09-17-1941 HUCMIli
September 17, 1941 - Special Meeting
A special meeting of the Light &. Power Commission
was held at the Plant office at 2 P. M.
All members were present.
The following approved additions to the contract of
the Carlstom Construction Company were presented by Donald
E. Westover, Resident Engineer for the Buell & Winter Engin-
eering Company= Addition No. I
Add one well room to the Northwest corner
of the new addition to the plant building.
Construct same in strict accordance with plans
and specifications as furnished by Buell and
Winter Engineering Co.
For this addition you will be allowed in the
amount of $715.00 as per agreement.
Addition No. III
Instead of painting, fuel tanks, located on
North side of new plant addition, as per spec-
ifications clean down and cover same with
three (3) plys of asphalt roofings flet mopping
on each ply with hot asphalt and give final
mop coat over the entire surface. Surround
both tanks with one (1) foot. of semi - course
For this addition you will be allowed in the
following amountst
Labor ----------------------- $472.06
Truck for hauling ----------- 113.40
Hired truck for same-- - - - - -- 29.00
Roofing complete------ - - - - -- 250.00
Gravel---------------- - - - - -- 43.75
Sand, insurance and soc .sec . 127.15
Contractor's superintendence 102.00
15 %------------------- - - - - -- 170.61
Total 1307.99
Less for omitting painting 20.00
Total Amount of Addition 87.9
Addition No. III;
Add two manholes at prints designated by the
engineer along the raw water intake and discharge
lines. For this addition you will be allowed in
the amount of $200.00 as per agreement.
Install only 701 of 6"cast iron water pipe in
basement as directed. Forthisaddition you will
be allowed in the amount of $49.00 as per agreement.
In as much as the 15" V.S.P. line. from South manhole
to river when completed-measured -195.1 instead of the
desiated 1701 you will. be allowed an overage of
251 and for such overage you will. be allowed in the
amount of $2.00 per foot., or a total_ of _$50.00 as per your
original propoval.
Addition No. IV:
PurnIsh and install as directed eighteen sleeves
of various sizes as needed and specified by the
For this addition you will be allowed in the
amount of $18.00 as per agreement.
Addition No. Vs
Increase the height of the office partition walls,
in the East end of the new addition, by one the
course and add wood cornice as directed by the
For this addition you will be allowed in the sum
of $79.00 as per agreement.
Addition No. VI:
Forms and stall one (1) extra "Fenestra" fire
shield door, to match other doors in new addition,
and one (1) channel iron frame. Door size to be
21 -6" x 61 -6 ". Door and frame to be installed
complete with glass, glazing, butts, lock and
stike plate.
For this addition you will be allowed in the sum
of $79.95 as per agreement.
Addition No. VII;
increase the height of the lazed tile wAinscot,
in the new addition, two (2T courses. Glazed
tile to be same as that specified for remainder
of tile wainscot.
For this change you will be allowed in the amount
of $81.34 as per agreement.
Addition No. VIII:
In the basement of the new addition.place a mat
of semi - coarse gravel, 6" thick, before laying
the floors in the basement areas. Remove the
necessary 6" of earth to place the gravel mat.
Gravel to be of pit run quality.
For this extra work and material you will be all-
owed in the sum of 195.00, as per agreement.
Addition No. IX;
or 13 extra cubic yards of Class B concrete and
labor and forming pertaining to the lacing of
same you will be allowed the sum of 1175.50 as
per unit bid by you.
There being no further business the meeting adjourned.