07-10-1944 HUCM243 Monthly YleetinE- July 10,1944 The rerular monthl7T meetinf of the Li,-ht and Power Commission was held at the Li;rnht Plant office at 5;00 P.,"T. A11 Commissioners and Supt. Yoijn 1, were present. Motion was made and unanimously carried that a connection charge be made for ^ll road shows. ;10.00 to be char e�3 for service when no trans- former or . pr. imary service Is needec9 . viben extra tr<onsforr,,Qrs or primary ser`. ice -'Is neeue,l . Motion was made and carried that all customers using a single motor of one horse power or connected fraction of a horse power motors equaling one and one -half horse power are required to have a power meter and service. The followinr; bills 1,�l c'-ern Railroad Co. Freight on Fuel Oil 535.60• 'Western Oil _ >_ Fuel Co. Fuel Ci7. 570.12• American.Locomotive Co. Engine 2.30• �.w. - Ostrom, Co. Plant S�zpnli.es "emske P�,.per Co. Office Supplies 3.01 • ('race-Lee Products,lnc. Plant Supplies 1.1.25• Stearns Lumber Co. Plant Suppli.F.s 11.34' ;'salt ' s Super Service Station - +s `_ Oil 2.50 ' Sterling Electric Corr.^ry Plant Supplies 2.10 113ill" Duesterhoeft ' s Ser7.7ice C S - Oil 6.33 Nordber: Yanufactlirin, Co. Anerican Locomotive Co. Labor - Repair Q- P,•.ain. End;. n -ine 149.57 335.00 V" estern Oil :`- Fuel Co. Fuel Oil 287.00 Yi.nn• "�estern Railway; Co. Frei -ht on Puel 03.1 ?,6�i.98 Sinclair Refi ni n Cor n�;t�y • I,un Oil 00 12^ -, , . p Steele Ilotor Con?nany Cass Trucks 3.15 Custom Cle,:,ners :: Launderers Cther Laundry 1.63 Schutte oertin, Company Plant S1..lnr7_ies 12.10 lutch inson Scrap -Iron. ,` T`ot :.l Co.Pl, nt Suppli.es 2.00 . Troy Launderers .71;- Cleaners ^ther I:nndry 4.13 Allis - Chalmers P'f ,. Co. Dist. Supplies 281.93 Allis- Chalmers T.`f,°. Co. )ist. Supplies 4.80 Hutchinson Telephone Co. 7e7_. "' Tel. 26.20 Ideal Motor Company Gas ° Oil 3.75 Sterlinf; Electric ''onp -any T,.dse. 10.19 Citizens Dank Exelha Ze on checks 5.89 Torry Tros. Gas L Oil 13.42 Postmaster, Futchinson,N11inn. PostaEe %.; Office Supplied 27.43 Ruth ' etker Petty Cash 31.01 Gila Hardware Plant Supplies Y; Dist. Supplies 12.27 Lyle Jensen Scr,7ices rendered 17.50 Francis AhrF -.ns P 7 ,, nt Labor 7.33 ,' eston Electrical Inst. Corp. pic"It °;u plies 31.50 Doris Forsberg Clerical Services 27.88 . Hutchinson :;r7T Cleaners Uniforms 41.60 E. J. Heilman 1 n s t- L; 11,a Lion 30.00 Western Oil & duel Co. Fiie1 Oil 288.20 Tt!inn. 'estern. 7?a_lv.,ay Co. Frei.Lht on Fuel Oil 270.45 Eben Dennis Petty Cash 15.00 He1rr,_ith 'hie n e r Installa +_ion 30.00 The Sharple s Corpora t ion FnL,;ine 2.33 Sterling Electric Company T . F. ;dueller Francis Ahrens Lyle Jensen Minn. Viestern RailwEV Co. Western Oil & Fuel Co. Custom Cleaners x Launderers Doris Forsberg Harry Jensen, Treas . Switchboard 83.80- Haulinr' Garbage 3.00• Plant Labor 61.60• Clerical_ Services 22.50 Freight on Fuel Oil 539.35• Fuel Oil 573.83' Other Laundry 3.40• Clerical Viork 26.44' Pled,e Orders Int. 10,050.00 There bein, no further business the meeting was adjourned. Secretar7 ATTEST : /� i re s id ent 1 U iJ