12-08-1975 HUCM194 Regular Meeting December 8, 1975 All Commissioners were present; also Mgr. Wacker, Orville Kuiken, Ivan Larson, Ruth Hakel, Don Schimp, and "Butch" Wentworth of the Hutchinson Utilities; Counsel Gilmer and Don Swanson and Bob Palmquist of Assoicated Consultants. The meeting was called to order by President Quade at 2 p.m. Counsel Gilmer reported on progress on the Worthington lawsuit and the manner in which the law firm of Oppenheimer et al have been billing the Utilities. After discussion, a motion was made by Commissioner Filk, seconded by Commissioner Tracy, and carried, instructing Counsel Gilmer to request an itemized accounting of all future bills from Oppenheimer et al. Effective July 1, 1975, the monthly payment will be $1,500.00, plus disbursements, with the balance to be paid at the conclusion of the lawsuit. On a motion by Commissioner Filk, seconded by Commissioner Tracy, and carried; the following bills were elect0d to be paid by the Commission: Peterson & Gilmer $ 79.00 Associated Consultants 4,058.75 Diesel Systems, Inc. 250.00 Manager Wacker reported on the Circle -Hutch Utility Board meeting date with Circle Pines, at Hutchinson, set for December 11, 1975. Manager Wacker reported on plans for Proposed Distribution in the electrical area. After discussion, a motion was made by Commissioner Tracy, seconded by Commissioner Filk, and carried, to go ahead with the proposed Distribution Plans as per minutes of the Planning Unit of November 5, 1975; financing to be included in a future Bond Issue. The motion was made by Commissioner Filk, seconded by Commissioner Tracy, and carried, to advertise for bids on group hospital insurance, bids to be in by 2 p.m., January 12, 1976. Bob Palmquist of Associated Consultants gave an evaluation on the Combustion Turbine Bids. The minutes of the Regular Meeting of November 10, 1975, were read and approved as read. The minutes of the Special Meeting of the November 17, 1975 were read and approved as read. The minutes of the Special Meeting of November 19, 1975 were read and approved as read. The following bills were allowed: MINUTES OF PLANNING MEETING On Wednesday, November 5, 1975 a meeting was held at the office of Steve Wacker with the following people being present: Steve Wacker, Supt. Ivan Larson, Engineering & Drafting "Butch" Wentworth, Dist. Supt. Wallace Jensen, Associated Consultants The main objective of the meeting was to define the scope, breakdown, timing, route and other planning considerations for the engineering required to complete a 13.8KV loop line. The resolve on the above was: SCOPE: Associated is to provide Specifications and Plans to Hutchinson which, if constructed per these plans and and specifications, will provide Hutchinson with a well planned, engineered and dependable 13.8KV loop line. This work is presently anticipated to be done in the following phases: PHASE I - Construction of duct bank from switchgear buildings extending to approximately 200 feet east of Bluff Street. The duct bank shall contain enough ducts to replace the existing overhead lines in this area with underground cables. New Riser poles will be proposed for this future "clean up" of this presently congested area. Spare ducts for future use shall also be installed. A new feeder shall be installed in one of these ducts to remove the 12.47 load presently tapped from the 3M line just east of Bluff Street. This new feeder will be part of the future 13.8KV loop.. Phase I is scheduled for completion in early 1976. PHASE II- 1)Construction of part of 13.8KV South Loop to extend to 3M for alternate feed. 2) "Clean up" of existing O.H. section of existing 13.8KV line between poles H and G as shownon attached "Plan Map ". 3) Construction of U.G. 13.8KV Loop line between points H and I. This section of underground will share the same trench with a gas line. PHASE II is scheduled for completion in approximately two years. PHASE III - Construction of 13.8KV line across new bridge between points I and J. PHASE III is scheduled for completion in approximately three years. PHASE IV - Construction of U.G. 13.8KV line between points J and K and points L and C. Construction of O.H. 13.8KV line between points K and L. Installation of North Loop feeder circuit between Switchgear building and point C. PHASE IV is scheduled for completion in approximately 5 to 6 years. Some of the more important discussion in regards to the above planning follows. Easements - The owner will obtain easements required for improvements prior to extensive engineering on the subject land or route. Underground direct burial 13.8KV cable - The cable will be installed in a trench wide enough to maintain a minimum of 7 1/2" cable separa- tion. Backfill shall be sand. These provisions are necessary to get the most (ampacity and reliability) from the loop line. Protection from "Dig Ins" - The underground direct burial cable shall be buried to a depth