10-07-1940 HUCM134 Monthly Meeting October 7, 1940 The regular monthly meeting of the Light & Power Commission was held at the Light Plant office at 5:00 P. M. All members were present. Suptt. Strohmeier was also present. The minutes of the meetins of September 31, 1940, and September 30, 1940 were read and approved. Dr. A. J. Thompson having been re- appointed by the City Council of the City of Hutchinson,,. as a member of the Light & Power Commission for a six year term and having subscribed to the required oath, the Commission proceeded with the election of officers for the coming year. Motion was made by Commissioner Dahl and seconded by Commission Thompson that all officers who served for the past ,year be re- elected. Motion carried unanimously, wherepon Pres. Sheppard declared the following to be the officers of the Light. & Power Commission for the coming year. R. I. Sheppard A. J. Thompson H. R. Jensen Fred W. Putney President Vice President Treasurer Secretary The following bills were read and approved# Line Material Company Minn. Western R. R. Co. Kennecott Wire & Cable Co. Chase Brass & Copper Co. Harold C. Cleven Walter Ripe Hilliard corporation Line Material Company Ernest Fisher Hutchinson Postmaster E. V. Freid , Jr. Fred W. Putney H. P. Quade Simonsen Lbr. Company Henry Zumach Farm Service Company Christensen & Wegner Elmer C. Jensen W. E. Reverson Harry R. Jensen, Treas. Henry Zumach Robert F. 'flume Ideal Motor Company Walt s Super Station Hutch. Water Department W. D. Wixcey Hutch. Dry Cleaners Line supplies 25.00, Freight 27.00, Wire 85.27 Wire 65.19. Servicing typewriter 2.00_ Installation 12.00. Hilit a 20.00 - Wired radio transmitter 3300.00 Express charges .67. Postage 100.00 - Labor - plant & distr. 28.00 Office expense 6.00 - Installations 77.00' Ins tallati ons 35.00 Freight 1.52' Plant suppli es 4.05 Installations 52.00 Legal services 250.00• Legal services 250.00• Int. Pledge Orders 490.00• Freight 1.13 Gas & Oil 11.05 Truck supplies 1.00. Kerosene 2.52 - Water rent. 33-90, Gas & Oil 2.50' Dry Cleaning 12.50 1 1 135 Hutchinson Telephone Co. Toll & service. charge 7.00- G. F. Nemitz & Son Paint .55 Hutchinson Laundry Laundry 3.34 Williams Hardware Co. plant supplies 1.24 Page & Hill Company Poles 331.89 Addres s ograph Agency, Plates 2.05 Sterling Electric Co. Supplies 48-17- Midwest Electric Co. Supplies 45.21 1uncan Electric Mrg. Co. Meters 79.65 Sinclair Refining Co. Lub Oil 21.28 Burroughs Adding Mach. Co. Repair contract 6.00 Coast to Coast Store Supplies 2.62• Weise & Kuhlman Installation 25.00. Kennedyts Uniforms 8.90 J. P. Jensen Freight .55 Troy Launders & Cleaners Laundry 2.52' Thompson Yards, Inc. Lumber 2.82, Midwest Electric Co., Inc.` Supplies 7.56 Line Material Company Line supplies 38.35 Line Material Co. Of PA. Wired radio controls 1582.50 Sterling Electric Co. Line supplies 258.10 - Hutchinson Postmaster Postage 18.53' Mrs. Roy Johnson Return of Deposit 20.10 Motion was made, seconded and carried that the meeting adjourn until 4;00 P. M., October 91 1940. Attest; ecre ary President