08-05-1970 HUCM1 C1.
kjj ,,Ist 59, 1970
Special M= -,etinig
A special meeting of the Hutchinson Utilities Commission was held
on august 5, 1970.
All Commissioners were present.
Motion was made, secnnle-! a n3 unanimously carried to advert=ise
for bias for acid inslallinp- a fuel oil storage tank.
Attached is advertisement "or hid.
There being no furtr:s :^ business., motions was hale, seconded and
unanimously carried to adjourn tit? meeting.
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odds, P r e s rdent .
Advertisement for Bids for Fur-
nishing and Installing a Fuel Oil
Storage Tank for the Municipal
Electric Utility
Hutchinson, Minnesota
Notice is hereby given that the
Hutchinson Utilities Commission of
the City of Hutchinson, Hutchinson, ,
Minnesota, will receive sealed bids.
at the Utilities Commission Office
until 2:00 P.M., on the 27Th day of
Aug., 1970, and on said day and hour
will publicly open and read aloud
such bids on the following items:.
Furnish, deliver, and install a
300,000 gallon fuel oil storage tank,
including piping, concrete ring
foundation, metal cofferdam,
demolition of Qxisting tanks and
piping, and related incidental work.
Furnish, deliver, and install a
400,000 gallon fuel oil storage tank,,
including piping, concrete ring .
foundation, metal cofferdam,
demolition of existing tanks and
piping, dnd related incidental work.'"
Furnish, deliver, and install e i
inct - ng R:I� j, cdet$rd11e fSR
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