01-03-1949 HUCM1 John A Clark Electric Co Graybar Electric Co Inc Fmery lNelson Inc Sterlin €° Electric Co ,wade I s Minnesota ,^;isc Truck Line Citizens Rank Harry R Jensen Treas 'P ,Iestern Oil & Fuel Co Dist Tnv Dist Inv Plant Sup-D Mdse Dist Inv E..cise Fqui.o Ext Plant Supp Plant Supplies Int on Dote 1945 P 0 Fuel Oil 17" 67 435.13 15 .58 ' 145.68' Tax 748.92' other Fquip155.05' 3 .69 317.45 26750.00 2879.30 There being no further business the meetinE• adjourned. J R. A^ FST: R • I • heppard, President . Jenuary 3, 1.949. 1�.onthl „' N!eetinF,. The re�-ulF)r monthls7 meeting, of the 1 i - ^Y l Power Commission was held at Dr. R. T. Srierr,,ardts office at 7;30 on January 3, 1949. All Commissioners were present. Also Supt. Younr,. The r.:inutes of the last mor.trly r,ee.tinj, "ecember 6, 1948, were read and atijroved. TI-le foliowin” bills v,,ere read and allowed; Postmaster Hutch !'ir,,n Pa.rsors Welding Supn Co Allis - Chalmers P,a of . Co Crr`3.y1,ar Elect -ic Co Inc John A Clark Electric `o Sterli n 'FY- Elec' -I c Co The Wms Hdwe Co �,oadeIs Ostrom T-Idse Co Futcr Dry Cleaners. Cit-i7ens Dank Zila Hdse Hutch Tel Co Squ -,,- Clothing Co Prawns: Inc Al: jlre- socranr- I' i.; ra, -)h Jm D "Al i.xc ey r' tcl, Oil. Co Peterson hruck Service C. F. l�emitz PrtF, 30.00 ' Plarlt Supp 1.44' Dist Inv 6.00 Ydse Dist Inv 37.66 Dist Tnv 5-99" I,dse Plant Supp Dist Inv 97.11 " Tcols 17.83 Plant Supn Dist Try 54.87 D i s c Of ? Fxb 1.40 U n i f orr,w Fxcl -kanre 7.60 ' Plant Su o-o 10-45 ' Tel I,- Tel 30.20 ' Uniform I: ia'i�se 18.28' Plant ti.uop 4.90' P_rtF °, i,:isc 0" Fxp 10.69' Ca s !c 0 i 1 40-64, Pant SuQn 1 -x.50' Tr,i)o ", Repair -ain 182.90 ' P1 ant 3 u o o r,quip Ext 18.50 1 7S Stearns Lumber Co hutom0ti),?e Supply Leef. Egos . (rtart Story ;--e I2G.ttery Co Electric Sup.)ly Co L L Pipes Norwood Reyndolds -,rvev Schultz Don insmussen Elmer V'4'r ite Latlof `UYesel011 John Fisher "�estern Oil f7 Fuel_ Co Graybpr Electric Co Inc Rut}i !? etker ivlrs. Con Schl ^,der IV;in.n Western Ry. Co Minn VvIestern R'77 Co ':,'estern Cil �- ',',,)el Co. TT- J. Do'r_,h .-erstein Per D Jr= rar>>ek "utchinson `lei Co Electric Sup;1y Co L. L. Wipes Norwocd Re7,rncld s Harvey Schultz Don Ra.srrussen Elmer ':site John - 0A.sher Fred Juni -blot o Peter 1,Aelsen. li_cLeod Cio -op _'ovjer n ('ene_ral_ electric (�o Snap -on `fools Corp Eutch, ''e1_ Co rFenre .)y's Rochester "Ermicide Co ',�w'onlward '7'overnor Co c"onni -Crane Corr Dorn n. Clark Electric Cc. Sterl i r_v Electric ` o i•:ini. Rw� o estern Cif ;,- !,)el C�. ?iutcr water Dept