01-07-2009 EDAMEDA Board Meeting Main Conference Room — City Center 12 PM Wednesday January 7th 2009 (December Meeting) MEETING MINUTES Members present in bold print: Members Tim Ulrich Diane Gordon Steve Jansick VACANT Jim Haugen Mike McGraw Staff Jeremy Carter, Finance Director Miles Seppelt, EDA Director Melissa Reichl, EDA Assistant I. Call to Order Tim Ulrich called the meeting to order at 12:03 PM. II. Approve Agenda No action. III. Review Meeting Minutes A. December 3rd Board of Directors (November Meeting) Marc Vaillancourt M /S /P: Vaillancourt, Gordon to approve the December 3rd EDA Board minutes as amended. Passed unanimously. B. November 19th Finance Team M /S /P: Jansick, Ulrich to approve the Finance Team minutes of November 19th meeting as written. Passed unanimously. IV. Review November Financial Statements — Miles Seppelt, EDA Director • As of November 30th, the EDA had $32,834 in cash available for operations. • Rental income of $500 was received from the Wetherell Property. • The Economic Development Loan Fund currently has $104,255 in cash available. Revenues over expenditures amounted at $3,346. Loans to Warrior Mfg. and Ashwill Industries are performing as required. • The Downtown Loan Fund currently has $295,169 in cash available and holds mortgages totaling $769,268. All Downtown Loans are performing as required. • As of November 30th, total loan repayments and distributions are $99,808 and $176,404, respectively. To date, grant payments total $39,602. • The MIF Loan Fund has $56,859 cash available. Loans to Warrior Mfg. and Customer Elation are performing as required. M /S /P: Vaillancourt, Haugen to approve the EDA Financial Statements as presented. Passed unanimously. V. Director's Report A. Cenex Property The next step in the project is the installation of monitoring wells. Cenex will be receiving its second reimbursement from AG-VIC at the end of January. B. BR & E Visits Staff visited Goebel Fixture Company. 17 companies were visited this year. C. Retail Trade Analysis Update The Retail Trade Analysis presentation has been rescheduled for Monday, February 9th, from 5:30 -6:30 at the Hutchinson Event Center. D. County EDA Staff attended a County Board workshop January 5th. The meeting went well and there was discussion of the proposed exploration committee. The committee should be appointed by the County board at their meeting of January 20th, and meetings will begin shortly thereafter. E. Internship Grant The EDA received a $1,000 grant from the Economic Development Association of Minnesota to help offset the cost of the internship. F. Industrial Park Grant Staff is finalizing a $250,000 grant proposal to DEED to help cover infrastructure costs of the Industrial Park. The grant should be submitted sometime in the next week or ten days. VI. EDA Website Update The EDA website has been updated and expanded. The Board was pleased with the results, and recommended some refinements. VII. Industrial Park Development The next steps in the Industrial Park development is annexing the land into the city and rezoning the property. SEH, Inc. can update their engineering study of the Stritesky parcel to include the new land. The engineering study will include a topographical survey, proposed lot & utility layouts, platting, preliminary design of roads & infrastructure and provide cost estimates for construction of roads & utilities. The EDA Director proposed funding the engineering study out of the industrial park revolving loan fund, which could then be reimbursed out of future bonding for the new infrastructure. M /S /P: Jansick, Haugen to approve up to $26,500 for the updated engineering study with funds fronted from the industrial park revolving loan fund and reimbursed by future bonding. Passed unanimously. VIII. Grant & Loan Applications Ashwill Industries — Tony Ashwill 945 5" Avenue SE $30,000 M /S /P: Haugen, Vaillancourt to approve a $30,000 loan with a 6 year term at 8.00% interest as recommended by the Finance Team. Passed unanimously. IX Other Business ■ EDA staff informed the Board that an inquiry was received about a potential business start -up. The board agreed to look over a business proposal once it was submitted. ■ Jay Freedland of Hutch Iron & Metal has inquired about the status of a small land parcel the EDA owns just west of his industrial park property. After discussion the Board decided that it does not have enough information at this time to make any decision regarding the disposition of the property. It will review the matter again sometime 2010. M /S /P: Jansick, Vaillancourt to table the question until 2010 at the earliest. Passed unanimously. ■ The Board discussed making a recommendation for City Council liaison to the EDA. M /S /P: Jansick, Vaillancourt to recommend that the City Council appoint Chad Czmowski to be the liaison to the EDA Board. Passed unanimously. Staff will prepare a memorandum for the upcoming City Council packet. X Chamber Update ■ Bill Corby updated the board on current activities of the Chamber of Commerce. XI Set Next Meeting — January 28th XII Adjourn With no other business to attend to, the meeting adjourned at 1:15 PM. Respectfully Submitted, Melissa Reichl EDA Assistant