01-23-2004 EDAMHutchinson HCDC — An EDA Board of Directors Minutes of Meeting Friday, January 23, 2004 Members present in bold print: Members: Tim Ulrich Bob Windel Jim Haugen Duane Hoversten Keith Fischer Casey Stotts Guests: Vi Mayer Tina Vorlicek Ken Merrill Staff: Lisa McClure, Interim EDA Director 1. Tim Ulrich called the meeting to order at 7:05 AM 2. Board Member Terms Don Walser Tim introduced Casey Stotts as the new Council appointee, along with Jim Haugen. He also noted that Jeff Haag has resigned as an EDA Board member and that Duane has taken his seat. 3. Review minutes of November 21, 2003 EDA Board meeting. M/S /P: Stotts, Fischer to approve the EDA Board minutes of November 21, 2003 as written. 4. Review Minutes of December 2003 and January 2004 Finance Team meetings. M/S /P: Haugen, Walser to approve the minutes from the December 2003 and January 2004 meetings as written. 5. Review Minutes of November 2003 and January 2004 Industrial Park meetings. M/S /P: Walser, Fischer to approve the minutes from the November 2003 and January 2004 meetings as written. 6. Review Financial Statements Tim Ulrich reviewed the financial statements for the Board. On page three he noted that Professional services have been paid to HKGi for the Downtown Study and for the Hackbarth condemnation proceedings. Also on page three, dues and subscriptions in the amount of $4,796, most of that was paid to the CVN. On page five, Tim noted that the Prince of Peace payment has been received. It was noted that this statement represents the Preliminary December 2003 numbers. M/S /P: Fischer, Haugen to approve the financial statements. 7. Directors Report Lisa McClure gave the following report: A. CVN The next CVN meeting has been scheduled for sometime in February. When Lisa gets more details on the time and date, she will let the board know so they can decide if any of them wish to attend. B. Hennen's Lisa has a meeting today with Ed Sanders, Manager of Hennen's. She would like to talk with him about how his business is going since the move and if they are happy in their new location. C. Liquor Store Candice was in attendance and she will talk more about the Liquor Store project a little later. D. SuperValu /Cub Representatives from Supervalu and Griffin Companies met with the Liquor Store team to discuss options for the Cub building, if there was to be a second South location for the liquor store. 8. Liquor Store update Candice Woods, Manager of the Liquor Hutch came to the board meeting to discuss the project. She handed out a memo that detailed her recommendation to have two store locations and supporting materials. Dakota Worldwide, consultant, is working on proformas to better understand what two stores could do. Candice stated that she firmly believes there should be a downtown presence. The current location is a good place for this operation. The board had a brief discussion about where they thought the project should go. 9. 2003 Annual Report Lisa prepared a summary report of the activities and financial statements from 2003 and a look forward to 2004 goals. The Board reviewed the report but had no comments. 10. 2003 Loan Update Lisa prepared a summary of the loan activity in 2003. She outlined which loans were paid in full, which loans were new in 2003 and which loans are new for 2004. 11. Hutchinson Downtown Association Update Lisa and Tim recapped the SWOT Analysis meeting. Lisa discussed the taskforce that was established to prepare a survey on downtown related issues. Duane will be on the taskforce to assist in keeping some continuity in downtown activities. The Chamber of Commerce will also be heavily involved in the coming months. There has been some discussion about whether the HDA should fold into the Chamber. New goals should be set to get more members and more people involved. The Special Service District idea was revisited. Finding a way to make everyone happy may be very difficult. The Board stated that they would be willing to put in matching funds if the downtown could come up with some money for projects on their own. The board sees that the Downtown Study is valuable and will be used in the coming years to implement projects. 12. Industrial Park Team Update Tim updated the board on the Industrial Park Teams efforts to make plans to develop the Wetherell and Stritesky properties. They have met with Raske to discuss options for the Wetherell property. The services will be to the property in the summer and a building could be up around the same time. Dick McClure is also interested in more land to do another business park. A letter from Dick was included in the packet. The Compost facility is interested in renting 20 acres. The road access and sanitary sewer are the two biggest issues. Representatives from the city, EDA, and Cenex will be meeting in early February to discuss the possibility of consolidating properties. 13. Chamber Update Tina gave the Chamber update. They are re- organizing their committees, the annual meeting is February 5th, they will have legislative conference calls again this year, and there is new activity in the Hotel. 14. Communications Lisa included a thank you letter from Southwest Minnesota Foundation for the board to review. The City is also hosting a reception for Duane Hoversten, as he is no longer on the City Council. 15. Other Business The board would like to recognize Jeff Haag for his service to the EDA and the City. At one of the February Council Meetings, the Mayor will recognize Jeff by giving him a plaque. 16. Set next meeting The next meeting will be on Friday, February 27, 2004. 17. Adjourn The meeting adjourned at 8:30 a.m. Respectfully submitted, Lisa McClure EDA Interim Director