08-25-2006 EDAMEDA Board of Directors
Minutes of Meeting
Friday, August 25, 2006
Members present in bold print:
Tim Ulrich Steve Jansick Jim Haugen
Duane Hoversten Casey Stotts Mike McGraw
Miles Seppelt, EDA Executive Director
Dan Sexton, EDA Assistant
Ken Merrill, Finance Director
I. Tim Ulrich called the meeting to order at 7:00 a.m.
II. Approve Agenda- No action
III. Review and Approve Meeting Minutes
a. Review minutes from July 28th EDA Board Meeting
Don Walser
Marc Vaillancourt
MIS/P: Jansick, Hoversten to approve the minutes from the July 28, 2006 EDA Board meeting as
written. Passed unanimously.
b. Review minutes from July 19th Finance Team Meeting
MIS/P: McGraw, Jansick to approve the minutes from the July 19, 2006 Finance Team Meeting as
written. Passed unanimously.
IV. Director's Report
Miles Seppelt gave the following report:
A. Goebel Land Transaction — The city council has approved for the deeding of the property. The
paperwork for the deed transfer has been filed and the EDA is just awaiting confirmation for McLeod
B. Warrior Manufacturing — The City Council and Planning Commission have approved Warrior's
proposal. Warrior is in the process of getting underway, they have currently filed for grading permits
to prep the site for construction.
C. Cornerstone Commons — The construction is back on track. Brick is being applied to the exterior of
the structure. According to the owners the structure is approximately 50% of its leased
D. Minnesota Investment Network — Mr. Seppelt commented on the meeting with Brian Johnson. He
mentioned that the Finance Team was a little apprehensive about the idea of prospecting for possible
clients. They recommended a more hands off approach.
Mr. Ulrich requested the input of the EDA Board's perceptions. Members agreed that the idea of
prospecting for individuals to invest in this fund was shaky. Members didn't want to be associated
with setting individuals up with an investment that has no guarantees
E. Business Recruitment
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August 25, 2006
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a. Nordic Components — They are currently looking for a new facility around 15- 20,000 sq. ft. to
own. They were given a tour of the industrial park. Mr. Seppelt will keep the board up to date
on this project.
b. Alexis Systems — Mr. Seppelt informed the board that at the last Community Venture Network
(CVN) meeting introductions were made this Alexis Systems. He further explained what
Alexis Systems does and why they are looking at Hutchinson as a prospect for relocation. Mr.
Seppelt commented on a site visit that was provided for the company on Wednesday, August
23rd. Currently Mr. Seppelt is waiting for Alexis Systems to submit their financial structure,
business plan and confirmation from Ridge Water for approval to use their existing facility in
the Industrial Park. Further discussion followed in reference to the employment needs of the
company, this company as a future prospects and the board's general perception of the
V. Review May Financial Statements
Mr. Merrill gave the following report:
• On Pg 1 under operations for the EDA, there is $218,001 cash on hand. The total fund balance as
of July 31, 2006 is $217,865. Total Mortgages Receivable is $76,608.
• Pg 2 and 3 is the statement of revenue and expenses. The EDA continues to collect $500 each
month for the Wetherell Property. The EDA has generated a total of $3,500 to date for the year of
2006. Total expenses for the month of July equal $9,126.
• Pg 4 under the EDA Loan Fund, the cash on hand is $119,834. The EDA has generated a fund
balance of $144,834 to date the year of 2006.
• Pg 5 under the EDA Downtown Loan Fund, cash on hand is $81,540. Mortgages receivable is
currently $667,319. $72,553 has been collected this year for loan repayments. A total of $22,087
has been paid out thus far in 2006 including loans, downtown grant program, and miscellaneous.
The balance sheet reflects revenues of $50,421 above expenditures.
MIS/P: Haugen, Jansick to approve the July financial statements as presented. Passed unanimously.
VI. Cenex Redevelopment
Cenex is currently in the process of obtaining an appraisal for the property. This was suggested to be
completed prior to opening negotiations with the company. Meanwhile the EDA has obtained an appraisal;
for the property at a value of $180,000. With appraisals being completed by both parties hopefully a better
understand of the property can be attained prior to the meeting and that the transaction will proceed
VIL Pet Hospital Building
Mr. Seppelt informed the board that there was a meeting scheduled with the owner and their attorney,
this afternoon to discuss a third appraisal or possible settle meant. The owners have received their
appraisal from Hokanson for $164,600. The EDA's appraisal was from Robinson for $70,000. He
mentioned that the owners were still very against the EDA's offer. Mr. Seppelt mentioned that there
still is nine months left on the grant window for funding on this project. Members of the board
suggested the meeting be canceled and that whether a confidential meeting with the owner's attorney
may be more productive. Mr. Jansick agreed to schedule a meeting with the attorney unofficially to
discuss this matter further.
VIII. EDA Budget / Loan
Mr. Seppelt commented on the history of the EDA and the proposal of the Levy. When the EDA was
originally formed the intent was that the EDA would at some point become self - sufficient, funded by its
own levy. Currently the EDA's budget is funded from the general fund, $100,000 annually. This amount
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August 25, 2006
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over the years has maintained relatively level due to staffing changes and funds from rental revenues. The
main goal of the levy is to stabilize the EDA funding source with an annual 1.525% draw and not have to
rely of the general fund. This would also allow for further transparency to the general public of were their
money is going to.
Further discussion followed with questions in reference to the amount that should be requested and the
timeline necessary for approval. Mr. Merrill mentioned key points from the following list of procedural
requirements needed to gain approval:
1) EDA Board of Directors make a formal request (resolution)
2) City Council passes a resolution stating proposed amount of levy
3) Publish resolution together with a notice of public hearing on the resolution for two consecutive
weeks in official newspaper.
4) Public hearing held 2 -4 weeks after first publication in the official newspaper.
5) Following hearing, City Council adopts resolution authorizing the EDA levy
6) Resolution authorizing the levy is published
7) If a petition is received, the resolution could be voided. (see below)
8) Send copies of both resolutions to City Schultz at the County.
Members of the board discussed that if our resolution was to be submitted that we should go for the full
amount need. The action regardless will put the board's proposal up for public debate and the information
that Mr. Seppelt presented clearly shows that there is a need for change. It was suggested that information
about the EDA's past and present success be mentioned to further sway popular vote.
M/S /P: Hoversten, Haugen to approve to move forward with the resolution to levy for $140,000 at
1.525 %. Passed unanimously.
IX. Grant & Loan Applications
X. Chamber CVB Update
Mr. Vaillancourt gave the reported the following:
• The Chamber /CVB will have a new employee Megan Peterson starting September 5t'.
• There will be a Hutchinson Leadership Institute event on September 21S`
• The Professional Development Network will be hosting an event.
• The Chamber /CVB is co- sponsoring a forum discussion at Ridge Water College for
individuals running for State offices. There will also be a forum event for individuals running
for local elected positions.
• The Arts and Crafts Fair is ready to go.
XI. Other Business
XII. The next meeting will be Friday, September 29, 2006 at 7:00 a.m.
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August 25, 2006
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XIII. Adjourn
The meeting adjourned at 8:33 a.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Dan Sexton
EDA Assistant