electric Company 124 767.88 Westinghouse Electric Supply 124 4,803.76 Sterling Electric 730.3 771 112.74 Standard Oil 729.1 59346.99 Municipal !Electric Plant Petty Cash 68.88 Simonson Lumber 734.1 #1 173.40 The Wall Street Journal 799.6 58.00 Rolland Lamp -Salary 148.30 Russell Dolezal Salary 152.54 Earl Ondracek Salary 135.36 73 . S~peeial Meeting. January 15, 1970. ung, cre ary. A special meeting of the Hutchinson Utilities Commission was held in the Hutchinson Utilities billing office at two P. M. on January 15, 1970. All Commissioners were present; also W. E. Reyerson, Attorney for the Commission, Don Swanson, Robert Palmquist and Dave Schmitz of Associated Consultants. At the hour of two P. M., the 'President of the Commission declared that there were five sealed bids in answer to the advertisement for bids on a gas turbine, said five bids being made by: Cooper - Bessemer Company Mount Vernon, Ohio Worthington Corporation Wellsville, New York DeLaval Turbine Minneapolis, Minnesota. General Electric Company Minneapolis, Minnesota Turbotech, Inc . New York, New York The President of the Commission, Mr. Quade, instructed Mr. Palmquist of Associated Consultants to read the bids and the attorney for the Commission checked the bid bonds from the various bidders. Clara Tews Salary 48.05 Rolland Lamp Salary 158.04 Russell Dolezal Salary 169.49 Earl Ondracek Salary 166.98 There being no further business, Cormiss inner H. W. Filk moved that the meeting be adjourned. Commissioner Tracy seconded the motion. Motion was unanimously carried. S~peeial Meeting. January 15, 1970. ung, cre ary. A special meeting of the Hutchinson Utilities Commission was held in the Hutchinson Utilities billing office at two P. M. on January 15, 1970. All Commissioners were present; also W. E. Reyerson, Attorney for the Commission, Don Swanson, Robert Palmquist and Dave Schmitz of Associated Consultants. At the hour of two P. M., the 'President of the Commission declared that there were five sealed bids in answer to the advertisement for bids on a gas turbine, said five bids being made by: Cooper - Bessemer Company Mount Vernon, Ohio Worthington Corporation Wellsville, New York DeLaval Turbine Minneapolis, Minnesota. General Electric Company Minneapolis, Minnesota Turbotech, Inc . New York, New York The President of the Commission, Mr. Quade, instructed Mr. Palmquist of Associated Consultants to read the bids and the attorney for the Commission checked the bid bonds from the various bidders.