02-24-2006 EDAMHutchinson EDA Board of Directors Minutes of Meeting Friday, February 24th, 2006 at 7:00 a.m. Members present in bold print: Members: Tim Ulrich Steve Jansick Jim Haugen Don Walser Duane Hoversten Casey Stotts Mike McGraw Guests Present: Marc Vaillancourt, Chamber of Commerce Ken Merrill, Finance Director Staff: Miles Seppelt, EDA Executive Director I. Tim Ulrich called the meeting to order at 7:02 a.m. II. Approve Agenda An updated agenda was distributed. III. Review and Approve Meeting Minutes a. Review minutes from January 27th EDA Board Meeting M /S /P: McGraw, Stotts to approve the minutes of January 27, 2006 as written. Passed unanimously. b. Review minutes from the January 18th Finance Team Meeting M /S /P: Walser, Jansick to approve the minutes of the Finance Team from January 18, 2006 as written. Passed unanimously. IV. Review January Financial Statements Mr. Merrill gave the financial report: ➢ Cash available for operations is $301,322 ➢ All mortgages held as part of the land write -down program have been advanced one year to reflect their progress through the forgiveness period. ➢ Of the cash available, $199,956 is shown as "reserved — land," as these are the proceeds from our recent land sale to Company "X." ➢ Pages two and three show January revenues & expenditures. These pages have been reformatted and obsolete object codes have been deleted. ➢ For the month, the EDA collected $500 in rental income, and the primary expenditures were for salaries and benefits. Nothing unusual. ➢ Annual support for the Southwest Minnesota Foundation was erroneously shown under "Dues & Subscriptions;" this will be moved to its own object code for next months report. ➢ The Economic Development Loan Fund has $116,444 in cash available. The loan to Ashwill Industries is performing as required. Marc Sebora is still working to collect additional dollars from Allied Mechanical. ➢ The Downtown Loan Fund has a total of $556,021 in cash available of which $130,000 is earmarked for the Cornerstone Commons project. Loans outstanding total $700,173. M /S /P: Walser, Stotts to approve the January Financial statements. Passed unanimously. V. Director's Report Miles Seppelt gave the following report: A. The newly expanded Liquor Hutch held their grand opening celebration on February 17th. It was a successful and well- attended event. Sales were up 12% in January. B. The steel frame of Cornerstone Commons should be going up within the next 2 -3 weeks. C. Met with the owner of Company "X" to review the development agreement, etc. Very good meeting. They are starting the planning process this month and should be under construction by July. The facility will be in excess of 50,000 square feet. D. The Highway 7 and Main Street Bridge projects are on schedule. Some demolition should take place in April with road construction starting in May. The bridge is scheduled for closure in June. E. The City Council passed a companion resolution in support of the EDA resolution calling for the preservation of eminent domain as a tool for economic development & redevelopment. F. One grant has been written and submitted to the Department of Employment and Economic Development and we should hear back from them by the end of the month. Staff is in the process of writing two other grants. G. A downtown business is planning to build a new store this summer. H. A Hutchinson company would like to expand. It plans to build a 15,000 square foot building in the industrial park. EDA staff is working with them on financing and site options. VI. Grant & Loan Applications None. ViU- Request for Loan Subordination Citizens Bank has provided 8 line Of credit to Bob & Charlene Schlueter that is secured bv8 real estate mortgage On property they own On Main Street. Citizens Bank has requested that the E[}/\subordinate its |O8n b3 that OfCitizens Bank. The property iS valued 8t$140.00O and the total Of all debt against itiS$88.00O. M/S/P: Walser, McGraw tO approve the subordination of the EDA's|O8n. Tim Ulrich abstained from the vote. The measure passed unanimously. ViUU- EDA Funding Levy The idea Of the EDA requesting its Own levy from the City Council was discussed. EDA staff reviewed the levy procedure and its advantages for the ED/\and the City —8 key advantage being that it would nernOwe ED/\funding from the Cih/'S general fund. City Council members appear to be supportive Of the idea. The Board discussed the advantages of the levy, the amount that should be requested and the timing of the request. K was agreed that any request would wait until after the School District's bonding IX. Goebel Property The ED/\ Director updated the Board On the status Of negotiations xvith K8c Virgil Goebel. He has requested ED/\ assistance with the 8SSeSSrnentS On four |OtS he OxvnS in the industrial park and the ED/\ has made 8 pn]pOS8| that would benefit both Mr. Goebel and the City. Mr. Goebel has made 8 new COuntepOffer. The ED/\ Finance Team will take up the matter at its next regularly scheduled meeting. Marc X. Chamber Update \/8i|k8nCOurt, President of the Chamber Of COnlnlerCe, gave the fO|k]xvng The Bk3ndin Foundation is putting On 8 leadership prOgn8rn here in Hutchinson. The Chamber is facilitating 8 project to COOrdin8te Sign8ge for the Hwy 7 project. The Chamber iS also assisting On8 project fordOxvntOxvnChhStnl8S|ightS. There is an initiative underway to secure State bonding dollars to pave the Luce Line Trail between Hutchinson and VVinSted. Although popular idea, the paving project may have b3 wait until the next bonding SeSSiOn. as 8 regional park has greater priority this year. There will be an Open house On dOxvntOxvn design at the Jorgensen Hotel On nu March �� The Chamber's COrnrnunitv banner project is going very well. XI. Other Business It was noted that two houses in the area of the projected downtown post office project are currently for sale. Staff was directed to find out what the asking prices were. XII. Set next meeting To accommodate schedules, it was agreed to set the next meeting of the Hutchinson EDA for Wednesday. March 29t" XII. Adjourn The meeting was adjourned at 8:12 AM. Respectfully Submitted, Miles R. Seppelt EDA Director