09-08-1970 HUCM109 Regular Meeting. September 8, 1970. regular meeting of the Hutchinson Utilities Commission was held on September 8, 1970 in the Hutchinson Utilities billing; of °ice at two o'clock P. M. All Commissioners were present. Minutes from the regular and special meetings were read and approved as read. Motion was made, seconded and unanimously carried to adopt the following; rules for mobil homes: 25.00 meter deposit obtained before current is turned on. No home connected or disconnected on Saturday, L� Sunday or of ter 5 P . M . on week days . Motion was made, seconded and carried to contribute $200,,000 to the City of Hutchinson during the fiscal year 1971 -1972. The Secretary was instructed to write a letter to the Mayor informing the C it,y of the Commission's intent ion. The following bills were allowed: Natural Gas Division Natural Gas Division Petty Cash 45.62 Kemske Paper Company 391 930 116.60 Sid Harvey's 489 16.02 United Building Centers, Inc. 880 11.45 Central Supply Company 1 5- 4.3 880 315093 Myron Wige n Chevrolet Company 859.2 18.50 .American Linen Supply 930 9.70 Hager Jewelry 871 5.50 Rutz Plumbing & Heating 880 1.89 Hutchinson Leader Inc 930 6.00 Hutch ins on Telephone Company 921 76.19 Municipal Water Depar. t-nent 880 15.93 Fisher Controls Company 154.2 891 346.84 Home Bakery 930 3.45 Coast to Coast Stores 859.2 1.49 Zija Hardware 880 21.00 Standard Printing Company 903 38.35 Construction Bulletin 930 24.25 Natural Gas Division 245.1 886 103.55 Municipal Electric Plant 886 913 155.05 Larry Goede Salary 129.02 Mark Schwarze Salary 123.92 L� 110. Municipal Electric Plant Mrs. Fred Briggs 799.4 20.00 Del Farm Foods Inc . 926 28.70 19.10 Hoffman Plumbing & Heating 880 27.18 Hu t c'� i ns on Sheet Metal Northern States Supply 874 15.80 Sterling Electric Company Minn. -disc. Truck Lines 154.2 154.3 52.63 Stearnswood Inc David Smith Salary 182.02 Hutchinson Wholesale Company Larry Goede Salary 119.19 Standard Oil Mark Schwarze Salary 135.75 Westinghouse Electric Supply Hutcti)inson Leader Inc 930 226.80 Plowman's Inc United Building Centers, Inc. 880 6.47 Farm & Home Dist. Co-ipany Mueller Company 154.3 19023.12 E. A. Pederson & Company Cory Coffee Service Plan, Inc. 926 25.95 HutchAnson Oil Company Home Gas Company $91 100.00 McLeod County San. LandSill Fisher Controls Company 154.2 350.15 Moehring Motors Municipal Electric Plant 245 902 903 644.55 Hutchinson Iron & Metal Company Anderson, Helgeson, Lieser 923 1040.00 Standard Printing Company Hutchinson Wholesale Supply P80 9.30 Rockite Silo Inc Natural Gas Division Petty Cash 62.02 Texaco Inc Municipal Electric Plant Mrs. Fred Briggs 799.4 20.00 Standard Oil 759.1 19.10 Nordberg Manufacturing Company 123 #1 #2 734.1 #7 13,041.40 Hu t c'� i ns on Sheet Metal 732 504.00 Sterling Electric Company 258 61.01 Stearnswood Inc 781.5 66.36 Hutchinson Wholesale Company 730.1 759.2 43.44 Standard Oil 729.1 4,763.53 Westinghouse Electric Supply 124 211 850.13 Plowman's Inc 759.1 759.2 8.91 Farm & Home Dist. Co-ipany 734.4 21.69 E. A. Pederson & Company 258 49300.00 HutchAnson Oil Company 730.1 12.00 McLeod County San. LandSill 730.4 8.00 Moehring Motors 759.1b 759.2 33.95 Hutchinson Iron & Metal Company 771 2.80 Standard Printing Company 781.3 80.05 Rockite Silo Inc 211 46.12 Texaco Inc 730.3 61.56 Home Bakery 799.6 34.27 Crow River Gift & Stationery 793.4 3.60 American Linen Supply 730.5 27.55 Coast to Coast Store 771 6.98 Hutchinson Auto Body 258 16.90 Popp's Hutchinson Cleaners 730.5 125.30 GTC auto Parts 730.3 759.2 16.50 Natural Gas Division 729.2 777 309,006.35 Zila Hardware 734.4 771 24.53 111. 