09-24-2004 EDAMHutchinson EDA Board of Directors Minutes of Meeting Friday, September 24th' 2004 at 7:00 a.m. Members present in bold print: Members: Tim Ulrich Bob Windel Jim Haugen Don Walser Duane Hoversten Keith Fischer Casey Stotts Staff: Miles Seppelt, EDA Executive Director John Rodeberg, Public Works Director Jacki Pillatzki, EDA Intern I. Tim Ulrich called the meeting to order at 7:05 a.m. II. Approve Agenda III. Review and Approve Meeting Minutes a. Review minutes of August 27th, 2004 EDA Board meeting. M/S /P: Hoversten, Windel to approve the minutes of August 27th' 2004 EDA Board meeting with the requested change under other business. b. Review Minutes of August 24th' 2004 Industrial Park Team M/S /P: Haugen, Windel to approve the minutes from the August 24th' 2004 Industrial Park Team meeting with the amended update of the Hutchinson Hotel. c. Review Minutes of August 26th' 2004Finance Team meeting. M/S /P: Fischer, Hoversten to approve the minutes from the August 26th' 2004 Finance Team meeting as written. IV. Review August Financial Statements/ 2005 Preliminary Budget Request No financials to review at this time. The Board reviewed the requested preliminary budget for 2005. Among the items discussed were rents on the Wetherell and Stritesky properties, surveys and professional consulting, and fund transfers in 2004. The Board discussed upcoming expenditures that may be unusual in 2005. The Board asked Miles to check with Ken Merrill to see if payments on the Stritesky property are being reflected in current statements. M/S /P: Hoversten, Haugen to approve the 2005 preliminary Budget Request. V. Directors Report Miles Seppelt gave the following updates: a. BR &E Visits o Wooden Walls • Fastnel • Shopko b. Project Updates 1. Streetscaping Project- There will be a meeting later today on the preliminary numbers for the feasibility study. The numbers were similar to what staff had expected them to come in at. There will be a presentation in October to discuss details about the project and property owner assessments. 2. Liquor Store- The Liquor Store Committee has received authorization from the City Council to begin negotiations on price and purchase agreements on the properties that need to be acquired for the expansion. The Liquor Store Committee will return to the City Council for final approval to purchase these properties. Currently the Committee is working with the architects on conceptual drawings of the store for more exact cost estimates. 3. Rix Corner- Miles is waiting for letters of commitment from businesses that are interested in the retail spots on the first floor. 4. State Theater- November 19th is the selected grand opening date. The current project is the garage that is going up in the back of the building which is where the electrical and heating /cooling components will be located. The inside of the theatre is 90% complete. The new windows along the storefronts are going in as well as a new sidewalk. 5. Hutchinson Hotel- As of right now there is no restaurant going in on the main level of the Hotel. 6. Mariachi Restaurant- The Mariachi restaurant is now open. Miles and Jacki noted that the service and the food are excellent. 7. Industrial Park Update a. Stritesky: The Township has agreed to sign the annexation agreement. Discussion of a new access road took place. Creek Side may be interested in 10 -20 acres of this property; this will be discussed at a later date. b. Spec Building Project: Miles is currently working on the business plan for this project (researching financing options, lease rates and the demand for this type of space). Miles will bring his research to the Board next month. 8. Business Recruitment Update The companies listed below are all looking for new communities to expand business operations. Miles has either met with or has plans to meet with each of these companies to find out more about them. a. QuestStar Medical, Inc. b. InterRAD Medical, Inc. c. Wadia Moses Engineering Company d. Financial Crimes Technology Services e. Gray Technologies VI. Grant & Loan Application Sign & Awnin2 Grant Mariachi Fiesta- Raul Oaxaca $2,000.00 MIS/P: Windel, Haugen to approve Sign & Awning Grant in the amount of $2,000.00 for Mariachi Fiesta. VII. Presentation on Big Lake Incentive Program/ T.I.F. This presentation was a recap from the presentation presented at the August Finance Team meeting. Highlights from the presentations include: • Summaries of businesses located in the Big Lake Industrial Park. • Definition of Tax Increment Financing and how it can be used in projects similar to those in Big Lake. • Details on T.I.F. program incentives and recapturing methods • Rules for creating a T.I.F. district Discussion took place after the presentation. VIII. Report on Planned Infrastructure Projects by John Rodeberg Public Works Director John Rodeberg gave a presentation on the planned infrastructure projects for Hutchinson; some of these projects will take place in the next couple years and others not for 10 or 15 years. John provided a handout with all of his PowerPoint slides for future reference. IX. Chamber update No report X. Items IX & X on the agenda will be tabled until the October 29th° EDA Board meeting. XI. Other business None XII. Set next meeting The next meeting was set for Friday, October 29th' at 7:00 am. XIILAdjourn The meeting adjourned at 8:25 a.m. Respectfully submitted, Jacki Pillatzki EDA Intern