05-11-1970 HUCMWE May 11, 1970 Regular Meeting The regular meeting of the Hutchinson Utilities Commission was held on May 11, 1970 in the Hutchinson Utilities billing office. All Commissioners were present. The minutes of the regular and special meeting were read and approved as read. The Secretary informed the Commission that the Electric Division was in need of a new trick. Due to slow delivery at t-he present time, it was decided to call for bids this coming; fall. The Secretary was instructed to answer correspondence received from ivTinnesota 'wining & Twianufacturin.,7 Company requesting a lower billing rate for both electricity anr' gas consumed in the Hutchinson p7_ant. It was decided rot to make a ehanme in rates at the present time. Votion was made, seconded and unani7ously carried to contribute ,,v32,000.00 to t' e General Fund of the CL.ty of Hutchinson from the Natural Gas Division. Tu otion was made, seconded and unanimously carried to increase the - -ionthly sal-ary of liarri_et Burich. from 4'265.00 to 4'295.00. The following bills were all-owed: Municipal Electric Plant Mrs. Fred Briggs 799.4 20.00 Glen Hovda 415 4.31 Timothy Johnson 415 6.69 Postmaster 761.2 500.00 Natural Gas Division 729.2 777 26362.36 Hutchinson Telephone Company 793.3 137.91 Home Gas Company 730.3 3.00 Standard Oil 729.1 2356.70 Nord berg -'Ian of ac ur inf- Company 734.1 #1 12161.70 Westinghouse Electric Company 124 107.92 Sterling Electric 124 22.00 Burmeister Electric 124 771 760.08 Hutchinson Refuse Service 730.4 39.00 John Henry Foster Company 730.3 734.1 � 7 187.60 Municipal Electric Plant Petty Cash 64.54 Duncan Company 754-4 48.66 Power Supply Company 730.3 530.67 Fischer's Bakery 799.6 45.42 l'op,,, 's 1 3utc�,,inson Clearrrs 730.5 94.90 Crow River Gift & Off ice Suppy 73.4 14.30 Hutchinson Sheet TvIetal Works 734.1 #1 22.69 Lindy's Sinclair 759.1 90.01 Muncipal eNaler. Department 730.2 71.14 a ZilaHardware Company 734 .4 4.00 Texaco Inc 730.1 730.3 41.89 viinnesota Wisconsin Truck Lines 734.1 #1 42-53 Fountain Brand Products 799.6 1,56.69 Olin. Cor-noration 124 304.46 Premeier `Fastener 734.4 237-57 A,not Control Corporation 734.4 57.00 Rotanium Products Crmpany 734.4 191-13 Kemske Paper Company 793.4 85.13 S'imnnson Lumber Corrpany 734.4 771 20-51 Red Owl Food Stores 799.6 4.52 Hutchinson Wholesale Supply 730.3 4.78 Downtt,vin Standard 730.1 3.60 H. D. Lee Company 730.5 16-50 Leef Bros Inc 730.5 244.23 Home Bakery 799.6 41.24 American Linen Supply 730.5 21.75 Snap on Tools Corpration 734.4 17-13 Coast to Coast Stores 734.4 32.58 Radio Equipment Company 734.1 #3#4 86.40 Sterling Electric Company 730.3 123 #7 52.51 Precision Equipment Company 734.4 14.83 Standard Oil 7201.1 1541-36 Standard Printinc., 793.4 85-40 Citizens Bark 797.4 6.00 Municipal Electric Plant Petty Cash 81.39 American Public Power Association 792.1 200.1-,0 Soil Exploration Company 256 833.35 Hoffman Plumbing & Heating 734.4 2.40 Oakite Products Inc 730.3 41.63 Nott Company 734.1 #5 #6 #7 26.64 Nortl-ern States Su-,)-rly Company 730.3 730.4 37.29 Floor Care Supply Com-oany 215 245.00 Standard Oil 730.1 1876.45 Sterling Electric Company 124 249 319.15 Standard Oil 729.1 4624.08 Nordberg "anufacturing Company 123 #1 #5 #2 734.1 #1 2626-05 Westinghouse Electric Supply 124 771 92.21 Jo'i-.n Henry Foster Company 734.4 29-40 R/E. Young 792.2 96.76 Clinton Tracy 792.1 88.06 Zalk Steel and Supply Company 249 115.96 I'lowman's Inc 759.1 759.2 23.24 Steven Carpenter 415 e.45 Rotanium Products 734.4 148.15 Kato Tool &, Equipment Company 730.3 51.e4 Paramount Tool & Macrine Company 734.1 #1 #2 56.72 Burroughs Corporation 79:�.4 17-40 Premerier Fastener Company 734.4 9.10 1 I Northwest Electric C . I1. Stocking Duncan Company Tri- County Water Conditioning Addressoa;ra-oh- 1,1,uIti�rapb. Servc o Central !AcGowan Cullman 'Hater Conditioning Olin Corporation Bare o Bearing Company 11unic ipa l Electric Plant H. P. 'wade Standard Oil Graybar Electric Anderson Chemical Company '6illiams Sterling Electric company Minnesota Wisconsin Truck Lines Grams Insurance Agency Associated Consultants Ruth Hough Eagle Iron Works Gary Stritesky it It 771 771 7 ?4.4 730.3 781.4 734.1 #1 #2 7 ?4 .4 730.4 797 124 734.3 Petty Cash 792.1 729.1 124 249 734.4 730.3 124 250.1 249 734.1 #1 #2 130 262 415 249 Salary It Natural Gay; Division 91 3.10 1.90 5.00 8.55 6.95 59.70 19.40 5.75 2521.99 18.07 114.55 129.77 1563.99 84.23 182.60 32 .03 164.34 38.38 2,667.00 526.35 4.20 :3.90 168.23 1.38.38 Natural Gas Division 2 z -:5 .:9 903 13 3.69 Munlc ipa I E1ec tric Planet 886 , 35.715 Postmt:ster, Hutct inson, M innes ot. 90,7 2: }0.00 Munkipal Ele^',r_�c. Plant 245 902 903 9:' 7.1 544.36 Hutch. Wholesale S13pp17 880 Y7 .:Z Central Supply Company 154.3 222.58 Lin- 3-v's Sincla_i.r 75'1.2 51.22 Hirt ^ ?� i. ns on Te le plh ona C om pa riy 921 70.99 ConE,inental Saety Eaui.p. 394 36.07 Crane SurT lv 8I 19.70 Wind Kin;- Mt p; . C omoariv 895 79.4E Hut;cn1.ns,,n Sheet. Met:a1_ W o r s 38E5 29.82 0. A. Bretzke & Sons 385 4.65 United BiAlding) Center 880 9.60 Home Bakry 930 22.34 Sid Ha -n ey's 154.3 8 80 40.95 Hcf'''man Plumbinc; & Heating 880 4.08 Amer is an Lin,-.,r, Sup-)!y 9310 9.70 Coast to COast Sto-cs -'8fJ 16.61 Big Bear, Inc. 887 1.49 Myron Wigan Chevrolet Company 859.2 5.4.5 Natural Gas Division Pe t i,y Cas''; 61.253 92. Tilmoth7 Johns on S i J H a rve- T Bob's Tl--e 9 e ry i (- e 859.2 Bur'': -nerd - Lasser Company 895 Wend -King Mfg. Company B 9 5 Mueller Compan-y 14.7, • 9 - A. Nin,3 P_ ER () Nor t "ern. 3 1] es- Stipp-11--y 874 M,)a q 921 Parsons El(:ctrl.c Cornpa,13,F 895 Mueller Conpan�y 154.3 Nat-aral Gas Dili -Is'ion Petty Uni.ted Bul-ldirig Centers, I-.qc • 880 walworth Com"""q.-17 394 Kams'k,e Papet- Cjom�Arly Hartwl,f7s Inc, 933 0 A. 0. 154.3 C a sla 9.753 42.22 24.73 72.01 250.26 3.75 2.00 3 3 , .2 5 431-96 1,538-47 105.8: 8.00 179.16 63.60 being no Purther business, motion lv,.is mf,-le 9, seconded and unanimously to adlnurn t1he meet lnc,. A P""S 4 T44'. 7 r I [i