10-28-1998 HUCM%5 HUTCHINSON UTILITIES COMMISSION Regular Meeting October 28, 1998 All commissioners were present; also Manager Kadrmas, and Attorney Marc Sebora. President Carts called the meeting to order at 3:00 P.M. The Minutes of September 30, 1998 were reviewed. Secretary Ackland made a motion to approve the minutes, seconded by Vice President Roger Gilmer, the motion passed unanimously. The September payables were discussed. Commissioner Ward made a motion to approve the September payables in the amount of $1,400,866.16 (detailed listing is in payables book). Secretary Ackland seconded the motion and the motion passed unanimously. Commissioner Ward made a motion to approve the Financial Statement and Budget year- to-date (through September). The motion was seconded by Commissioner Wetterting and passed unanimously. Manager Kadrmas informed the Commission that the Hutchinson Tree Board was unable to be present at the meeting. Mayor Marlin Torgerson and Councilman Jeff Haag along with City of Hutchinson department personnel made a presentation to the Commissioners requesting additional funds from Hutchinson Utilities. Secretary Ackland made a motion, seconded by Vice President Gilmer to approve President Carts appointment of Arnold Anderson and Dove PLLP, as legal representation for the Commission through June 1999. Manager Kadrmas presented a preliminary budget for 1999 to the Commission. The Commission would like more time to review it in depth. Manager Kadrmas reviewed Unit #9 settlement possibilities and updated the Commissioners on the Crow River oil film. Commissioners recommended the Recognition Banquet be scheduled for a Friday evening in April other than Good Friday and Manager Kadrmas will review catalogs for the awards that will be given. L4(A Commissioner Wetterling made a motion seconded by Vice President Gilmer to execute an agreement with Indian Oil for the sale of oil wells. The motion passed unanimously. Commissioner Wetterling made a motion seconded by Vice President Gilmer to adjourn. The motion passed unanimously. ATTEST Mike Carls, President r Paul Ackland, Secretary LJ