11-24-1997 HUCMJ Regular Meeting November 24, 1997 Commissioners Gilmer, Carls, Ackland and Wetterling were present. Absent was Commissioner Ward. Also present were Manager Kadrmas and Counsel G. Barry Anderson, Vice President Gilmer called the meeting to order at 3:03 p.m. The minutes of October 27, 1997, regular meeting were reviewed. A motion was made by Commissioner Carls, seconded by Commissioner Wetterling to approve the minutes as written. Motion was unanimously carried. The October payables were discussed. A motion was made by Commissioner Carls, seconded by Commissioner Wetterling to accept the payables in the amount of $1,647,820.99 (detailed listing in payables book). Motion was unanimously carried. The 1997 year -to -date (thru October) financial and budget reports were discussed. A motion was made by Commissioner Wetterling, seconded by Commissioner Ackland to accept the financial and budget reports. Motion was unanimously carried. Mgr. Kadrmas presented the finalized 1998 budget. Discussion ensued regarding insurance costs. After discussion, a motion was made by Commissioner Wetterling, seconded by Commissioner Carls to eliminate the excess liability insurance and stay under the umbrella policy of the City of Hutchinson; ask Agent Dennis Potter of Insurance Planners to issue a pro rata check for the cancellation of the excess liability premium already paid. Motion was unanimously carried. Mark Schnobrich, City Forester and members of the Hutchinson Tree Board were welcomed to the meeting. After a presentation on the Energy Tree Planting Project and how our donations have been utilized since 1993, a motion was made by Commissioner Cads, seconded by Commissioner Wetterling to donate $20,000 to the Tree Board for energy conservation for 1998. Motion was unanimously carried. The Commission continued discussing the 1998 budget, and after further discussion, a motion was made by Commissioner Ackland, seconded by Commissioner Wetterling to approve the 1998 budget as presented in its finalized state. Motion was unanimously carried. Manager Kadrmas presented two quotes for boiler and machinery insurance: Insurance Planners $55,969 Northern Capital Commercial Lines, Inc. $64,960 Im After discussion, a motion was made by Commissioner Ackland, seconded by Commissioner Wetterling to grant the award of boiler and machinery insurance to Insurance Planners in the amount of $55,969. Motion was unanimously carried. Manager Kadrmas presented recommendation for 15 kV Switchgear for HTI (bid tabulation attached). After discussion, a motion was made by Commissioner Carls, seconded by Commissioner Ackland to award the bid to Pederson Power Products in the amount of $97,290. Motion was unanimously carried. Mgr. Kadrmas mentioned that $110,000 had been budgeted for this project. Manager Kadrmas presented a second request for bids for 69 kV Conduit System. The first bids were rejected in September 1997. After discussion, a motion was made by Commissioner Carls, seconded by Commissioner Ackland to advertise for bids. Motion was unanimously carried. Manager Kadrmas presented revised changes to the Policies and Requirements Booklet. Counsel Anderson will contact Mgr. Kadrmas concerning two federal laws regarding "notice provisions". After discussion, a motion was made by Commissioner Wetterling, seconded by Commissioner Carls to approve the changes and additions as reported, making the booklet effective as of the date of this meeting, November 24, 1997. Motion was unanimously carried. General Manager's Report • Presented a letter from Norwest Banks asking to be considered as an eligible financial institution when we designate depositories for utility funds. Counsel Anderson suggested the Commission address this issue when the bank opens for business in its permanent location. Old Business: None New Business: There being no further business, a motion was made by Commissioner Carls, seconded by Commissioner Wetterling to adjourn the meeting at 5:15 pm. Motion was unanimously carried. ATTEST: Roger Gilmer, Vice President M� ecc� Mike Carls, Secretary 1 O O 1 (D 0 Q. 3 �.� � 0 `• '\ CL v � 0 m 0 v � a CL 3 � \ (D Q (D Q (_3 D 0 v a ((D C m a:) D m -v m 0 r. CL y CD N m CL cr v v 7 ` m' 2 m (Q m CD v 0 v+ v < D C r n � c� z 7v X C 2 z zz C r m n cn O Z 0 CD 3 v CD 1 O N 00 O' v 3 � V 0 W -V nN< cn Q. 0 0 N O cD Cn (D Cl) KcO C 0 C > n O ZQ D Ka m3 o Z-0 z-D rn * CD cn �" cn �` W Z m 'D-1 cn m -11 cn y O< --& V V > m o CD a 3 p � m v D oW p C Z 0 0 0 -I co c v, o o (mn cmn U) O z v 0 a x rn m y. � -0 Wo 0(a D. =O fn N � 0" in in O cn m (D 0 c W (u cr m W 0 v m x CD m o D x o cn v `z � < D v rt v+ v < D C r n � c� z 7v X C 2 z zz C r m n cn O Z 0 CD 3 v CD 1 O N 00 O' v 3 � V ADVERTISEMENT FOR BIDS FOR 69 kV CONDUIT SYSTEM HUTCHINSON UTILITIES COMMISSION HUTCHINSON, MINNESOTA Notice is hereby given that the Hutchinson Utilities Commission of the City of Hutchinson, Hutchinson, Minnesota, hereinafter referred to as the Owner, will receive sealed Bids at the Hutchinson Utilities office until 11:00 am on the 15"' day of December 1997, and will publicly open and read aloud such Bids on the following work and equipment: "69 kV CONDUIT SYSTEM" Proposals shall be properly endorsed and delivered in an envelope marked, "69 kV CONDUIT SYSTEM" and shall be addressed to: Hutchinson Utilities Commission of the City of Hutchinson, 225 Michigan Street, Hutchinson, Minnesota 55350. All proposals shall be submitted in duplicate on the Bidder's own letterhead in facsimile of the Proposal Form enclosed in the Specifications or by utilizing the Proposal Form enclosed with the Specifications by typing the official name of the Bidder at the top of the form. Each proposal shall be accompanied by a Bid Bond, made payable to the Hutchinson Utilities Commission of the City of Hutchinson, Hutchinson, Minnesota, in the amount of five per cent (5 %) of the Bid, as a guarantee that the Bidder will enter into the proposed Contract and provide a Performance Bond after his Bid shall have been accepted. The successful Bidder shall furnish a Performance Bond in an amount equal to one hundred per cent (100 %) of the Contract price to the Owner prior to the approval of the Contract. No Bidder may withdraw his Bid or Proposal for a Period of thirty (30) days after date of opening of Bids. At the aforementioned time and place, or at such later time and Place as the Owner then may fix, the Owner will act upon Proposals received and with its sole discretion may award Contract(s) for the furnishing of said equipment. The work shall be started within ten (10) days after award of Contract(s). Specifications and Plans are available at the Office of the Hutchinson Utilities, 225 Michigan Street, Hutchinson, Minnesota 55350. The Hutchinson Utilities Commission of the City of Hutchinson, Hutchinson, Minnesota reserves the right to reject any and all bids. Roger Gilmer, Vice- President Date // - '-� V' C/ ATTESTED f / By Mike Carls, Secretary Date l/ - 14y- 1