02-23-2007 EDAMEDA Board Meeting Minutes of Meeting Friday, February 23rd 2007 Members present in bold print: Members: Tim Ulrich Steve Jansick Duane Hoversten Casey Stotts Staff: Miles Seppelt, EDA Director Ken Merrill, City Finance Director I. Call to Order Jim Haugen Diane Gordon Mike McGraw EDA President Tim Ulrich called the meeting to order at 7:04 AM. II. Approve Agenda No action. III. Review & Approve Meeting Minutes A. January 26th EDA Board meeting M /S /P: McGraw, Stotts to approve the minutes of the January 26th, 2007 meeting of the EDA Board as written. Passed unanimously. B. February 7th joint meeting with City Council These minutes were not available for review and will be considered at the next meeting of the EDA Board. C. January 17th Finance Team Meeting The EDA Finance Team did not meet in February and so did not have an opportunity to review their own minutes. These minutes will be considered at the next meeting of the EDA Board. IV. Review of EDA January Financial Statements — Ken Merrill City Finance Director Ken Merrill reviewed the EDA's financial statements for the benefit of the Board of Directors. Highlights included: • There is a total of $255,799 in cash available in the operations budget. • We've received $500 in rental revenue for the month from the Wetherell Property. • Expenditures for the month are just the typical items. Salaries for EDA staff are the largest component. We have a total of $126,479 in cash available in the Economic Development Loan Fund. There is one loan outstanding with a balance of $26,569 and this loan is performing as required. In the Downtown Loan Fund we have $606,513 in cash available with $625,619 in mortgages held. All loans are performing satisfactorily. Board member Haugen inquired if downtown loans become due and payable immediately if the property is transferred. Mr. Merrill indicated that this is indeed the case. M /S /P: Haugen, McGraw to accept the January Financial report as presented. The motion carried unanimously. V. Director's Report EDA staff made the following report: • Dunn Brothers coffee will be opening on Thursday, March 1St • It appears that the partners involved in Cornerstone Commons will be providing the funding for the leasehold improvements for the American Pastime Sports Bar. Bruce Marcus will oversee this part of the project, so we should see some action shortly. • It looks as though Column Financial will be providing the permanent financing for the Cornerstone Commons project. In talking with their loan officer, he indicated that they do not want to see any other loans against the property — so the EDA's downtown loan for $130,000 may not be necessary. • A new business, "Family Video," will be constructing a 6,000 square foot building just north of Ace Hardware downtown. • Construction on Warrior Manufacturing's new facility is moving ahead quickly — most of the building is now enclosed. They are looking to be open for business by June 1St, which is about 2 weeks later than they originally planned. • The EDA has now received the final reimbursement from the Redevelopment Grant that funded the acquisition and demolition of the old Pet Hospital building downtown. The final out -of- pocket cost to the EDA was $2,810.65. • The Phase I environmental work on the Cenex site is now completed. We'll be applying to the AgVIC program immediately and moving on to the Phase II environmental work as quickly as possible. • During the past month we've made BR & E visits to the following businesses: Econo Foods, Impressions, Target & Wal -Mart. EDA President Tim Ulrich suggested that we visit "Rath Racing." • Extra copies of the EDA 2006 Annual Report are available if anyone wants them. • The planned expansion of American Energy Systems is on hold at least for the time being while they reassess their needs. • EDA staff is currently working with a number of business prospects: • Nordic Components is looking to build their own facility in the industrial park — this would be about 12,000 square feet in size. • A warehouse -type operation is looking for an existing 10,000 square foot building. They may consider building a new facility. • Another warehouse -type operation is considering various locations for a 20,000 tip -up concrete facility. • A call- center is looking for 15,000 — 20,000 square feet in which to establish a facility. At present they are looking for an existing building. • Another call center is looking for 5,000 — 7,000 square feet of space to lease. • A medical device company is looking for a location on which to build a 50,000 square foot facility. The Nordic Components expansion looks pretty solid, but anything could happen with the rest of these possibilities. There are a lot of variables. City staff is looking at the Hutch Iron & Metal property to see what can be done to improve the aesthetics of the area. There have been numerous complaints over the years. EDA staff will visit the business in the near future to see if we can arrive at a "win -win" solution. VI. Farmer's Market Pavilion Over the last month EDA re- crafted the RFP for the proposed Farmers Market Pavilion and has obtained new proposals based on a phased approach to the project. Phase I design work will include: • Develop schematic design (site & floor plans / exterior elevations) • Create menu of design features for cost control • Research preliminary probable costs for construction This initial work will provide enough information to bring the EDA to a GO / NO GO decision point for the project. In addition, enough information should be provided to allow the EDA to seek bids on a "design- build" basis, if it so chooses. If, on the other hand, the EDA decides to seek a general contractor, then we would implement Phase II: ■ Create construction design drawings so project can be bid We would then secure bids, the results of which will bring the EDA to a final GO / NO GO decision point. If the project can be done on a budget the EDA is comfortable with, construction could begin in May and be completed hopefully by the time of the Jaycee's Water Carnival in mid -June. The Hutchinson Downtown Association has contributed $2,000 towards the design work. General Discussion ensued. Once we have the Phase I results, the City Council will be updated on the project. M /S /P: Haugen, Stotts to approve the hiring of Wold Architects to implement Phase I of the design process for $3,500. Passed unanimously. VII. Grant & Loan Applications Three grant applications were reviewed. These were: Sign & Awning Grants Hutch Sport Shop Building — George Quast $2,000 M /S /P: Haugen, McGraw to approve the grant. Passed unanimously. Curves — Dawn Berry $2,000 M /S /P: Stotts, Gordon to approve the grant. Passed unanimously. Storefront Revitalization Matching Grant Lighthouse Bookstore — Tammy Lauer $5,000 M /S /P: Haugen, Stotts to approve the grant. Passed unanimously. These will be added to the agenda of the Finance Team for their review. VIII. Other Business A local business is looking at purchasing the 2nd floor of the Jorgensen Hotel (the property would be condominiumized). The question that arises then, is if this property would be eligible for a loan from the downtown loan fund. Discussion ensued. It was noted that it is in our interest to promote the continued redevelopment of the Jorgensen Hotel and that by getting the second floor done, renovation of the third floor would become a virtual certainty. It was also noted that the project fits within the "spirit" of the guidelines of the downtown loan program if not the letter of the guidelines — which makes loans available on a "per lot" basis. It may be necessary to tweak the language of the program to make this project eligible. The Board directed EDA staff to look at the downtown loan program rules and propose amendments to address this possibility. IX. Chamber Update Miles Seppelt gave a brief update: Ben McConnell will be in town giving a talk on "Citizen Marketers" at 11:30 AM on Wednesday, March 14t ". People that sign up early get a complimentary copy of Mr. McConnell's book. People can sign up by calling the office of the Chamber of Commerce. X. Set Next Meeting Due to various board members traveling, the next meeting of the EDA Board of Directors was set for 7 AM, Friday, April 6t" XI. Adjourn The meeting adjourned at 8:15 AM. Respectfully Submitted, Miles R. Seppelt Economic Development Director