793.3 The Hutchinson Telephone Company 135.56 Municipal Water Department Heil Drug Store 730.3 Graybar Electric Company 1.19 H & C Electric Company 521.58 Scientific E. Research 771 Simonson Lumber 730.3 E ilex Company 203.94 Municipal Electric Plant Eagle Iron Works 734.1 David Fos land 23.88 Northland Electric Supply Company Cash National Auto Parts Company 734.1 Williams 33.00 Nichols Machine Corporation Power Supply Company 772 Phoell Manufacturirg Company 26.22 Rotanium Products 1 #1 Red Owl Food Stores 734.1 H. W. Filk 65.99 Lambert Standard Station #5 #6 Nalco Chemical Company 734.4 Nordberg Manufacturing Company 48.40 L e e f Br os . Inc Northern States Supply Company 734.4 Fischer's Bakery Inc 55.10 Burmeister Electric Company Del Chemical Corporation 792.1 Ke mske Paper Company 10.80 E. A. Pederson Company #2 Earl McDonald 734.4 E. A. Pederson Company 60.00 Hutchinson Leader 321.00 Diane Streeter Graybar Electric Company 734.4 H & C. Electric Supply 2.0+0 Burmeister Electric Company Standard Oil 124 WTC Air Freight 244.51 Xllan Stutelberg Northland Electric Supply Company 793.4 Esterline Angus 10.05 Westinghouse Electric Supply Anderson, Leser & Thorsen 5.5 Culligan Water Conditioning 2,200.00 Erickson Oil Products Nalco* Chemical Company 799.5 Addressograph- Multigraph Corporation 226.80 Fountain Brand Products 01i Conductors 111. 793.3 135.56 797 41.03 730.3 1.19 124 258 521.58 124 771 19756.95 730.3 203.94 732 113.65 734.1 #3 #4 23.88 Petty Cash 188.95 734.1 #1 33.00 415 4.63 772 26.22 734. 1 #1 34.49 734.1 #7 65.99 734.1 #5 #6 312.56 734.4 48.40 730.3 54.74 734.4 55.10 799.6 51.83 792.1 10.80 734.1 #2 288.75 734.4 60.00 123 #1 #2 321.00 730.5 247.73 734.4 2.0+0 799.6 63.43 124 772 244.51 730.3 452.96 793.4 10.05 258 2,050.00 5.5 2,200.00 258 4,850.00 799.5 226.80 415 4.44 124 270.57 211 771 53.21 124 204.00 729.1 7,103.58 734.1 #3 #4 17.16 415 64.29 734.1 #1 #2 #`7 296.55 730.3 44.95 124 359.60 795 1,760.00 730.4 797 6.40 759.1 139.65 730.3 129.35 781.4 10.83 799.6 101.40 124 403.37 112. Sterling Electric Company 124 211 425.37 James Haagenson 415 4.41 Municipal Electric Plant Petty Cash 250-69 Federal Communications Commission 799.3 2*00 Gary Stritesky Salary 141.68 Douglas Shamla Salary 141-88 Bruce Krueger Salary 151*46 Dennis Jones Salary 16.59 Gary Stritesky Salary 136.80 Douglas Shamla Salary 144.920 Bruce Krueger Sala" 154.16 Gerald F. Rosenow Salary 181.14 There being no further business, motion was made., seconded and unanimously carried to adjourn the meeting. yot)hF,, aerety. ATTES — �Zua�i—e fireside HH Trr-�T-S-i 7�t. Special Meeting. October 8,, 1970. A Special Meetin- of the Hutchinson Utilities Commission was held on October 8, 1970 in the Hutchinson Utilities billing office at ten otclock A. M. All Commissioners were present; also two representatives from the Rural Cooperative Power Association. Motion was made, seconded., and unanimously carried to accept a Letter Agreement pertaining to the sale of capacity for the coming year. The Secretary was Instructed to sign the Letter Agree -ent. There being no further business,, motion was made,, seconded and unanimously carried to adjourn the meeting. E. Young, Sec tyo A, T T E I �'T- H. r IMT a in