10-29-2004 EDAMHutchinson EDA
Board of Directors
Minutes of Meeting
Friday, October 29th' 2004 at 7:00 a.m.
Members present in bold print:
Tim Ulrich Bob Windel Jim Haugen Don Walser
Duane Hoversten Keith Fischer Casey Stotts
Tina Vorlicek
Steve Jansick
Miles Seppelt, EDA Executive Director
Jacki Pillatzki, EDA Intern
I. Tim Ulrich called the meeting to order at 7:03 a.m.
II. Approve Agenda
III. Review and Approve Meeting Minutes
a. Review minutes of September 24th' EDA Board meeting.
M/S /P: Hoversten, Stotts to approve the minutes from the September 24th' 2004 EDA Board
meeting as written.
b. No Industrial Park Team minutes for September (no quorum).
c. Review Minutes of September 15th' 2004Finance Team meeting.
M/S /P: Walser, Stotts to approve the minutes from the September 15th' 2004 Finance
Team meeting as written.
IV. Review August, September, and December 2003 Final Financial Statements - Finance
Director Ken Merrill noted the following items:
• Under the September Operations Prepaid Expenses there is $4,000.00 listed as a donation to
the Southwest Minnesota Foundation.
• Pg 2 of the September financials lists the rental incomes and professional services fees for the
month of September.
• Ken noted that overall the EDA is doing very well with their 2004 budget.
The EDA also reviewed the August 2004 and December 2003 Final Financial Statements.
M/S /P: Hoversten, Stotts to approve the August, September and December 2003 Final
Financial Statements as presented.
V. Update on Allied Mechanical Loan- Attorney Marc Sebora
Attorney Marc Sebora updated the Board that Marty Wagoner is willing work on a settlement in
return for a release from his legal obligations to the EDA.
M/S /P: Walser, Hoversten to authorize Attorney Marc Sebora to negotiate a settlement with
Marty Wagoner and to provide him with a release.
VI. Directors Report
Miles Seppelt gave the following updates:
a. BR &E Visits
o Impressions — had a very good visit.
Miles attended a DEED Conference on November 7th where he found out that Hutchinson
is still eligible to receive JOBZ designation. Miles and Jacki will work on this and
update the Board next month.
c. Project Updates
1. Streetscaping Project- Materials are being put together that will describe the
proposed project and be presented to the public at an Open House in November.
2. Liquor Store- Miles is working on negotiating prices to acquire part of the
parking lot and the retail space next to the existing Liquor Store.
3. Rix Corner- Miles is waiting for letters of intent from businesses that will be
occupying the first floor.
4. Hutchinson Hotel- Chamber is looking to rent some space on the main floor.
Currently the exterior of the Hotel is being refurbished.
5. Industrial Park Update
Spec Building Project: The business plan is about 95% done. The next step
is to put together a project team to go over the business plan. Miles and Tim
will discuss possible members for this project team and get back to the Board.
6. Business Recruitment Update
Financial Crimes Technology came out to Hutchinson for a visit to look at
potential properties where they could expand their operations.
VII. EDA Board Vacancy
Miles posted the position online and will be sending a notice to be posted in the newspaper. The
Board will look at applicants at next month's meeting.
VIII. Grant & Loan Applications
Sign & Awnin2 Grant
Downtown Clothing Company- Deb Hedtke $2,000.00
M/S /P: Stotts, Walser to approve Sign & Awning Grant in the amount of $2,000.00 for the
Downtown Clothing Company.
Downtown Commercial Loan Program
Hennen's Building — Mark Schierman $130,000
MIS/P: Stotts, Hoversten in recognition of the fact that
a) this particular lot occupies an area equivalent to eight or more conventional
downtown lots, very nearly an entire city block, and,
b) the building occupies the entire lot, making this project unusually large, and,
c) the applicant has waived their right to apply for additional downtown loans
it is approved that an exception be made to the rule governing maximum loan amounts and that
a loan of $130,000 for 10 years at 2.75% be authorized for this particular project.
IX. State Theater Loan
Due to some unforeseen expenses Red and Linda McMonagle are asking the EDA Board to adjust
their loan payments to interest only payments for a certain amount of time. This would allow Red
and Linda to have a manageable operating budget during their opening. The EDA Finance Team
has sent the following recommendations regarding this request:
o That the loan be made "interest only" through December 2005.
o The loan payments revert to the original amount of $1,196.17 per month when the
interest only period expires, with a balloon payment being due at the end of the
The EDA Board reviewed these recommendations from the Finance Team.
M/S /P: Hoversten, Stotts to approve Red and Linda McMonagle's request to make the loan
payments interest only through December 2005 after which the loan payments would revert
to the original amount; the term of the loan will remain unchanged with a balloon payment at
the end of the loan.
X. Authorization to Obtain Appraisal of Cenex Properties / Establish Project Team
With Cenex possibly interested in consolidating their operations out to the Industrial Park the EDA
would have an opportunity to purchase the other Cenex properties. Cenex has appraisals on all of
their properties. The next step for the EDA would be to have their own appraisals done on the
Cenex properties.
Discussion of a possible project team took place. Miles and Tim will discuss possible team
members for project team at a later date and will get back to the Board.
M/S /P: Hoversten, Stotts to authorize appraisals for Cenex Properties and the Stritesky
Industrial park property.
XI. Update of Economic Development Loan Program Guidelines
The Board discussed proposed updates to the Economic Development Loan fund guidelines and
application materials.
M/S /P: Stotts, Walser to approve the updated guidelines and application materials for the
Economic Development Loan Program Guidelines.
XII. Consideration of Industrial Park Declarations
The Declarations provided by the Industrial Park Team were reviewed and discussed. Concerns
were raised over the impact of the new building standards on small businesses and new businesses.
After further discussion, the EDA Board decided to send the proposed Declarations back to the
Industrial park Team to so they could consider this issue and formulate a solution.
XIII. Previously Requested Information
Report: Expanding & Re- capitalizing the Revolving Loan Fund
Report: Cost - Benefit Analysis of Land Write -Down Program
Report: Glenco's Industrial Park Program
XIV. Chamber update
Location Update- the Chamber is looking at acquiring the front 1/3 of the Hutchinson Hotel.
Staff Update- available positions have been posted for the CVB/ Chamber President as well as for a
Chamber Administrative Assistant.
XV. Other business
XVL Set next meeting
The next meeting was set for Friday, December 3rd° at 7:00 am.
XVIL Adjourn
The meeting adjourned at 8:31 a.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Jacki Pillatzki
EDA Intern