08-06-1945 HUCMZ(2 Monthly Meeting August 6, 1945 The regular monthly meeting; of the Light and Power Commission was held in the Light Plant office at 7;30 P. M. All Commissioners and Supt. Youn.° were present. The minutes of the July meeting were read and approved. A motion was made and unanimously carried that a new Burroughs billing machine b0rdere�rom Mr. Smith, who was present for the Burroughs Adding Machine Company. A motion was made and unanimously carried that Harvey Schultz be paid $.70 per hour as of July 15, 1945. The following bills were read and approved; Hutch. Tole. Company Tel. & Tel. Hutch. Water Dept. Water John A. Clark Electric Co. Dist. Supplies Collector of Internal Rev. Withholding Tax The Hilliard Corporation Plant Supplies Sterling Electric Co. Dist. Supp. & Mdse. Postmaster, Futchinson,Minn. Postage Socony Vacuum Filling St. Truck Gas & Oil Ideal Motor Co. Truck Repairs Allis- Chalmers Manf. Co. Dist. Supplies Hugo Mahs Uniforms L. L. Bipes Uniforms Nordberg Manf'. Co. Engine ' Minn. Western Ry. Co. Freight on.Fuel Oil Western Oil & Fuel Co. Fuel Oil Pusch- Sulzer Bros- Diesel Eng. Engine Helmuth Wegner Installation Zila Hardware PlIt.&Dist. Supp.& Eng. Railway Express Agency Engine Harry R. Jensen, Treasurer 1940 Pledge Orders & Int. R. E. Young Misc. Office Exp. H. P. wade Dist-Main. & Supp.-, Inst. General Electric Supply Corp. Plant Supplies Sterling Electric Co. Tools Citizens Bank Exchange Wallner Printing Co. Printing Minn. Western Ry. Co. Freight on Fuel Oil L.L. Bipes. Salary Harvey Schultz Salary Don. E. Me Gannon Salary Lyle Jensen Services Rendered Harry R. Jensen, Treasurer Adv. Cost on New Engine Busch - Sulzer Bros.- Diesel Eng-Engine Western Oil & Fuel Co. Fuel Oil Sterling Electric Co. Mdse. &. Dist. Supplies Busch - Sulzer Bros.- Diesel Eng-Labor on Unit #5. Dorsey,Colman,3arker, etc. Eng. Services Sinclair Refining Co. Lub. Oil Minn. -Wise. Truck Line Plant Supplies 29.25. 11.24• 104.64. 711.80 48.00• 75.85• 150.00• 5.89. 1.85. 7.40• 2.06. 5.45• 240.00, 254.63 278.71 41.84- 30.00 10.86- 30.31• 25,141.75• 6.00. 79.51- 7.671 6.86. 5.93• 13.25• 506.63 66.00• 46.60. 39.50. 35.00. 33.60. 47.63• 580.21. 58.11• 351.04. 250.39• 20.24. 1.08• u 1 General Electric Supply Corp. Busch - Sulzer Bros.- Diesel Eng.Co. Am. Locomotive Co. Allis- Chalmers Mfg. Co. Sterling; Electric Co. Hutchinson Dry Cleaners Shell Oil Co. Minn. Western Ry. Co. Western Oil & Fuel Co. Walt6r Kleinheinz Elmer Pollman G. A. Schmitz Harry's Super Service Station Sterling Electric Co. Henry Sanken Ruth Betker J. P. Jensen Hartmann's Drug Store L. L. Sipes Harvey Schultz Don. Mc Gannon T. H. Mueller Postmaster, Hutchinson, Minn. Minnesota Western Railway Co. Western Oil & Fuel Co. 273 Plant Supplies 7.47. Labor on Unit #5. 75.27• Engine 65-60. Dist. Supplies 247.76.• Plant & Dist. Supplies 237.49. Uniforms 57.25. Plant Supplies 5.15. Freight on Fuel Oil 252.91. Fuel Oil 279.77. Dist. Supplies 12.25. Meter Ref. plus interest 19.24• Truck Repairs 51.66. Truck Repairs 1.00. Plant & Dist. Supplies 41.31 Installation 12.00. Petty Cash 39.19. Dist. Ext. 13.76- Office Supplies 1.94. Salary 84.10. Salary 66.80. Salary 12.00. Misc. Plant Expt. 5.00 - Office Supplies 30.00. Freieht on Fuel Oil 254.01 - Fuel Oil 279.41- There being no further business the meeting adjourned. Secretary ATTEST; c . _ Pre sid ent Monthly Meeting September 3, 1945 The regular monthly meetinrr, of the Litllt and Power Commission was postponed to September 12, 1945, '�ecause of the absence from -the City of a majority of the Commissioners. Secretary -