01-19-1946 HUCM��. AW 285 Special Meeting January 19, 1946. A special meeting of the Light & Power Commission of the City of Hutchinson was held on January 19, 1946 pursuant to notice. All members of the Commission were present and participated in the meeting. President R. I. Sheppard brought up for consideration the matter of the amendment to the contract dated February 13, 19140 between this Commission and the McLeod Cooperative Power Association. Discussion was had on the terms of the amendment as executed by the McLeod Cooperative Power Association. Member R. W. Dahl made a motion that this Commission enter in to the amendment to the contract dated February 13,119140, and Member A. J. Thompson sec cnded the motion. Upon a vote being taken all members voted in favor of said motion and the motion was declared unanimously adopted. The Secretary was instructed to sprW on the minutes of this meeting a true copy of the signed amendment to contract. There being no further business the meeting adjourned. Copy of amendment to contract dated February ;11 13, 19140 attached. Attest,• 7 Secretary President. February 4, 1946 Monthly Meeting The regular monthly meeting of the Light & Power Commission was held at Dr. R. I. Sheppardts office at 8;00 P. M. All Commissioners and Supt. Young were present. The minutes of the January 7 and January 19 meetings were read and approved. The motion was made, seconded, and unanimously carried that the salaries.of each employee be increased $5.00 a month. The following bills were read and allowed; Minn. Western Ry. Co. Freight on Fuel Oil 762.66' Collector Of Internal Rev. Withholding Tax 512.32• Postmaster, Hutchinson, Minn. Postage 30.00• Gateway City Transfer Co. The Sharples Corporation Rep. & Main. Eng. Rep. Main. Other Equip. 18.11• 22.87• Hutchinson Oil Co. Lub. Oil 76.95 - Hutchinson Water Dept. Water 25.67 Chieago,Milw.St.Paul & Pac.Ry.Plant Supplies 136.64• 286 Hutchinson Dry Cleaners, Hutchinson Telephone Co. Hartwig & Schmidt Minn. Western Ry.. Co. Lodes Hardware &- Appliance Nordberg Manf. Co. Kemske Paper Company Harry's Super Service Station Thompson Yards, Incorporated - W. A. - Kepp & Sons Co. Schneider Electrical Works Coast -to -Coast Stores City of-Hutchinson Felix Esping Troy Launderers & Cleaners, Inc. Mitchell Chevrolet Company Sterling Electric Co. Line Material Company C. Emery Nelson, Inc. Western Oil & Fuel Co. Anchor Casualty Co. °..,Zila Hardware Store Addressograph Sales Agency Am. Air Filter Company, Inc-. Sterling Electric Co. Leader Printing Co. Busch - Sulzer Tiros. Diesel Eng. Co. The Scharples Corporation A. R. & J. E. Meylan Buell & Winter Hutch Sheet Metal Works Hutch Scrap Iron & Metal Co. Citizens Bank Western Oil & Fuel Co. Minn. Western Railway Co. L. L. Bipes R. E. Young Ross Heilman Ruth Betker G. B. Frederickson Western Oil &. Fuel Minn. Western Railway Co. Tray Launderers & Cleaners, Inc. H. Channon Company Sterling Electric Company Hilliard Corporation American Bosch Company Nordberg Manufacturing Co. John A. Clark Electric Co. C. Emery Nelson, Inc. Peter Juul Minn. VVestern Railway Co. L. L. Bipes T. H. Mueller J. P. Jensen Hugo Mahs Nordberg Manufacturing Co. American Locomotive Co. H. R. Peterson Company Plant Supp.,EXt• Equip. 202.44* Uniforms _ 35-15- Tel. & Tel. 41-95' Plant Supplies 19.95 - Equip. Rental 1.00' Plant Supplies 6.52' Rep. & Main. -Eng. 13.63• Printing Off, Supplies 11.45' Truck Rep.,Gas & Oil, Misc. Off32.93- Dist. Supplies 14.01 - Adv. Cost on New Eng. 2,426.25 - Dist. Ext. & Switchboard 2,159.35 - Truck Rep. & Advertising 12.25' Misc. Plant Exp. 9.00 - Uniforms 9.97' Other Laundry 3.99 - Truck Rep. & Gas & Oil 10.57• Plant Supplies, Mdse. 16.59 - Dist. Ext., Dist. Supplies 230.04' Plant Supplies x0.00- Fuel Oil 847.30' Prepaid Insurance 4261 - Plant Supplies 11.38 - Printing Off. Supplies 3.58. Rep. & Main. -Eng. 190.80• Dist. Supplies 51.75• Printing Off. Supp., Adv. 87.25• Rep. & Main. -Eng. 29.98• Rep. & Main. -Other Equip. 