05-02-1944 HUCM240 Monthly Meeting TJay 2, 1944 The regular monthly meeting of the Lip-ht and Power Commission was held at the Light Plant office at 5;00 P.M. Commissioners Thompson and Sheppard and Supt. Young were present. Motion was made and carried that viestinghouse circuit bouE -ht to replace fuse panel in basement of the Power Plant. The following bills were read and approved; Citizens Bane Shell Oil Company Hutchinson Telephone Co. The Sharples Corp. Collector of Internal Rev. Schmitz Tire Shop H. P. Quade Sterling; Electric Co. The Wms. Hardware Co. Zile. Hardware Co. Am. Loco. Co. H. R. Kirkland Co. Howard Semerau Citizens Pank Custom Cleaners & Launderers Francis Ahrens Doris Forsber,° Lyle R. Jensen The Hillfard Corp. Sterling- 7lectric Tr,e Srarp�es Coro. Minn. :'d'estern Railway. ,restern Oil - Fuel Co. Leeds ', Northrup Co. Francis t ?hrens Doris Forsberg Minn. 7'Vestern Railway Western Oil & Fuel Co. H. F. Wegner H. P. Quade Hutchinson Oil Co. Dobratz Furniture Store Graybar Elec. Co.,Inc. T. H. Mueller Addressograph Sales Ap,.ency Mr. H. R. Tensen, Trees. -Office Supplies -Plant Supplies -Tel. L Tel. -Other Equip. -Withholding Tax .Truck Repairs •Installation .Dist. 1.11ain. -Plant Supplies -Plant Supplies -Plant Supplies & Dist. Main. -Plant Supplies •Lub. Oil. -Exchange on Checks -Other Laundry - Salary •S Lary Clerical Services -Other Equipment gist. RTai n. Dist. Supplies -Plant Supplies Free ht on Fuel Oil -Fuel Oil -Plant Supplies •Sala.ry Clerical Services -Freight on Fuel Oil -Fuel Oil Installations -Installations -Lub . Oil -Plant Supplies Plant Supplies -Hauling garbage -Office Supplies .Pledge Orders int. There being; no further business the meetinf; ATTEST; (�Pf res dent breakers be was adjourned. Secretary 4.80 5.15 17.40 7.64 276.02 8.00 30.00 147.35 1.99 8.98 64.30 x.8.43 22 26 0.74 1.35 53.93 13.65 27.50 100.00 48.10 15.72 P69 .17 288.14 3.39 51.46 7.50 270.£32 291.60 45.00 30.00 666.88 3.00 11.57 3.00 5.60 10,018.75