01-07-1946 HUCMThere being no further business the meeting adjourned. ATTEST:'✓ Preside ecretary 44xJ January 7, 1946 Monthly Meeting The regular monthly meeting of the Light & Power Commission was held at Dr. R. I. Sheppard's office at 700 P. M. All Commissioners and Supt. Young were present. The minutes of the December 3, 1946 meeting were read and approved. The motion was made and unanimously carried that all connections on power meters must be permanent connections or phased outlets, and no heat or lights can be used on this type of service. The motion was made and unanimously carried that all electric welders must be power factor corrected and must be inspected by the Municipal Electric Plant before any connections are made. The motion was made, seconded, and unanimously carried that all stove and water heater installation payments cease as of February 1, 1946, letters to be mailed to all dealers and electricians informing them of same. The motion was made, seconded, and unanimously carried that Supt. Young's salary be raised $20.00 per month starting January 1, 1946. The motion was made, seconded, and unanimously carried that the salary of Russell Thompson be raised from $160.00 to $170.00 per month starting January 1, 1946. The motion was made, seconded, and unanimously carried that the rate for the new farm line, purchased from the Northern States Power Company, be the same as that of the REA and in the future all customers outside the city limits will have the same rate. The following bills were read and allowed: Harry R. Jensen, Treasurer Ruth Betker Mc- Master -Carr Supply Co. Line Material Co. The Hilliard Corporation Sterling Electric Co. Int. on 1945 P.O. 2,000.00 - Petty Cash 35.18- Plant Supplies 12.00• Dist. Ext. 171.83• Plant Supp. & Other Equip. 84.18.• Plant Supplies 22.49' I 1 rJi 283 Peter & Eldred Miller Dist. Ext. 589.00' Graybar Electric Co. Dist. Supplies 4.95' Addressograph -Mult. Corp. Prtg. Office Supp. 1.10* Hutchinson Dry Cleaners Uniforms 27.40• Dr. Frank O• �. . �6,A -�- `•, -Misc. Office Exp. 7.00• W. A. Ostrom Company Off. Furn. & Equip. 81.10 - 2ila Hardware Plant Supp. & Dist. Supp. 11.55. Minn. Western Ry. Co. Fr4ight on Fuel Oil 1,017.53 - Western Oil.& Fuel Co. Fuel Oil 1,128.75' Hutchinson Telephone Co. Tel. '& Tel. 42.04, General Mills, Inc. Plant Supp. 3.40 - Mrs. Frank Mattsfield Installation 15.00• J. P. Jensen Plant Supp. & Dist. Supp. 17.15• Ideal Motor Company Truck Rep. & Gas & Oil 53.00• Luedtke Super Service Truck Gas & Oil 24.17 Mitchell Chevrolet.Co. Truck Rep. 1.75• Lodes Hardware & Appliance Dist. Supplies 2.69 - Troy Launderers & Cleaners Other Laurhiry 7.62' Pittsburgh Equitable Meter Rep.. & Main. Eng. 192.00 - Shell Oil Company Plant Supplies 5.36, Allis- Chalmers Manf. Co. Rep. & Main. -Other Equip. 6.00 - McClain & Hedman Co. Plant Supplies 1.21• Sem Becker Dist. Ext. 36.00' The Hilliard Corporation Rep. & Main. -Other Equip. 40.35' W. A. Kepp & Sons Co. Adv. Cost -New Eng. 3,808.43• Sterling Electric Co. Dist. Ext.,Dist. Supp., Mdse. 1,463.97 - Minn. Western Ry. Co. Fuel Oil, Rep. &Main.Other Equip-759-09- Western Oil & Fuel Co. Fuel Oil 842.38' Citizens Bank Exchange 2.58• Lyle Jensen Clerical 35.00• D. E. Mc Gannon Installation 15.00 L. L. Bipes Salary 70.80' Northern States Power Co. Dist. Ext. 4,645.00, Minn. Western Ry. Co. Freight on Fuel Oil 505.16 - Western Oil & Fuel Co. Fu &l Oil 561.43• G.W. & Leo Harris Co. Rep. & Main. -Other Equip. 10.80' Line Material Co. Dist. Supp. 115.32• R. E. Young Misc. Office Exp. 2.50 Hutchinson Oil Co. Lubricating Oil 52.25 Leslie B. Linder Installation 15.00' Sterling Electric Co. Dist. Supp. & Mdse. 46.18• W. E. Reyerson Off. Furn. & Equip. 135.00• Kenndey t s Uniforms 23.75 Sem Becker Dist. Supp., Off. Furn. & Equip. 14.00' L. L. Bipes Salary 78.90, T. H. Mueller Misc. Plant Exp. 5.00' Ruth Betker Petty Cash 12.43 Addressograph Sales Agency Printing Off. Supp. 5.00• Troy Launderers & Cleaners Other Laundry 1.62 - Henry J. Sanken Installation 12.00 - Sharples Corporation Rep. & Main. -Other Equip. 4.64 - Schneider Electrical Works Dist..Supp. & Switchboard 129.72. Western Oil & Fuel Co. Fuel Oil 568.84• Minn. Western Ry. Co. Freight on Fuel Oil 505.29 - Walter Rippe Plant Supplies 5.15• 284 There being no further business the meeting adjourned. Secretary ATTEST; Preside fft 1 I L