04-09-1973 HUCMRegular Meeting April 9, 1973 A regular meeting of the Hutchinson Utilities Commission was held on April 9, 1973 in the Hutchinson Utilities meeting place at 2:00 P. M. All Commissioners were present; also Manager Stove Wacker. Minutes of the Special Meeting, March 7, 1973,were read and accepted, also accepted as read were the minutes of the Regular Meeting of March 12, 1973. Motion was made by Commissioner Filk, seconded by Commissioner Tracy and unanimously carried to pay Pfeifer and Shultz, Inc. $1,043.26 and enter into an agreement with Worthington Corporation as per Pfeifer and Shultz letter dated March 20, 1973. Manager Wacker was instructed to set up specifications for a truck and van for the Electric Division. Discussion was held relative to a letter from McLeod County Power Assn. on purchasing their facilities as the City of Hutchinson expands. Motion was made, seconded and unanimously carried to advertise for bids for gas pipe. Sealed bids will be received at the Hutchinson Utilities Commission's off ice, 22 Main Street North, until 2:00 o'clock P. M. on Xpril 23, 1973. Specifications: 9000' 3/4" coated and wrapped pipe. 10001 1" coated and wrapped pipe. 40001 2" coated and wrapped pipe. (double random). 2000' 3" coated and wrapped pipe. (double random). Size Size Wall Thickness Weight Nominal 0. D. Minimum Mi-+.imum (Inches) (Inches) (Inches) (Lbs. per Ft.) 3/4" API -5L 1.050 0.154 1.47 1" API -5L 1.315 0.179 2.17 2" API -5L 2.375 o.154 3.65 3" API -5L 3.500 0.216 7.58 4" API -5L 4.5oo o.237 10.79 Truck F. 0. B. Hutchinson LJ 112. 113. Seale -ds z'vill b receive! M Hufchin5op; AJVIitie9;� Cdtnrn WS n'$ office, 22,AA64r Streit Na th',untii 2 , o'clock i.fiit. gp1'ii �3, SpeC, I pa°tions• fo s pipe:are o �. file at ttte'-office,,of th$ Hvtchin$oIj Utilities, *,commission at the.,-above address a ;,_ Etads . 1. be accompdnied by a- bid bond�or certified funds equal to five (S)per- centofthe` bid. D3 livery date must be specified. fhe, P�Achinson Utilities Com- mission reserves'the =right to reidc4 -. any 0.r, all, bids - and to waivib' irreg ees -in bids. If HUTCHy ON UTILITIES , I The following gills were allowed: NATURAL GAS DIVISION River Warren Aggregates, Inc. 101 136.87 Home Gas Company 154.4 822.23 Farm & Home Distributing 881 1„10 Natural Gas Division 245.1 886 180.69 Municipal Electric Plant 245 881 886 279.10 American Linen Supply 930 9.95 Sid Harvey's 154.3 105.54 GTC Auto Parts 881 2.48 Wind King Mfg. Company 396 172.59 Hutchinson Telephone Company 921 1.51 American Meter Division 893 75.00 Hutchinson Wholesale Supply 881 7.56 Home Bakery 930 27.00 Motorola, Inc. 397 555.00 Natural Gas Division Petty Cash 120.86 Judith Murack 137 31.28 Municipal Electric Plant 136 35.57 McLeod Coop. Power Assocation 877 43.18 Klinkts Service 859.2 132.15 Coast to Coast Stores 881 2.90 Cory Coffee Service Plan 926 58.00 Sid Harvey Of Minnesota 154-.3 8.75 Natural Gas Division Petty Cash 65.70 Municipal Electric Plant 246 55.00 Municipal Electric 231A 11,475.32 1 114. Municipal Electric Plant Mrs. Fred Briggs 799.4 20.00 Standard Oil 729.1 29,699.11 GTC Auto Parts 730.6 17.64 Burmeister Electric 124 7772 215.28 Nordberg Manf. Company 123 #1 #2 1, 928.15 Floor Care Supply Company 730.6 162.25 Graf is Service Operations 781.4 11.24 Associated Consultants 798 705.25 Kemske Paper Company 793.4 24.87 Mary Kruse 415 9.35 American Linen Supply 730.4 19.39 Kreasean Plumbing & Heating 730.6 12.15 Simonson Lumber 732 29.11 Peterson & Gilmer 796 750.00 Texaco Inc 730.1 707.85 Fountain Brand Products 799.1 225.79 Great Plains Supply Company 730.6 20.12 Kemske Paper Company 793.4 45.46 Sorenson Farm Supply 760 4.00 Carr Flowers 405 26.50 Hutchinson Cleaners 730.4 48.75 Rockite Silo 741 154.00 Natural Gas Division 792.2 777 34,102.22 Natural Gas Division 792.3 87.92 Sterling Electric Company 124 191.46 Worthington Cei 123 43 #4 122.20 Burmeister Electric 124 296.30 Hutchinson Leader 788 68.40 Anderson Chemical Company 733 30.00 Hutchinson Telephone Company 793.3 297.08 Transport Clearings 761 21.89 Allen Office Supply 215 793.4 1,313.47 Standard Printing 781.3 147.80 Crane Supply Company 734.1 #1 #2 34.92 GTC Auto Parts 734.1 #1, #2 86.40 Leef Bros 730.4 118.79 American Public Power Assn 792.1 500.00 Hutchinson Wholesale Supply 759.2 22.42 McLeod County Sanitary Landfill 730.4 15.50 Mary Stolpman 415 9.04 Municipal Electric Plant Petty Cash 223.59 Chicago, NW 778 25.00 Home Bakery 799.1 115.48 State Treasurer 778 2.00 Power Process Equipment 730.6 52.02 Graphic Service Operation 781.4 23.33 Crane Supply Company 734.1 #8 28.05 115. Anderson Chemical Company 730.3 370.42 Wallace & Tiernan 730.3 26.52 McGraw Hill Book Company 799.6 34.36 Williams 730.6 21.16 Texaco Inc 730.6 30.78 Standard Oil 729.1 730.1 4,187.87 Nancy Symanietz 415 5.81 Department of Army Corp 799.6 100.00 Worthington Cei 123 #3 #4 109.85 Citizens Ins. Agency 130 126.00 United Power Association 729.3 19,269.40 Junker Sanitation Service 730.4 36.00 Coast to Coast Store 730.6 2.89 Culligan Water Conditioning 730.4 797 6.40 Rite -Way Auto Wash 759.1 #1 #2 112.54 Burroughs Corporation 781.3 263.05 Transport Clearings 734.1 #3 734.4 69.73 .Myron Wigen Chevroldt 759.2 17.25 Paul Lempke & Son 733 442.00 American Chain & Cable Company 734.1 #7 229.30 Zila Hardware 730.6 797 17.94 McQuay Perfex Inc 734.1 #3 53234.90 Lee Carreer 730.5 46.25 Nichols Machine Corp. 123 #1 #2 13109.41 Northern States Supply 730.6 734.4 27.56 Municipal Electric Plant Petty Cash 246.29 U. S. News & World Report 799.6 2.97 Postmaster 781.2 600.00 Texaco Inc 730.1 1,540.00 R. L. Polk & Company 793.3 1100 Motion was made by Commissioner Tracy, seconded by Commissioner Filk, and unanimously carried to adjourn at 4:20 P. M. Y�` Zlinton Tracy, becretary. AT 1 1 LJ