01-28-1944 HUCM1 1 1 Adjourned Meeting January 28, 1944 An adjourned meeting of the Light and Power Commission was held at the Light Plant Office at 5;00 P. M. All Commissioners were present and Supt. voun-r was also present. Motion was made and carried that a check -up be marle on a fuel oil filter. Motion was made, seconded and unanimously carr.ed that the followin- employees' rakes be inr_r. eased as follov,?s; Ross Heilman James Moran Felix Esping Leif Larson HuFo Mahs F'dw. Krantz Ruth Betker Francis Ahrens A10.00 10.00 ,y10.00 10.00 ;r10 .on '?10.00 5.00 ;n .05 per hour. There being no further ' usiness the meeting; adjourned. Secretary. Attest; residen 233