02-12-1973 HUCM103 REG?TTAR MEETING February 12, 1973 A regular meeting of the Hutchinson utilities Commission was held on February 12, 1.973 in the Hutchinson Utilities meeting place at 1:30 P. M. All Commissioners were present; also Manager Wacker, Roger Gilmer, attorney for the Commission. and Phil Fuller, 0. E. Olson, representative of the engineering firm of Pfeifer & Shultz. MeetinF called to order by President Quade at 1:30 P. M. Minutes of the January 8, 1973 meeting read and approved. There was a general discussion regarding the Worthington engines (Units #3 & #4) and the Allis-Chalmers generator problems. It was decided that Manager Wacker and Attorney Roger Gilmer attend a meeting at the office of Pfeifer & Shultz relative to the above items. Mr. Fuller presented some of the problems that his Engineering firm have had with the Worthington Contract. He reviewed the amount still owing Pfeifer & Shultz with a request for additional amount for services rendered in the future. Howard Madsen of Poward Madsen Agency gave a presentation on a Deferred Compensation Plan for the benefit of any utility employee who wished to participate. Object of the presentation was to gain permission of the Commission to sanction the program. No action was taken. The following bills were allowed: Municipal Electric Plant Mrs. Fred Briggs 799.4 20.00 Natural. Gas Division 729.2 777 19,769.40 Neil Broadwater 41.5 6.10 Virgil Dahlke 415 10.62 Carl Rudloff 415 2.07 John Dean 415 12.55 Dean Hennessy 415 7.55 John E. Mickelson 7x15 5.1.6 Teresa Mikolichek 415 2.12 Citizens Insurance Agency 799.6 29.49 Municipal Electric Plant Petty Cash 228.60 Franzens Hardware 799.2 60.00 Standard hinting 781.3 102.00 Lee Career Apparel 730.5 9.79 RTE Corporation 124 1,958.88 Paul Lemke & Son 206 1,579.03 Lambert Standard Service 759.1 3.50 Hutchinson Cleaners 730.5 72.40 Jacobson Hardware Hank 799.6 5.53 Home Gas Company 730.6 5.00 Floor tare Supply 797 34.42 101. Mc -grave Hill Publications 799,6 10.80 Northern States Power 774 104.00 Miller, Miller & Mac 774 18.00 Municipal Water Department 730.2 80.48 Jerryts Tire Company 759.2 6.00 Voco Tech School 734.1 #3 60.50 Moehring Motors 759.2 46.95 S. A. Nies 759.2 3.35 Rockite Silo. 733 14.90 Carr Flowers 405 26.50 Allan Office Supply 793.4 9.06 Hutchinson Wholesale Supply 7K9.? 23.06 Sorenson Farm Supply 733 120.03 Hutchinson Insurance Agency 130 1,891.86 Chicago & N. W. Railway 778 124.00 Sterling Electric 3 124 259.80 Westinghouse Electric Supply 124 761 1,466.18 Hutchinson Iron & 1 "fetal Corrany 730.6 3.50 Farm Rc Home Dist. 761 22.75 Burmeister Electric Company 121:, 347.55 H & C Electric Supply 124 730.6 3,147.28 United. Power 773 11800.00 C,Pneral Electric Company 121.: 733 704.99 Maplewood Acgdcmy 124 1.8.00 E. A. Pederson Company 211 773 848.15 Albrecht Oil Company 759.2 126.32 Coast to Gast Store 730.6 12. ?_i TGC Auto Parts 730.6 15.37 Simonson Lumber 732 733 .216.00 Williams 730.6 . 40.02 Graybar Electric 124 11,607.00 Standard Oil 729.1 7,735.22 Senle Plastics 733 42.82 Barco Bearing Company 123 #8 10.67 Hydra Power 734.1 #8 97.57 Zep Manf. 730.6 38.00 Esterline Angus 730.6 46.24 N. A. Holden Inc 730.6 21[.65 Duluth Filter Company 734.1 #3 #4 12.29 General Electric Company 124 92.61 American Linen Supply 730.4 19.63 Jorgensonts 405 4.10 Utilities Telecommunications 799.6 25.00 Leef Bros. Inc 730.4 112.53 Hutchinson Telephone Company 793.3 360.78 Home Ba$ery 799.1 93.41 Family Rexall Drug 797 53.82 Hutchinson Leade 788 42.75 1 11 i u Graphic Center 781.4 29.00 Anderson Chemical Company 730.3 374.57 Worthington Corporation &23 734.1 #3 403.20 r-.q,ne Supply Company 730.6 27.17 Northland Electric Supply 124 451.08 Northern States Supply 730.6 20.01 Minnesota Association of Electric 792.3 120.00 S & M Company 759.2 9.46 Burroughs Corporation 781.5 1,893.00 Zila Hardware 730.6 777 182.37 Culligan Water Conditioning 730.4 797 6.40 United Power 773 8,343.53 Postmaster 781.2 600.00 Red Owl Food Store 799.1- 21.75 Standard Oil 729.1 3,374.96 Natural Gas Division American Chain & Cable Company 378 310.71 Dean Hennessy 235 16.04, Juul Contracting Company 101 1,094.02 Farm & Home Dist. Company 881 5.68 American Linen Company 930 9.95 Myron Wigen Chevrolet Company 859.2 4.00 Hutchinson Iron & Metal Company 886 7.2.0 Natural Gas Division 245.1 886 213.86 Municipal. Electric Plant 245 886 903 353.01 Machine Shop 887_ 8.47 Hutchinson Wholesale Supply 859.2 56.73 Allen Office Supply 391 149.95 Transport Clearings 154.1 12.80 American Meter Division 154.1. 210t.00 Pfeifer & Schultz Inc. 101 12.30 Palm Industries Inc. 396 1,150.00 Hoffman Plumbing & Heating 881 3.30 Pennwalt Corporation 880 49.50 Natural Gas Division Petty Cash 104.02 Home Gas Company 154.4 1.00 Sid Harvey's i.54.3 58.14 Krasen Plumbing & Heating 886 103.55 Northern States Supply 874 4.00 Home Bakery 930 27.00 Hutchinson Telephone Company 921 33.46 105 1M. Motion was made by Commissioner Tracy, seconded by Commissioner Filk, and unanimously carried to adjourn at 4:45 P. M. Q_uede,­ Pres 1 1 L_J