as required by the National Electrical Code. Mark- ing or Warning tape shall be considered to be placed over cables. Specifications and Plans - Specifications and Plans shall be prepared for each phase of work. Because the Owner may sublet work Insurance require- ments, safety considerations and other legal orientated requirements will be included in each set of Plans and Specifications. The phases of work and the projected completion times may be subject to change due to unforeseen developments. Presently Associated is preparing Plans and Specifications for Phase I and Hutchinson is presently working towards obtaining easements required for Phase II. r , MUNICIPAL ELECTRIC PLANT Hutchinson Utilities $ 378.00 Citizens Bank & Trust Co. 9,000.00 National Association of Small System Users 15.00 Municipal Electric Plant Petty Cash. 295.06 Hutchinson Utilities 642.64 United Parcel Service 258.18 Hutchinson Utilities 52,707.41 Apco Oil Crp. 238.11 Jeff Pittman 41.00 Cathy Jensen 20.60 Gail Graupman 21.20 David Schafel 44.68 Tom Dolder 100.00 Burnette Wennirger 41.60 Mrs. Fred Bruggs 20.00 Hutchinson Leader 75.15 Texgas Corp. 4.18 Floor Care Supply Co. 30.40 H & C Electric Supply 9.72 American Welding Supplies 43.75 Zep Mfg. Co. 54.00 Key Business Products, Inc. 2.95 City of Hutchinson 3,610.34 Simonson Lumber 15.72 The Minnesota UC Fund 554.49 Westinghouse Electric Supply 211.90 Hutchinson Wholesale Supply 157.53 Sheraton - Boston Hotel 3.15 McMahon, Hartmann, Amundson 130.00 Stephen Olsen 7.92 Culligan Water Conditioning 2.85 Tab Products, Co. 25.43 First National Bank of Minneapolis 251,505.95 Fidelity Bank and Trust Co. 37,675.75 Carr Flowers 6.50 Municipal Water Dept. 17.68 KDUZ 60.00 Amoco Oil Company 90.52 Graybar Electric Co. 543.18 Sterling Electric Co. 196.10 Standard Oil 27,137.95 McLeod County Sanitary Landfill 4.50 Blue Cross & Blue Shield 2,424.22 McMaster -Carr Supply 153.37 Burmeister Electric Co. 300.94 Systems Center, Inc. 79.00 Cleveland Cotton Products 188.00 Hanson Pump Service Co. 492.24 Lakeland Engineering Equipment 49.22 H. A. Holden Inc. 19.98 Helwig Carbon Products Inc. 39.83 Case Power & Equipment 127.59 Dean Hanson $ 100.00 Plaza OK Hardware 113.71 LeAnn Burich 4.50 Gene C. Betker 8.83 McCormick Implement Co. Inc. 2.40 Crane Supply Co. 50.61 United Building Center 108.22 Hoffman Plumbing & Heating 40.95 Allen Office Supply 828.52 Krasen Plumbing & Heating 52.49 Myron Wigen Chevrolet 16.00 American Linen Supply 29.16 LaSalle Cleaners 50.60 G.T.C. Auto Parts 20.14 S. A. ivies 143.10 L & P Tire Supply Co. 38.20 Anderson Chemical Co. 605.15 Tippecanoe Press Inc. 77.00 Gibson Products Co. 35.97 Lee's Super Value Market 1.99 The Gorgen Co. 95.60 Hertz Furniture Systems Inc. 396.14 Northland Electric Supply 26.68 Oliver Prieve 200.00 General Electric Co. 1,651.35 Madson Insurance Agency 20.00 Northern Stateds Supply 38.87 I B M 2,267.44 The Kirkley Press Inc. 20.10 Employer Data Forms, Inc. 10.80 S. A. Nies 5.00 Wally's Tire Shop 26.50 Leef Bros. Inc. 28.73 Rockmount Research and Alloys 493.33 4 Seasons Services Inc. 107.95 Citizens Bank & Trust Co. 29,415.43 Citizens Bank & Trust Co. 5,845.73 Citiaens Bank & Trust Co. 4,500.00 Home Bakery 204.10 State Treasurer 4,519.52 Associated Consultants 7,872.65 Peterson & Gilmer 137.31 Hutchinson Utilities 7.46 Natural Gas Division 50,000.00 Citizens Bank & Trust Co. 1,562.60 Earl Schlafge 18.75 United Fund 198.00 American Technical Society 8.10 American Technical Society 8.10 United Power Association 28,189.60 McLeod Cooperative Assn. 8.37 Municipal Electric Plant - Petty Cash 284.62 Natural Gas Division 69,294.07 NATURALGAS DIVISION Minn. - Wis, Truck Lines 31.30 Dean Hansen 70.00 The Tapecoat Co. 140.40 1 I 1 Fj� 1 Fischer Controls Co. American Meter Division Leeds & Northrup Rockite Silo Inc. Hutchinson Utilities Municipal Electric Plant First National Bank Northern Natural Gas Co. (void) Hutchinson Utilities Citizens Bank & Trust Co. McLeod Coop. Power Assn. Hutchinson Utilities Citizens Bank & Trust Co. Aetna Variable Annuity Insurance First National Bank S 96.68 1,245.00 36.33 .75 216.33 183..00 4,139.60 5.00 293.10 13.80 50.00 366.80 20.00 6,800.00 There being no further business, the meeting adjourned at 4:50 p.m. Clinton Tracy, Secretary ATT - H. P. wade, President Special Meeting December 11, 1975 All Commissioners were present; also Mgr. Wacker and Bob Wise and Chuck Nelson of General Electric. The meeting was called to order by President Quade at 9 a.m. The meeting was called to discuss present "boiler" problems with General Electric representatives. Mr. Nelson stated that on a recent repair of welding tubes (four in number) G.E. would guarantee these repairs for 1 year from date of repair on November 7, 1975. Consider- ation is alga being given on the super heater weld repair. There being no further business, the meetin adjourned at 9:50 a.m. Clinton racy, Sedretary j ATT - - a e, President