01-23-2013 EDAMEDA Board Meeting
Main Conference Room — City Center
11:30 AM Wednesday, January 23, 2013
Members present in bold.
Tim Ulrich Steve Jansick
Mary Christensen Mike McGraw
Miles Seppelt, EDA Director
Jeremy Carter, City Administrator
Andy Reid, City Controller
Mary Hodson, Chamber President
Daron Vanderheiden Chad Czmowski
Call to order
EDA President Tim Ulrich called the meeting to order at 11:35 AM
II. Introduction
III. Approve Agenda — No Action
IV. Election of 2013 EDA Officers
1 -year term
Tim Ulrich
Mike McGraw
Steve Jansick
1 -year term
EDA Intern
Assistant Treasurer
Jeremy Carter
M/S/P: Czmowski, Vanderheiden to re-elect the current slate of officers for a new term. Passed
V. Review Meeting Minutes
A. January 2nd Board of Directors (December meeting)
M/S/P: Czmowski, McGraw to approve the minutes as written. Passed unanimously.
B. December 19th Finance Team
No action taken. Staff forgot to enclose the minutes in the meeting packet, so these will be
discussed at next month's Board Meeting.
VI. Review of December financial statements — Miles Seppelt
• Cash available in operations is $156,794
$56,736 is reserved (proceeds from Warrior land sale) and $95,447 is unreserved.
• The Economic Development Loan fund has $616,259 in cash available.
• Loan payments for the month were $10,285.
Downtown revolving loan fund has $178,196 in cash available, loans totaling $806,126 and
$201,329 in capital assets (Cenex & Wright property).
0 Loan repayments totaled $9,352 for the month.
• MIF Loan fund has $175,580 in cash available and loans receivable of $352,247 (NuCrane).
• Loan payments for the month were $5,640.
M/S/P: Jansick, McGraw to approve the financials as presented. Passed unanimously.
VII. Director's Report
A. Depot Marketplace Redevelopment — $292,764 obtained to help with the environmental clean up
the site. The City is looking at wrapping this project in with the Jefferson Street reconstruction
project to gain economies of scale.
B. NuCrane MIF grant de -federalization- paperwork complete and turned in. Waiting for DEED action.
C. BR&E Visit(s) — Customer Elation. The company might be interested in space in the FDA's
planned spec -incubator building.
D. Walgreens & McDonalds: Walgreens to build a store on the old Running's site and have it ready by
December 2013. McDonalds to demolish the current building they are located in and will put up a
new building.
E. EDA Board vacancy - The City Council appointed Jonny Block to fill this vacancy.
F. EDAM Award — has been picked up.
G. Marketing Plan update- Continuing bulk mailings. Sent out thus far:
1. Brochures 626/1130
2. Postcards 858/1000
H. Official Acceptance of Resignation of Keith Fischer from the EDA Board.
M/S/P: Ulrich, Czmowski to accept Keith Fischer's resignation from the EDA Finance Team.
Passed unanimously.
VIII. Discussion of EDA Staffing
Mr. Carter, City Administrator, provided a brief update to the Board. An update position profile is being
put together and will be listed on the websites of the League of Minnesota Cities and the Economic
Development Association of Minnesota, along with the City's website, by the first week of February.
Looking to get the applications from the possible candidates by the third week of the month. In the
interim, Miles Seppelt will come in one day per week to keep critical projects moving forward.
Discussion followed.
IX. Jump Start Downtown
Staff provided an update on the status of the project. Press releases will be sent out to area media
outlets, and the program will be promoted at the upcoming Chamber of Commerce Banquet. A website
has been set up to make contest materials readily available. Discussion followed.
X. Request for public assistance from Hutchinson Technology, Inc.
HTI has requested a tax abetment to assist them with a consolidation of operations from Plymouth to
Hutchinson. Discussion followed. Concerns were expressed over the precedent this would set, and
that the tax abatement would directly impact all other Hutchinson property tax payers.
M/S/P: Czmowski, McGraw to decline the request for public assistance. Passed unanimously.
XI. Incubator Building Project — Authorization to hire architect / engineering firm.
Staff updated the Board on the status of the project. Proposed architectural / engineering costs were:
"Pre -Design" (required by State) not -to -exceed $5,000
Architecture & Engineering not -to -exceed $54,000
Discussion followed.
M/S/P: McGraw, Czmowski to authorize hiring of the architects & engineers for the project at the costs
stated. Passed unanimously.
XII. Chamber Banquet
A. Authorization for sponsorship of $600
M/S/P: Ulrich, McGraw to approve a sponsorship of the annual Chamber Banquet at a cost of
B. Review of EDA Presentation
XIII. Grant and Loan Applications — NONE
A loan subordination for Wells Fargo bank was discussed.
M/S/P: Ulrich, Czmowski to approve the requested loan subordination. Passed unanimously. Jansick
XIV. Chamber Update
65th Annual Meeting & Awards Banquet on Friday January 23d , 2013. Updating the chamber website
in order to encourage more membership visits.
XV. Other Business
XVI. Set Next meeting — February 27th, 2013
XVII. Adjourn- 12:49 PM
Respectfully Submitted,
Sanskriti Thapa
EDA Intern