16.48' Plant Supplies 20.56• Adv. Cost on New Eng. 75.00• Dist. Supplies 13.00• Dist. Supplies 3.75 - Exchange 11.03 - Freight -e1 Fuel Oil 285.46• Freight on Fuel Oil 256.83• Salary 72.80• Rep. & Main. -Eng. 4.00• Plant Supplies 10.94. Petty Cash 36.61. Switchboard 1.50. Fuel Oil 11131.81' Freight on Fuel Oil,Rep.Eng.1,035.50' Other Laundry 30.99• Plant Supplies 5.73' Plant Supp., Dist. Supp. 97.85 - Plant Supp-Rep-Main-Other Eq. 235.50. Rep. & Main. -Eng. 24.80• Rep. & Main. -Eng. 188.94• Dist. Supplies 133.76. Plant Supplies 80.00 - Dist. Ext. 848.00• Freight on Fuel Oil 4.40• Salary 84.00 - Misc. Plant Exp. 5.00 - Rep. & Main. -Eng. 14.95 - Uniforms 3.25. Rep. & MAin. -Eng. 605.35. Rep. & Main. -Eng. 18.40' Plant Supp.,EXt• Equip. 202.44* Graybar Electric Company Dist. Supp. 11.15• Louis Waller Installation 15.00• Henry J. Sanken Installation 12.00' Helmuth Wegner Installation 77.00' Minn. Western Railway Co. Freight on Fuel Oil 9.90' There being no further business the meeting adjourned. GYJ Secretary ATTEST; Presiders 1 287. Resolution 38 �s Asper resolution #1000 adopted 11 -29 -06 Numbering resolutions from 1936 - 2006 r- For search purposes only SPECIAL MEETING of the Light &,Power Con4asion of the City of Hutchinson. held on the 11th day of February, 19,46, all members being present and ,voting Member R. W. Dahl offered the following Resolution and moved its adoptions RES0"VXT 1 0 N Whereas on February 13, 1940 the Light & Peer Commission of the city of Hutchinson, hereinafter sometimes called " Producer", entered into a contract with McLeod Cooperative Power Association, a corporation, hereinafter, sometimes called "Consumer ", under the terms of which the Light & Power Commission of the City of Hutchinson agreed to furnish to said McLeod Coopera tine Power Assooiation, as oonsumer!r on and after the And day of September, 1941, such quantities of sleotrical,energy as said consumer shall require and consumer agreed to take from and pay for all eleotrie4l energy, required, by it for'any and all purposes from the Light & Power Commission of the City of Hutchinson, as producer, and Whereas the parties to said contract have, on and after the '-2nd stay of September, 1941, complied with the terms thereof, and Whereas on the 19th day of January, 1946 the Producer and Consumer: entered into a written amendment to said'contraot dated February 13, 1940, which amendment is incorporated herein by reference and made a part hereof, under the terms of which amendment the consumer could request the resn,* .and .separation of certain sections of it distribution system for the pu�rpose of: supplyirng electrical energy to the present and future customers in said sections from a source other than Producer, and that upon the separation of any section or otions of consumer's distribution system the Producer mould be released/" relieved of its obligation to furnish to said Consumer electrical energy for said section or sections of Con.sumerts distribution` System under the oontraot dated February 13, 1940, and Whereas on the let day of February, 1946, in accordance with the terms of-the amendment to contract dated January 19, 1946, McLeod:Coaperative Power Association, as Consumer, did in writing, pursuant to. authority grante4 by its Board of Directors, request *e separation -of the following sedtiones of do6umer16 distribution system, .z., All that real, property lying South of the following line,'. Beginniug-at Southwest corner of Section 13, Township "113, a Range 31; thence North to Southwest corner of Section 24, { Township 114, Range 31; thence East to Southwest corner ©f`". ' Section 19, Township 114, Range 30; thence North to center of West boundary of Section 19, Township 114, Range 30; thence East to center of East line of Section 19, Township 114, Range 29; thence North to Northeast corner of Section 19, Township 