07-23-2004 EDAMHutchinson EDA
Board of Directors
Minutes of Meeting
Friday, July 23rd' 2004 at 7:00 a.m.
Members present in bold print:
Tim Ulrich Bob Windel Jim Haugen Don Walser
Duane Hoversten Keith Fischer Casey Stotts
Miles Seppelt, EDA Executive Director
Jacki Pillatzki, EDA Intern
1. Tim Ulrich called the meeting to order at 7:01 a.m.
2. Review minutes of June 25th' 2004 EDA Board meeting.
M/S /P: Walser, Haugen to approve the EDA Board minutes of June 25th' 2004 as written.
3. Review Minutes July 21"' 2004 Finance Team meeting.
M/S /P: Hoversten, Windel to approve the minutes from the July 21s`' 2004 Finance Team
meeting as written.
No minutes to review for Industrial Park Team- meeting to be held Tuesday July 27`h, 2004. These
minutes will be reviewed next month.
4. Review May Financial Statement
Miles reviewed the financial statements. He pointed out on pagel that there was about $89,000 cash
on hand. On page 2 he noted that the only thing unusual was that the Professional Services expenses
were a little high in June but those expenses reflected projects that are currently being worked on.
Projects mentioned that had professional service fees included were the Hutch Hotel and Stritesky
Property. Miles stated that the Industrial Loan Fund had $140,000 cash on hand. The only
delinquent loan is Allied Mechanical Systems. Allied Mechanical Systems has been turned over to
City Attorney Marc Sebora for appropriate legal action. On page 5 Miles stated that in the
Downtown Loan Fund there is about $630,000 cash on hand and that the expenses listed refer to
funds disbursed to the Theater and the Hutch Hotel. Miles noted that there are still some funds to be
disbursed to the Hotel. Duane Hoversten noticed that there is a negative figure listed for Accounts
Payable and asked Miles to check on this. Miles said he would check with Ken Merrill on this and
report back.
M/S /P: Hoversten, Windel to approve June Financial Statements as written.
5. Grant & Loan Application
Cheryl Labat at the Glass Apple has applied for a Storefront Matching Grant in the amount of $3900.
As the storefront is right now there are two doors. With the help of the grant one of the doors would
be taken out and the windows would be re- centered around the remaining door, creating a new
doorway. Jacki noted that this grant amount might need to be amended and brought back to the board
for approval due to some possible stucco repair. It will not be known if there will need to be stucco
repair until after the projected has started due to the age of the building and size of the new window
M/S /P: Walser, Stotts to approve a Storefront Matching Grant for Cheryl Labat at the Glass
Apple in the amount of $3900.
6. Directors Report
Miles Seppelt gave the following report:
State Theater update: Everything is on schedule. The Theater will open at the beginning of
September with the apartments to open in October and retail space is to follow. The marquee is
expected to be installed any day now.
Hutch Hotel update: Bob Claybaugh Historic Preservation Architects made a visit earlier this
month to go over architectural design of the Hotel's signage and front windows. Bob's drawings
from that visit have come back and were presented to the Board for review.
Liquor Store update: The Liquor Store Committee has zeroed in on the Econo Foods block with
three possible locations for the new liquor store.
Streetscape Project update: SEH is working to complete the feasibility study for the Streetscape
project. The study should be complete within the first two weeks of August. This study will be used
to determine the amount of the project and property assessments.
Rix Corner: Miles reported that there is a local group with purchase agreements in place for this
property. Redevelopment of this corner could possibly include a large building that would enclose
three different types of shops on the main floor and apartments up above.
Industrial Park Update
Stritesky: Miles got the wetland delineation results back, as it turns out the Stritesky Property is not
categorized as wetland area. This is good news. The Stritesky property could be a possible location
for Creekside to relocate. There was discussion of the annexation of the Stritesky Property; Miles
stated that he and other staff are working with the Township to resolve concerns that the Township
has about the annexation. Miles also noted that the Stritesky and Cenex Properties are being put into
Creekside: The Board discussed access to the Stritesky Property and where the best location would
be for Creekside on the Stritesky Property if they were to relocate. Duane noted that the cleanup is
going well.
Cenex: Cenex is actively pursing interests to consolidate their locations. Currently they are having
appraisals done on both of their properties. Miles stated that Cenex talked about having an interest in
possibly sharing a location with Schmeling's tanks.
Wetherell: The Wetherell Property now has water and sewer in place. Miles showed the Board the
site plan. Miles said that he is waiting for site improvement estimates to come back and will report
back to the Board.
7. Chamber update
Tim Ulrich gave the following report:
Vi Mayer was honored with a celebration in Library Square prior to Music in the Park on July 19th
Tim stated that there was a good turnout and that everyone seemed to enjoy the event.
8. Other business
Grant and Loan Guidelines: Tim stated that the Finance Team reviewed the guidelines at the July
21 ", 2004 Finance Team meeting and noted that the Finance Team recommended to the EDA Board
the approval of the amendments of the Grant and Loan Guidelines. The Board reviewed a summary
that Don had prepared on the Grant and Loan Programs highlighting their successes. Miles asked if
Don's summary should go out as a press release. Don was ok with this and Tim asked Miles to check
on this. Jim mentioned that next month the HDA was going to have a spot in the newspaper instead
of a newsletter and that Don's summary might fit nicely into that. Miles said that he would check on
that as well.
M/S /P: Haugen, Stotts to approve the updated guidelines for the grant and loan programs as
McClure's Land Write Down- The Board would like to see a summary of the project that indicates
the role of the Land Write Down Incentive and what has come out of the project. Tim suggested that
Miles talk to Dick McClure on this for more information. Miles and Jacki have started to research the
Land Write Down Incentive and will come back to the Board next month with more information.
9. Set next meeting
The next meeting was set for Friday, August 27th° at 7:00 am.
10. Adjourn
The meeting adjourned at 7:58 a.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Jacki Pillatzki
EDA Intern