07-28-1997 HUCMADVERTISEMENT FOR BIDS FOR CONSTRUCTION OF HUTCHINSON TOWN BORDER STATION #2 AND PHASE 1 CONSTRUCTION ON 190 PSIG FEEDER LINE Qelb HUTCHINSON UTILITIES COMMISSION HUTCHINSON, MINNESOTA Notice is hereby given that the Hutchinson Utilities Commission of the City of Hutchinson, Hutchinson, Minnesota, hereinafter referred to as the Owner, will receive sealed Bids at the Hutchinson Utilities office until 10 am on the 22nd day of July , 1997, and will publicly open and read aloud such Bids on the following work and equipment: "CONSTRUCTION OF HUTCHINSON TOWN BORDER STATION #2 AND PHASE 1 CONSTRUCTION ON 190 PSIG FEEDER LINE" Proposals shall be properly endorsed and delivered in an envelope marked, "TOWN BORDER STATION NO. 2" and shall be addressed to: Hutchinson Utilities Commission of the City of Hutchinson, 225 Michigan Street, Hutchinson, Minnesota 55350. All proposals shall be submitted in duplicate on the Bidder's own letterhead in facsimile of the Proposal Form enclosed in the Specifications, or by utilizing the Proposal Form enclosed with the Specifications by typing the official name of the. Bidder at the top of the foray. Each proposal shall be accompanied by a Bid Bond, made payable to the Hutchinson Utilities Commission of the City of Hutchinson, Hutchinson, Minnesota, in the amount of five per cent (5 %) of the Bid, as a guarantee that the Bidder will enter into the proposed Contract and provide a Performance Bond after his Bid shall have been accepted. The successful Bidder shall furnish a'Performance Bond in an amount equal to one hundred per cent (100 %) of the Contract price to the Owner prior to the approval of the Contract. I No Bidder may withdraw his Bid or Proposal for a Period of thirty (30) days after date of opening of Bids. At the aforementioned time and place, or at such later time and Place as the Owner then may fix, the Owner will act upon Proposals received and with its sole discretion may award Contract(s) for the furnishing of said equipment. The work shall be started within ten (10) days after award of Contract(s). Specifications and Plans are available at the Office of the Hutchinson Utilities, 225 Michigan Street, Hutchinson, Minnesota 55350. The Hutchinson Utilities Commission of the City of Hutchinson, Hutchinson, Minnesota, reserves the right to reject any and all bids. Date _�3 1 -!� Z ATTESTED By rw Ct° y Mike Carts, Secretary Date 5 3 /- 1 0 8-3 Regular Meeting July 28, 1997 All Commissioners were present. Also present were Manager Kadrmas and Counsel G. Barry Anderson. President Ward called the meeting to order at 3:01 p.m. The minutes of June 30, 1997, regular meeting were discussed. Mgr. Kadrmas reported that Hartford Steam & Boiler Insurance had apologized for over - reacting. Also Mgr. Kadrmas reported that the plans for the landscaping project had not come in yet. A motion was made by Commissioner Gilmer, seconded by Commissioner Carls to approve the minutes as written. Motion was unanimously carried. Counsel G. Barry Anderson arrived at 3:05 p.m. The June payables were reviewed. A motion was made by Commissioner Gilmer, seconded by Commissioner Ackland to accept the payables in the amount of $1,601,146.44 (detailed listing in payables book). Motion was unanimously carried. The 1997 year -to -date (thru June) financial and budget reports were discussed. Mgr. Kadrmas reported that the gas prices are a little higher than last year, truck #5 had arrived today, and the welding booth is put on hold. A motion was made by Commissioner Ackland, seconded by Commissioner Wetterling to accept the financial and budget reports. Motion was unanimously carried. Mgr. Kadrmas asked the Commission if any changes should be made to the policies and requirements procedures for notification of disconnection to delinquent customers. Counsel Anderson suggested that we not change our policy, but send a separate letter warning of disconnection if payment is not made by a certain date and time, (leaving the same late payment notice /reminder on their bill) and then disconnect for non - payment on that date, urging our being consistent. Commission agreed, Mgr. Kadrmas will have computer generated disconnect letters sent out to delinquent customers on the same day as their normal monthly bills are sent. Mgr. Kadrmas presented a recommendation for Construction