03-26-2004 EDAMHutchinson HCDC — An EDA
Board of Directors
Minutes of Meeting
Friday, March 26, 2004 at 7:00 a.m.
Members present in bold print:
Tim Ulrich Bob Windel Jim Haugen Don Walser
Duane Hoversten Keith Fischer Casey Stotts
Diane Gordon
Lisa McClure, Interim EDA Director
Susan Rolander, EDA Intern
1. Tim Ulrich called the meeting to order at 7:00 a.m.
2. Review minutes of February 27`h, 2004 EDA Board meeting.
M/S /P: Windel, Haugen to approve the EDA Board minutes of February 27`h, 2004 as written.
3. Review Minutes March 2004 Finance Team meetings.
M/S /P: Fischer, Windel to approve the minutes from the March 2004 meeting as written.
4. Review Minutes of March 2004 Industrial Park meetings.
M/S /P: Windel, Hoversten to approve the minutes from the March 2004 meeting as written.
5. Review Financial Statements
Since Ken Merrill is not present, Financial Statements for February and March will be reviewed at the
April meeting.
6. Directors Report
Lisa McClure gave the following report:
Lisa stated that loan payments are on track and explained that the rest of her topics are listed as
separate agenda items.
7. Appointments to Finance Team and Industrial Park Team
Lisa explained that there are two committee members who would like to step down, due to scheduling
conflicts. Each member has made a suggestion for a replacement. Gregg Sainsbury, Finance Team,
recommends Anthony Hanson to take his place. Buzz Burich, Industrial Park Team, recommends
Randy Voeller to take his place. There was some discussion about these recommendations.
M/S /P: Hoversten, Fischer to approve the appointment of Anthony Hanson to the Finance
M/S /P: Haugen, Hoversten to approve the appointment of Randy Voeller to the Industrial
Park Team.
8. 3M Expansion
Tim and Lisa explained that the JOBZ designation is no longer being pursued for the 3M expansion,
but 3M is still moving forward with the project. It is likely that 3M wanted the project done more
quickly than they believed the designation could be acquired.
9. Downtown Projects
Lisa directed the Board to review the survey results included in their packets, and provided a brief
explanation of the purpose of the survey. She also stated that a Lighting Committee and a
Construction Committee have been formed to deal with specific downtown issues. The Board asked
about the status of the Hutchinson Downtown Association, and some discussion followed. The Board
also asked about funding sources for the downtown streetscape. Possible funding sources for this
project include assessments, the city's general fund, or the EDA's downtown fund. The downtown
grant programs were also brought up. There was discussion on whether or not to reinstate these
programs. Further discussion will take place at the April Finance Team meeting.
10. Industrial Park Team Update
Diane Gordon from the Industrial Park Team updated the Board on the Raske partnership that had
been proposed. She explained the City's requirement to go through the bidding process, rather than
Just forming a partnership with Raske. This information was discovered as a result of a meeting
between Diane, Lisa, Susan, and Marc Sebora, City Attorney. The Industrial Park Team
recommended that the EDA move forward with the bidding process. Diane and Lisa will meet with
Andy from Raske to explain the City's requirement to use the bidding process.
The bid could be written with contingencies that must be fulfilled by the builder. This way, the EDA
could exercise some control over the design of the building. Raske could still make a proposal, if
they wanted to. It must be considered, however, that the bid not be written so exclusively that anyone
is barred from the process. Diane and Lisa will work to develop a bid, and request that Marc review
it. The Board was supportive of this plan.
Lisa updated the Board on the Wetherell property, and stated that the platting process is moving
11. Chamber Update
There was no Chamber business to discuss.
12. Other Business
Tim reported that Tom Daggett is working on plans for expansion of his Hutch Manufacturing
facility. Tim, Gary Plotz, and Julie Wischnack will meet with Tom to discuss how to proceed.
JimHaugen reported that the Planning Surveys have been reviewed. There were good responses
about the Planning and Building departments.
13. Set next meeting
The next meeting will be on Friday, April 23rd at 7:00 a.m.
14. Adjourn
The meeting adjourned at 8:00 a.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Susan Rolander
EDA Intern