10-08-1970 HUCM112. Sterling Electric Company 124 211 425.37 James Haagenson 415 4.41 Municipal Electric Plant Petty Cash 250-69 Federal Communications Commission 799.3 2*00 Gary Stritesky Salary 141.68 Douglas Shamla Salary 141-88 Bruce Krueger Salary 151*46 Dennis Jones Salary 16.59 Gary Stritesky Salary 136.80 Douglas Shamla Salary 144.920 Bruce Krueger Sala" 154.16 Gerald F. Rosenow Salary 181.14 There being no further business, motion was made., seconded and unanimously carried to adjourn the meeting. yot)hF,, aerety. ATTES — �Zua�i—e fireside HH Trr-�T-S-i 7�t. Special Meeting. October 8,, 1970. A Special Meetin- of the Hutchinson Utilities Commission was held on October 8, 1970 in the Hutchinson Utilities billing office at ten otclock A. M. All Commissioners were present; also two representatives from the Rural Cooperative Power Association. Motion was made, seconded., and unanimously carried to accept a Letter Agreement pertaining to the sale of capacity for the coming year. The Secretary was Instructed to sign the Letter Agree -ent. There being no further business,, motion was made,, seconded and unanimously carried to adjourn the meeting. E. Young, Sec tyo A, T T E I �'T- H. r IMT a in