Rutl Set ?.er. Datlof '�eseloh Plant Su:)plies Plant cure lies Other Ln -u�Ary H e p A- IYe in 0t It. er Lis t 1 �a ry Sal P, ry Sal ry Salary Q ld ry "Mary Fuel Oil Ap.plie(9 Cr. petty- G as, )�i Tv;eter 7ef Preis ht on Ta'rei t on F''ue1 Oil Lub Oi l Dist Inv List Inv Dist Inv Salary Salary Sa 1c ry Saltar�,I Salary Salary Salary i4lisc. i'lgnt Dist. Inv Dist Inv 'lint Sup Dist Iry '. niforms Plant Suno 1 n t E,.z :� t uist T n• 1':q 1A i p 1v:emo Twice 11 -ete_r '?ef ���el Oil Fuel it Fx D:1.dt Ini itia.1t SuC-)p Frei, ht on ",,e1 Oilj 1''uel Oil Writer Petty Cash 1 P y TI-ere � -ein- nn furtl -er business tl e meetint- ad joi,rned. -' _ 1 m r, m i - 4- R.T =?T r. rT: 2.27' 9.38 . 46.07 ` 409-63, 23:` .70' 90.49 ' 88.07 r T'3.29 88.28' 79.02 ' 94.74' 87.41 "756 .84 ' 40.00 ' 46.'70 ' 6.30 ' 3744.61' 1905 . z5 4705.16 2,5 .07 119-00, 24.00 5.74 105.87' 99-68, 82 .48 96.27 87.02 ' 92.34 ' 37.00 52.50 1.92 1.60' 4.25 13.50 61.25 ' �0 15 .40 ` 452.03 15.05 11x0.20 1514.74 ' 25.76 100.55 L 1 r7 115 (95) Harry R. Jensen 408, 5.61 36,100.00 ' Zila Hardware 730.3 23.29' Wegner & Gauger 759.1 17.12' Ruth Betker Petty Cash 37.83' Leef Bros., Ipc 730.5 69.28 Electric Supply Co 113.2 66.04' M. J Higgins Agency 798 52.40' Rochester Germidide Co 730.3 11.50• Nordberg Manf Co 734.1 #6 63.90' Horderts Inc 793.4 5.90' (�uadevs 730.3 4.55' Automotive Supply 730.3 2.81• C. Emery Nelson Inc 730.3 179.20 ' Am. Loco Co 734.1 #3 184.50 Minn. Western Railway Co. 729 1146.53• Western Oil & Fuel Co. 729 2010-06, Central Welding Supply Co. 730.4 1.22 ' G. & W. Electric Specialty Co 113.2 85-05' Line Material Co. 113.2 500.00' Peter & Eldred Miller 143.2 98.42' August Laatsch 803 70.00 Cletus Huhn 730.4 5.00 Standard Oil Co. 730.2 13;34 - Sterling Electric Co. Mdse. 730.3 13.98' There being no further business the meeti�nadjourned- i R. W. Ohl, ecretary. ATTEST R. I* Sheppard , President. Monthly rleeting. January 2, 1950. The regular monthly meetin`- of the Lipht & Power Commission met on January 2, 1950, at R. I. Sheppard is office. All Commissioners and Supt Youn€ were present. The minutes of the last monthly meeting were read and approved as read. The following bills were read and allowed; ..Minn Western Railway Co Western Oil & Fuel Co John Kennedy R E Young Standard Oil Company Semerau Oil Co Graybar Electric Co Allis - Chalmers Manf Co The Hilliard Corp. Leef Bros Inc Skelly Oil Company 729 1,932.52• 729 3,367.84- 759.3 4.00' 792.2 15.00• 730.3 13.34' 730.3 7.55' 113.2 153-30' 66. 6.0113.2 516.60' 730.3 88.00' 730.5 59.77 ' _ 730.3 12.33'