of The Hutchinson Town Border Station #2 and Phase 1 of 190 PSIG Feeder Line (bid tabulation attached.) After discussion, a motion was made by Commissioner Carls, seconded by Commissioner Gilmer to award the bid to Northern Pipeline Construction Company in the amount of $295,800. Motion was unanimously carried. Mgr. Kadrmas presented a recommendation for a Power Transformer for Plant #1 (bid tabulation attached.) �4 After discussion, a motion was made by Commissioner Ackland, seconded by Commissioner Wetterling to award the bid to WESCO in the amount of $330,000. Motion was unanimously carried. General Manager's Report • Presented requisition for Ken Mathews Digging to install the duct work for feeders 15 & 16. After discussion, a motion was made by Commissioner Carls, seconded by Commissioner Wetterling to approve the requisition in the amount of $11,460. Motion was unanimously carried. • Presented for signatories an easement for Huski Townhomes for a gas line. After discussion, a motion was made by Commissioner Wetterling, seconded by Commissioner Gilmer to grant the easement. Counsel Anderson will present this as a consent agenda item at the next City Council meeting. • Presented a signature request from the bank for transfer of securities. After discussion, a motion was made by Commissioner Ackland, seconded by Commissioner Gilmer to approve the security changes. • Reported on the six -month progress review of the electrical distribution department, the power production department and the natural gas department. Old Business: Counsel Anderson reported on the progress of the McLeod Coop Power Association property issue. After our offer still stands, Counsel Anderson has not heard from them. Counsel Anderson has started the law suit against Jay Bros. bonding company and will report to the Commission as information comes in. New Business: Commissioner Carls inquired about the outages because of storms. C There being no further business, a motion was made by Commissioner Ackland, seconded by Commissioner Gilmer to adjourn the meeting at 4:50 p.m. Motion was unanimously carried. 1-wo"Ile f 54: s Ward, President L Mike Carls, Secretary g5- o 8 _�3 Om m=3 (D CL (D Z Q- O CD ;I rCD 5' m 3 -' (D (D 0 O 0 0 O jlc v 0 0 c 2 3 D ca O o. CD co v 0 O N GL 3 (D O 3 (D O m m a cr I P. (D (D Z v c v G) w cn co C C (D cn w (D a O co z 0 v � O D co v c rn y N O D Z m Z N c z cn O z c r m cn 0 cn O Z C- (0 (D v r"0Z W CD CD o <. -3a m m 3 Zx m z c y 5' o� (D D m � 0 m p O c o' 6 W � o CO D oo O o c o Z � 0 v o 0 O a z cn (D co Q Q (D m D A O co z 0 v � O D co v c rn y N O D Z m Z N c z cn O z c r m cn 0 cn O Z C- (0 (D v t A tD CD Q. tT r v CL v JA C. m C. C\ m D z CO) 'n M 3 m X m X° M z -I it mh co v C D O z X C z to z C r m cn 0 z L tD tD Cfl 4 N NNG DWG) DWG) Ox -ocflm � w(D � wCD 3 rn= tv v v �� cr m v m v O 2. CD 03=3 0 �� -a o3m "0 o3m N 3 a°' ID m ID z� cn to ts( m tsC m �Dm r. z�0 -� z�0 �_ Z Aao� � (A D Q' -' O CD m ODD 0 W c, (D 3 can 3 -4 N N 00j N 00j TI -1 -n 0 tD CD a- CL t2 co w v Co 2 2 2 a D (D CD Ch c wow (o 4W -4 CO z �O-I N O � _mm0 cn 6"o 000 0 0 0 o 0 o 0 v 0 0 0 0 0 0 z v v Wz v IQ v N)z v �z o �z CD m CD m CD O O O 0 O N N D -4� CD -4 -n yr m --4 -71 or 0 o --4 -n (Dr— � _(C°or- ti 00 x ("' O X O ((D O O N � (0 o Diio 00 °D O CD (0--i W W O ~ N N 0 O 0 0 O m D z CO) 'n M 3 m X m X° M z -I it mh co v C D O z X C z to z C r m cn 0 z L tD tD Cfl 4 L Cost Evaluation for the Power Transformer For Plant #1 Four companies presented bids, with GE supplying two bids, for a total of five quotes. Based on lowest installed cost, WESCO Distribution, Inc. of St. Paul, MN provided the most favorable bid on a ABB transformer. Total installed costs are as follows: Company Quote Losses Setup Total Waukesha Electric Systems Rep: Minnkota Sales $418,376 $75,078 $0 $493,454 General Electric #1 $381,900 $77,390 $20,200 $479,490 General Electric #2 $367,300 $99,920 $20,200 $487,420 WESCO Distribution (ABB transformer) $330,000 $110,010 $16,500 $456,510 Kuhlman Electric Corporation $380,185 $77,574 $0 $457,759 After reviewing the specifications, conditions, and price of each quote, it is our recommendation that the Hutchinson Utilities Commission accept the WESCO Distribution Company quote for the Power Transmformer for Plant #1. Clarence Kadrmas General Manager Daniel H. Geiger Operations Supervisor