06-29-2007 EDAMEDA Board Meeting Minutes of Meeting Friday, June 29th 2007 Members present in bold print: Members: Tim Ulrich Steve Jansick Jim Haugen Diane Gordon Duane Hoversten Casey Stotts Mike McGraw Staff: Miles Seppelt, EDA Director Shan Ghimire, EDA Assistant I. Mr. Ulrich called the meeting to order at 7:04 a.m. II. Approve Agenda: No action. III. Review and Approve Meeting Minutes: a. May 16th Finance Team Minutes M /S/P: Ulrich/Jansick to pass May 16th Finance Team minutes. Approved unanimously. b. May 25th EDA Board Meeting M /S/P: Stotts /Gordon to pass May 25th EDA Board minutes. Approved unanimously. c. June 13th EDA Special Meeting M /S/P: McGraw / Jansick to pass June 13th EDA Special minutes. Approved unanimously. IV. Review May 2007 Financial Statements • On Pg 1 under operations for the EDA, there is $212,851 cash on hand. The total fund balance & liabilities as of May 31, 2007 is $275,828. • Pg 2 and 3 is the statement of revenue and expenses. The EDA continues to collect $500 each month for the Wetherell Property. $200 was received from refunds and reimbursements giving total revenue of $700. The EDA spent down a total of $22,840 for the month of May. The EDA has spent down a total of $73,746 for the year of 2007. • Pg 4 under the EDA Loan Fund, there is $128,740 as cash on hand. • Pg 5 under the EDA Downtown Loan Fund, there is $503,015 as cash on hand. Mortgages receivable is $714,510. $55,234 has been collected this year for loan repayments. A total of $161,031 has been paid out thus far for 2007 including loans, downtown grant program, and miscellaneous. The current revenues under expenditures were $105,797. MIS/P: Gordon, Stotts to approve financials for May 2007. Passed Unanimously V. Director's Report a. Cenex Redevelopment Project Phase II environmental inspection is underway for this project; we are in the process of preparing a purchase agreement. b. Cornerstone Commons - American Pastime BBQ is all set to be open for business by mid -July - Snap Fitness is expanding the facility towards the north end of the building - They are working on individual office suites in the west end of the building c. Warrior manufacturing They should be ready to go for production any day soon. d. Customer Elation The plans are to be approved by the planning commission meeting on July 2nd and by the city council on the l Wh. e. Nordic Components / Spec Building Discussion underway with the Architect for floor plan. EDA staff is meeting with Midwest Tool Grinding as a new potential business for that space. f. Industrial Park Design Currently working with SEH on the design; soil borings underway. VI. Request for Letter of Support Mr. Seppelt informed the board that Mr. Jim Fayhe is looking for a letter of support regarding the space west of Spec Building site that could be used for charter school. MIS/P: Stotts, Gordon to provide a letter of support to Jim Fayhe for new Charter School facility. Passed unanimously. VII. Parameters of Cenex Deal Mr. Seppelt provided an update on the status of the Cenex Redevelopment Project. As part of the deal, EDA would get 4 lots on Fertilizer site and right of way needed to access the industrial park. Cenex would demolish all of their existing structures and would also cover 20% match requirement for AG -VIC program. Cenex would get $300,000 in cash and 1.8 acres of the eastern -most Goebel lot. VIII. Report on Project Financing (2007 Projects) Mr. Seppelt presented different options for financing 2007 projects. For Cenex Deal, EDA could use $150,000 each from Downtown Revolving Loan Fund and the City's Development Fund. For the $1.2 million Spec Building Project, 40% of the cost would be funded by Nordic Components, 45% can be used from EDA TIF Bond and rest of the 15% can be used from Economic Development TIF district. He also mentioned that the plan for Call Center is to keep the project under 1.5 million and will probably be financed by a lease- revenue bond. IX. Farmers' Market Pavilion Mr. Seppelt informed that the bids for pavilion came back much higher than what we were expecting. The lowest bid was for about $279,000 and the highest was over $370,000. There was a discussion to reject all bids and terminate the project. MIS/P: Gordon, Stotts to reject all bids and terminate the process. Passed unanimously. X. Grants & Loan Applications a. Sign & Awning Grant American Pastime BBQ $2,000 MIS/P: Gordon, Stotts to approve $2,000 Sign and Awning Grant for American Pastime BBQ. Passed unanimously. Salon Montage $1,600 MIS/P: Jansick, Cannon to approve $1,600 Sign and Awning Grant for Salon Montage. Passed unanimously. b. Storefront Revitalization Matching Grant Hager Jewelry $2,100 MIS/P: Gordon, Stotts to approve $2,100 Storefront Revitalization Matching Grant for Hager Jewelry. Passed unanimously. Dry Cleaner Building $5,000 Bids for the project were still needed. So the board decided to approve with the condition of submitting the bids. MIS/P: Jansick, Stotts for contingent approval of $5,000 Storefront Revitalization Matching Grant for Dry Cleaner Building. Passed unanimously. XI. Chamber Update Mr. Bill Corby has been appointed as the new president of the Hutchinson Area Chamber of Commerce. XII. Set next meeting The next meeting will be Thursday, July 27, 2007 at 7:30am in the City Center Main Conference Room. XIII. Adjourn The meeting adjourned at 8:11 a.m. Respectfully submitted, Shan Ghimire, EDA Assistant