04-27-2011 EDAMEDA Board Meeting Main Conference Room — City Center 11:30 AM Wednesday, April 27th, 2011 Members present in bold. MEETING MINUTES Members Tim Ulrich Steve Jansick Mike Retterath Daron Vanderheiden Chad Czmowski Mary Christianson Mike McGraw Staff Miles Seppelt, EDA Director Colin Heintzeman, EDA Assistant Jeremy Carter, City Administrator Liaison Bill Corby, Chamber President I. Call to order EDA President Tim Ulrich called the meeting to order at 11:34 AM II. Approve Agenda — No Action III. Review meeting minutes: A. March 30th Board of Directors M IS /P: Jansick, Czmowski to approve the minutes as written. Passed unanimously. B. March 22nd Finance Team M IS /P: Ulrich, McGraw to approve the March 22nd Finance Team minutes as written. Passed unanimously. IV. Review March EDA Financial Statements ■ Cash available in operations is $93,193 ■ $56,736 is reserved (proceeds from Warrior land sale) and $33,208 is unreserved. ■ The Economic Development Loan fund has $427,968 in cash available. ■ Total assets in the Economic Development Loan fund are $930,012. ■ Downtown revolving loan fund has $411,182 in cash available, loans totaling $618,889 and $201,329 in capital assets (Cenex & Wright property) ■ Loan repayments totaled $11,070 for the month. ■ MIF Loan fund has $55,585 in cash available and loans receivable of $461,318 (NuCrane). ■ A total of $11,281 in MIF loan repayments came in during the month. M IS /P: Jansick, Christianson to approve the financial report as presented. Passed unanimously. V. Director's Report: A. County Project — Project hopefully will be rolling forward in a couple of months. B. "Shovel Ready" certification for Energy Park - Application turned in to DEED. The ball is in their court. C. BDPI Grant Application — APPROVED for the full $250,000 that was requested. D. Marketing Plan — As requested by the Mayor, a marketing plan for the City is being researched and drafted. A meeting with local business leaders will be held on May 10th in order to get input on marketing strategies. E. Website updates— staff is currently updating the EDA website. Also exploring the option of a new URL: www.i)ositivlvhutchinson.com F. Stritesky Property — Hager Olson and son will do the tiling work on the property as soon as it is dry enough. Also, the city has received rent from that property. G. Customer Elation — Customer Elation is ready for expansion. Their current building has room for 300 employees. Customer Elation may be looking for a loan from the EDA to finance new equipment. Customer Elation is also looking to buy the Wetherell property. VI. Industrial Park Maintenance Staff updated the Board on how the various EDA owned properties will be maintained. Discussion on how to best maintain the new industrial park; the city can mow the park twice per summer for $400 each time — funds will come from the FDA's operations budget. VII. Depot Renovation / Farmer's Market The proposed renovation of the Depot site was discussed. Staff has learned of a program that can get Phase I and Phase II environmental site assessments done at no cost to the city. VIII. Business Incubator / Spec Building — Discussion Staff had a good conversation with John O'Leary (Federal EDA staff for Minnesota) about business incubators. His advice was that incubator projects do work, and do create jobs; however the project will be very time consuming and require a lot of work from staff. Discussion followed. IX. Grant & Loan Applications Sign and Awning Grants: ■ Mandi Roiger (Journey Salon), 23 Washington Ave. W. $1946.59 ■ Marcus Max (Ameriprise Financial), 65 Hassan St. SE $2,000.00 M IS /P: Jansick, McGraw to approve both sign and awning grants. Passed unanimously. X. Other Business — None. XI. CHAMBER CVB UPDATE — MARCH 2011 ■ Bring It Home Business Expo — Great success, 65 local businesses participated, over 1,000 people attended. ■ Business After Hours — May 12, Aveyron Homes, 4:00 — 6:00 pm ■ Breakfast with Gophers Coach Jerry Kill — Thursday, May 19, 8:00 — 9:00 am, $10, call 587- 5252 for tickets or contact Bill at bill @explorehutchinson.com. XII. Set Next Meeting — May 25th XIII. Adjourn With no further business to attend to, the meeting was adjourned at 12:19 PM. Respectfully Submitted, Colin Heintzeman EDA Assistant