114, Range 29; thence East to Southeast corner of Section 16, Township 114, North of Range 29 West; thence North to Northeast corner of Section 16, Township 114, North; of Range 29 West; thence Northeasterly to Southwest corner of Section 2, Township 114, North of Range 29 Nest; thence East to Southwest corner of Section 6, Township 114, North. of Ramie 28 West; thence Southeasterly to Southeast corner of Seetio* 7" Township 114, Worth of Range 28 West; thence I following Western shore of New Auburn Lake; thence Last elomg South shore of said New Auburn Lake to ouster of North Boundary of - ,Section 34, Township 114, North of Range 28 West; thence South , to center of South boundary of Section 34, Township 114, North- ,.of Range "28; thence East to Southeast. corner Seetiaxl 34, Township 114, North of Range 28 Pest; thence South to Southeast corner of Section 2, Township 113, North of Range 28 West; thence East to Southeast corner of Section 2, Towmsbip 113, .forth of Range 28 West; thence South to center of West line of Section 12, Township 113, North of Range 28 West; thence'East t•' center of East line of Section 7, Township 113, North of Range 27 West;, thence North to Southeast corner of Section 31, Township 114, North of Ravage 22 West; thence East to Southeast oorner of Section 36, Township '114, North of Range 27 Xest. -1- Aoo* k -2. SECTION "B ", All that real property lying West of a line beginning at cotter of North Boundary of Section. 32,'Township 117, North of Range 32 West; thence South . to center of south boundary of Section 32, Township Tit, North of Range 32 West; thence Southeasterly to Southeast corner of Section 5, Township 114, North of Range 32 West; thence South to Southwest corner of Section 4,, Township 113, North of Range 32 West, for the purpose -of supplying present and future customers in said seotioas with electrical energy from sources other than the Light de Power Comnissiou. of the City; of Hutchinson, BE IT RESOLVEDs FIRST,s That the request for separation of Sections A and $above described be, and the same hereby is, granted upon the conditions hereinafter" set forth. SECOND: That Sections A and B are hereby separated, effective on November 1, 1946, from the distribution system of McLeod Cooperative Power Association to which this Light & Power Commission is required, under the .terms of the contract dated February 13, 1940, to furnish such electrical energy as said ;Consumer shall require, and that this separation of Sections A and E terminates the obligation of Producer to furnish electrical energy to customers of Consumer in said Sections A and B on November 1, 1946. THIRDs That the contrast dated February 13, 1940 remains'An i'tll force and effect as to all requirements of Consumer for eleotrical energy, other than in Sectional and B which are separated pursuant to request by' Consumer. " Member A. J. Thompson seconded thy, motion. fer the adoption of the Resolution offered by Member Dahl, and upon vote the motion was unanimously carried and President R. I. Sheppard declared the Resolution duly adopted. I, R. W. Dahl, secretary of the Light & Power 0ommission of the- city of Hutchinson, do hereby certify that the foregoing is a true and correct. copy of the Resolution unanimously adopted by the Light & Power Commission of`` the City.of Hutchinson at its special meeting held on the 11th day of February, 1946,. all members being present and voting. WITKESS_my hand (the Commission having no Seal) this day of February, 1946. VARL, ZEGRETAXI LIGHT & POWER COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF HUl'CHINSON. a OW G"w"w tw "Vo us* ot r•s7 a ", *60"w r v; , II r+ 11yy ypypII t , at two 00 WO moul-i umw Oak,~, OU *0604 i , y " Wys f� a"1 . I" lift sue ,• Ail low ow jwftop�n� "flow 41" .. .ft* itft *a 00 N ' yy V. *$wo a :' .. ., l a as . -wow 000",;� p :.: . 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