07-31-1940 HUCMIt was moved, seconded and unanimously carried that in
lieu of advertising for bids copies of "Notice to Bidders" as
contained in the specifications be sent to the three known
builders withinthe United States of the type of equipment to
�be purchased.
It was moved, seconded and unanimously carried that in lieu
of advertising for bids, the Secretary be instructed to notify
in writing not less than six (6) investment or securities dealers,
the general conditions as set forth in the specifications and
the time and place set for the receiving of bids for the purchase
of said pledge orders.
Motion made, seconded and carried that the sum of $3,A00
be paid to Buell & Winter as per resolution of June 5, 1940.
There being no further business the meeting adjourned.
Special Meeting - July 31, 1940
Upon notice duly given, a special meeting of the Light &
Power Commission was held at 10 :00 A. M. at the Light Plant
Service Building garage.
All members of the Light & Power Commission were present.
Mr. L. A. Winter, of the Buell & Winter Engineering Company, Mr.
R. W. Strohmeier, Superintendent and Mr. Elmer C. Jensen, City
Attorney were also present.
J President Sheppard called the meeting to order and announced
that the purpose of the meeting was for opening and reading and
considering of the bids for new plant equipment and to open and
read and consider bids for the sale of pledge orders to finance
the plant expansion.
Bids from the following firms and corporations were opened
by the Secretary and read by Mr. L. A. Winter:
Nordberg Manufacturing Company Milwaukee, Wisc.
Busch - Sulzer Bros.- Diesel Engine Co. St. Louis, Missouri
General Machinery Hamilton, Hhio
All bids were accompanied by certified checks in the required
Moved by Commissioner Dahl and seconded by Commissioner
Thompson that the meeting recess until 1 :30 P. M. Motion carried.
1- aftv
100 P. M. July 31, 1940
The Light & Power Commission re- convened at the Light Plant
Garage. All members were present. Mr. L. A. 'Viinter, Superintendent
Strohmeier and Attorney Jensen were also present.
No sealed bids for the purchase of the pledge orders were
Certified checks in the amount of $4000 were received by the
Secretary from the following firms=
co Kalman & Company St. Paul, Minn.
o Thrall -West Company Minneapolis, Minn.
N04 Allison - Williams Co. Minneapolis, Minn.
I Carleton D. Beh Co. Des Moines, Iowa
o 0) Oral bids were heard by the Commission until 4:30 P. Me at
which time bidding ceased, and bidders retired.
ca o >,
C)4- c Commissioner Dahl introduced the following resolution and
00 0 moved its adcpti on;
C =3 o "Resolved: that the offer of the Kalman & Company, Thrall-
0 inn West Company, Wells - Dickey Company, Allison Williams Company, J. M.
'� 2 cL Dain Company, Mairs- Shaughnessey & Company, Piper, Jaffray, &
o a) L Hopwood, George C. Jones Company, for the purchase of approximately
L (D m $180,000 of pledge orders of the Light & Power Commission in accord-
ance with the terms and conditions of the specifications is the best
= o and most acceptable bid made to the Commission fnr the purchase of
Q Z L- said pledge orders, and be it further
Resolved; that the President and Secretary of the Commission
bd and hereby are authorized and directed to enter into a contract
with the above Kalman & Company and associates for the sale of said
Pledge Orders to said Companies, and that a tvue and correct �L copy
of such contract dated July 31st, 1940s be placed on file with the
Secretary of the Commission."
Commissioner Thompson seconded the motion. Upon roll call,
all Commissioners voted Aye and President Sheppard declared the
Resolution duly adopted.
President Sheppard and Secretary Putney thereupon executed
contract as above for the Commission and the several companies
above as the purchasers and a true and correct copy was placed on
file by the Secretary.
Motion was made, seconded and unanimously carried that the
meeting adjourn until 11:00 A. M. August 1, 1940•